God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2068: The rivers and lakes are far away, if there is a destiny, we will meet again

Zixian doctor saw Ye Que frowning tightly, and his heart skipped a beat.

She said eagerly: "If you give me your eternal opportunity, I will give you everything I have, including myself!"

Doctor Zixian said seriously.

Ye Que remained silent.

Doctor Zixian sighed, took another step closer and said, "I know this is unrealistic, so I will trade with you at this time."

She radiated purple light, the **** of tools outside, walking on a regular road, very difficult, rickety, far away from the gate of eternity.

"You have 50% of the eternal opportunity, and you can only get it if the Artifact God becomes eternal."

"If the Artifact God becomes an eternal failure, your eternal opportunity will naturally be gone."

Doctor Zixian said seriously.

Ye Que asked the system in his heart if what Zixian doctor said was true.

"What she said is indeed true. Only when the Artifact God becomes eternity can you get a 50% chance of eternity. Whether you are looking for an opportunity of eternity or hitting the gate of eternity, there is a 50% chance!"

At this point, the system changed the topic: "However, you can't reach a bet deal with her. Even if the God of Artifacts becomes eternal is uncertain, it is still possible to become eternal!"

"Ye Gushen, once the God of Equipment becomes eternal, there is a 50% chance of covering you. You are the most likely to become eternal life in the future! It's just that you have to wait another ten billion years, you can afford it!"

The system is firm.

"But what if Qi Shen fails?"

Ye Que replied.

"Even if you fail, there is no loss for you! Everyone is back to the starting point! For you, rejecting her is the most reasonable!"

system way.

Ye Que was silent.

In fact, after he returned to Yuanshen Realm, he didn't have much desire for cultivation.

It's just that in order to save people, he had to become stronger.

Now that there is an eternal opportunity in front of him, it is impossible for him not to be tempted.

After all, it's not that he doesn't have the desire to practice, it's just not strong.

Now, he has a probability of getting 50% of the eternal opportunity, how could he give up.

Even if he didn't get it, he didn't lose it.

"Whether Qishen can become eternal is still hard to say. I am willing to make a deal with you first. No matter whether Qishen succeeds or fails, I will still fulfill my promise."

Zixian doctor said again, his mood fluctuated.

"Master and apprentice, why do you humiliate yourself, you are not at all like the former Ziyi sister."

Ye Que sighed, raised his head, stared at her, then stretched out his hand, gently stroking her cheek, warm and moist.

Seeing his attitude and tone of voice, Doctor Zixian probably guessed his attitude.

She lowered her head slightly and murmured, "You don't understand."


Trembling voices came from all directions.

A large amount of vitality descended from the sky and merged into the earth. The dead trees on the earth rejuvenated, and the seeds germinated, full of vitality.

This is the resurrection of all things!

Ye Que and Zixian doctor turned their heads together and looked at Qishen.

In the sky, where is the figure of the **** of weapons.

At the end of the sky, the gate of eternity for refining equipment, which was blooming with bright light, has been opened, and the figure of the equipment **** just stepped in.

God of Equipment, open the gate of eternity!

Blessings come down from heaven and earth.

The void is trembling, and all things are revived, this is welcoming the arrival of the new eternity!

The other eternal beings who pay attention to all this from afar quietly retreat.

The emergence of the new eternity is a foregone conclusion, there is no need to wait too much.

Suddenly, a stern laughter came from outside the mountain. It was a life of a foreign race exuding a lifeless spirit laughing up to the sky, laughing with despair and anger.

"If there is no Eternal Mountain to help you, how can you become eternal! It is mine!"

This alien life screamed and screamed, went crazy, and was emotionally mad. He stepped out, dragging his rotten body and rushing towards the gate of eternity.

"It's mine! It's mine! I've waited 17.5 billion years, I've waited enough, I'm dying, it's mine! Give it back to me!"

boom! !

The life of the alien race erupted with terrifying power of the supreme source god, and was about to rush into the gate of eternity.

Outside the gate of eternity, the divine light of rules lingers.

Contact with lower life forms instantly turned into nothingness.

This alien life bumped into it, and then disappeared without a sound under the gaze of all the beings.

The pinnacle of an era fell instantly!

Not even qualified to touch the gate of eternity, he died.

Many despaired, empathized, the rabbit died and the fox was sad.

Some Jue Dian left with a big smile, some Jue Dian left silently, and some of them saw through everything and chose to leave the Source God Realm and go to the True God Realm to live in seclusion.

Less than eternity, lifespan is limited.

It's just that this limit has its strengths and weaknesses, and in the end, it will eventually die.

Many Yuanshen who have reached the peak have already passed more than half of their lifespan, and they can already see the end of their own death.

Only by becoming eternal can life be eternal.

They all want to be eternal, but neither can be eternal.

Now, the new eternity is born, and all opportunities are ruined.

In this era, no life can be eternal.

For many peaks, at this moment, there is nothing more sorrow than death.

Ye Que stared blankly, he didn't expect someone to be so desperate.

Then, the purple fairy doctor who has already sensed that the eternal opportunity is coming is probably even more desperate?

He turned his head and looked at Doctor Zixian.

"I can understand you. If I were you, I wouldn't give up the eternal opportunity for nothing."

"Master and apprentice, I won't blame you. When it comes to liking, it's true. Your performance in Eternal Mountain is really touching. It's a pity that the road is far away. If there is a destiny, we will meet again."

Doctor Zixian stretched out his hand and embraced Ye Que, and in the deep embrace, she disappeared.


The number one medicine fairy of Eternal Mountain went down the mountain and left, and the medicine in the medicine garden was also taken away by the medicine fairy.

There is no trace of her in the world, let alone her news, as if the world has evaporated.

Ye Que stood where he was, feeling a little empty in his heart.

He knew that his choice was right, but it was very uncomfortable.

Similarly, he is also a human being. To be honest, in his subconscious mind, he does not want the Artifact God to become eternal.

Because the God of Equipment becomes eternal, it is equivalent to depriving all the lives of the heavens and the world, and competing for the opportunity of eternity.

Even if he can have a 50% chance.

But what is the difference between this invisible thing and painting a pie?

The Eternal Ancestor of Artifact Refining was born, and for tens of billions of years after that, he will only be able to wander around in the Yuanshen Realm.

It's just that no one can stop the birth of a new eternity.

The only spiritual comfort for him can only be the illusory 50% eternal opportunity.

My deepest regret may be the departure of Doctor Zixian.

They never stated their master-student status, but the two did have a mentor-student relationship. Although the time was short, the experience was profound.

To say that the most tragic person in the world may be his master.

Obviously relying on his own efforts, he was about to see the eternal opportunity, but at the last moment, he was ruined by the **** of weapons.

But Qishen is also right, he just had better luck.

The medicine garden has become empty.

Standing here, Ye Que felt a little desolate, and always felt that something was missing.

He looked up at the sky, the gate of eternity for the refining tool has been closed, the tool **** should be in the process of transformation, and he doesn't know when it will come out.

His thoughts were a little confused.


It's really an illusory pit of despair that makes people can't help but jump into it.

Even the purple fairy doctor who was invincible for an era is no exception.

Also at this time, there was an eternal light shining on the Eternal Mountain in the sky, and it was the Eternal Patriarch who opened his eternal door, and he might meet the God of Equipment.

At that level, Qishen is already at the same level as Eternity, and he is not from the same world as him.

In the future, when he met Qishen, he would also have to address him as Patriarch of Eternal Mountain. If there is any disrespect, the sky will be angry.

After that, Eternal Mountain fell into peace.

Many supreme beings returned to the mountain, most of them chose to retreat, and some of them chose to leave the Eternal Mountain.

Like the ancient Heavenly Emperor, he left and took Gu Qingyi to a distant place.

Ye Que lived alone in Ziyi Mountain, and his daily practice was to practice the medical skills and poison techniques passed down to him by the Zixian doctor, and occasionally he would go to the medicine garden to be in a daze.

The entire Eternal Mountain has become much quieter and more depressing than usual.

Until a month later, Ye Que suddenly had a rule that subconsciously thought was correct.

That rule is absurd, but he thinks it is very reasonable. It seems that there should be such a rule in the laws of operation between heaven and earth.

And this rule can be described in one sentence - Ye Gushen can't attack him until he reaches the Eternal Realm.

It's not just Ye Que who thinks this sentence is reasonable, but also all the supreme source gods of Eternal Mountain, other source gods, and even all living beings think it is reasonable.

It didn't take long for him to figure it out.

The Artifact God becomes the New Eternal, possessing the ability to define new rules once.

And the new rule is the sentence above.

Qishen took advantage of the new rules to protect him.

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow

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