God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 823: looking for (1)

Ye Que has been flying in the starry sky for a long time, but he still hasn't found the Ancient God Realm, which is so strange.

The Ancient God Realm isn't too small, and it's very conspicuous, so it shouldn't be hard to find it.

"It should have been hidden by the first ancient god."

Ye Que pondered.

When the early ancient gods created the Ancient God Realm, they may have considered this reason.

"Wait until I go to the Ancient God Realm and look at its edges! After becoming an Ancient God, I really haven't done this before!"

Thinking of this, he flew back to the world of beasts.

Que'er is still competing. Although he is out of danger, he is not afraid of 10,000 or just in case, so he has to take care of him.

As soon as he flew back, Ye Que felt something was wrong.

There are many yin and yang three-step realms and Daoyuan realm breaths in the Yaotian Palace.

And all the big demons, rulers, sons and daughters of heaven, including Que'er Di Xiwei and others, have returned to the vicinity of Yaotian Palace.

They were being inspected by a group of warriors wearing uniform armor, and the atmosphere was tense.

"What happened?"

Ye Que frowned and said to himself, when he flew over, no one [书趣阅www.shuquge.co] paid attention to him, and seemed to be very relieved of him.

He did know why.

Just rushed to the starry sky to accept the baptism of the guardian of the six realms, so everyone can rest assured.

"What happened?"

Ye Que asked Di Xiwei.

A strong woman wanted to search Di Xiwei, but Di Xiwei hesitated for a moment and did not resist.

After searching, Di Xiwei said in a low voice, "The Beast God Halberd from Yaotian Palace is gone!"

Ye Que's body shook, and he subconsciously looked at the Yaotian Palace. It happened that an old man with white hair and plain clothes walked out of the Yaotian Palace.

The two looked at each other, with a tacit understanding in their eyes.

"Senior, but the extraterrestrial star demon stole it?"

Ye Que transmitted the voice, a little worried.

The Beast God Halberd symbolizes the master of the world, and has a huge influence, which cannot be lost.

"You tell me in detail about your encounter with the extraterrestrial star demon."

The white-haired plain-clothed old man transmitted sound transmission.

Except for the statue in the secret room, Ye Que told about all the encounters with the extraterrestrial star demons.

After a while, many strong men went to Fentiandu to investigate.

It's a pity that they came a step late. In the underground secret room of the Tiandu Mansion in Fentiandu, the starry sky fan created by the alien star demon has already annihilated itself.

They found nothing but fragments of statues.

But before that, an invisible ray of magic thought had been sent out by the alien star demon, and went straight to the other end of the distant starry sky.

"Just wait for the people of the same race to come over."

Only the head of the monster, the alien star demon, remained.

He jumped on the Beast God Halberd and went to some mysterious place to heal and hide.

Three years later.

That ray of magic thought traveled across countless star fields, and finally came to the base camp of the Star Demon.

There is the supreme magic soil here, which is refined from countless stars, and an unknown number of souls are buried here, full of death and terror.

There are many terrifying star demons living here, and many star races have become their slaves.

Daoyuanjing star demons are here, they can only pass by cautiously, for fear of annoying the supreme powerhouses.

call out!

As soon as Mo Nian arrived at the Demon Land, a giant hand came out from nothingness and searched Mo Nian all over.

After a while, there were gods whispering in the magic land of the starry sky.


The star demons who can cover a starry sky rush out of the magic soil, and the source of Dao can only follow behind.

"Please open the gate of the starry sky and cross countless star fields in one step. We will destroy the ancient gods and devour the six realms!"

Many supreme powerhouses bow down in the starry sky.

The Daoyuan Realm Star Demon followed behind, bowing reverently.

"I don't need to open the gate of the starry sky. I will give you three years to swallow all the creatures along the way!"

The gods in the starry sky whispered, each word carried a great mystery, rippling every corner of the starry sky, and everyone who listened was loosened.

"You wait for the order!"

Many supreme powerhouses gathered into the Kuroshio, crossing the starry sky in the starry sky. Any living beings encountered along the way could not escape their claws, and even some huge stars were smashed by them when they blocked the way.

Time to go back to the Demon Heaven Palace.

Although the head of the extraterrestrial demon was destroyed, the disappearance of the beast **** halberd still caused a lot of fluctuations. Many strong people ran around in the world of beasts, looking for the beast **** halberd, and some strong people went to other realms, or looked for it in the starry sky .

Ye Que participated in the search, but after half a year failed, he gave up.

He also has his own things to do, so he can't focus on the World of Beasts.

For more than half a year, the construction of the golden stick is getting closer and closer to the Taoist soldiers.

Bai Yuyan, Fen Yu, Fen Ran, and the Taoist soldiers of the former Palace Master Fen Tian were dismantled by him one by one and used to forge golden sticks.

He did not forget the mission of the God of Forging.

God of Forging: With the **** iron as the core, create a Yin-Yang level weapon, become a master of forging, and get a breakthrough reward for crossing Yin-Yang

Forging a Taoist soldier can once again have the reward of crossing yin and yang. His breakthrough to the second step depends on the forging of the Taoist soldier.

In addition, he also forged a pure black ancient sword embryo for Di Xiwei, adding Taoist materials and divine iron fragments.

It is enough to create a sword embryo, and the rest needs to be cultivated by Di Xiwei with the Dao.

Each Taoist soldier is a unique weapon of the builder, and needs to be cultivated by oneself.


Ye Que stood at the height of Fentiandu, looking at this peaceful world, his heart was peaceful.


There is a strong momentum spreading in Tiandu Mansion below.

"I broke through again!"

Jin Duande's voice came.

The corner of Ye Que's mouth curled up.

The Dao source power of Wuheng Patriarch is infinitely close to the origin of the world, and the power contained in it is even envied by Ye Que.

It's a pity that the ancient god's body can't be absorbed, but it's absolutely impossible to give it up. It's best to give it to the clones.

For the avatars in the realm of life and death and the realm of transcendence, the power of Daoyuan of the ancestor Wuheng is more precious than any treasure in the six realms. After absorbing it and practicing it, a small realm can be reached in a few days.

Not long after, Huang Youyao flew over.

She was wearing a long red dress, and her beautiful eyes had the demeanor of a mother in the world, gentle and virtuous, even in this world, there are few such beauties.

"You came."

It was Ye Que who asked her to come, and stroked her hair softly and smoothly.


There was doubt in Huang Youyao's eyes.

"You have reached the peak of life and death, and you need to raise your life level to break through to transcendence. I have also prepared the treasure of your evolution."

Ye Que explained her confusion.

"Is it evolving now?"

Huang Youyao asked softly.

"Then do you want to wait?"

Ye Que hugged her slender waist and flew into the setting sun and sea of ​​clouds.

Lingering in the sea of ​​clouds.

When they came back, one was flushed with drunkenness, and walked weakly, while the other was refreshed, with his head held high.

"Can it evolve now?"

Ye Que smiled but wasn't smiling.

Huang Youyao rolled his eyes at him, and that touch of amorous feelings overshadowed the world.

Ye Que stopped making fun of him. With a wave of his hand, more than a dozen treasure boxes floated in front of him, and he said seriously, "They are all evolutionary treasures! You can evolve however you want."

"Everything is up to you."

Huang Youyao didn't look at the treasure box, it was up to Ye Que to choose.

Ye Que smiled and said: "You are a fairy beast of the fairy clan now, so let's go up along the way."

With a wave of his hand, all the treasure boxes were taken away, leaving only one red treasure box.

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