God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2061: Embryo resonance, one body and three forms are really going to succeed!

Ye Que's unlimited firepower has always been won by quantity, quality can be ignored.

But this time, his infinite firepower was different.

Not only are there many in quantity, but they are also of high quality. Each of them is a top secret technique, either from the Eternal Mountain or from the Mystic Temple.

This is scary.

Waves of destructive aura flowed out from the 50 billion supernatural powers. A group of Tianjiao who were still unbalanced by the cooperation just now turned around and ran away.

Even the former battle madmen like Gu Tiandi had a crooked tone, but he let them run away vigorously, unable to fight, this guy is too fierce.

Gu Qingyi's complexion changed again and again, and he was still a little unwilling before, thinking that if he fought alone, even if he couldn't beat Senior Brother Ye, he could at least get a tie.

Now it seems that she thinks too much.

Once the infinite firepower is released, everyone has to run away.


Emperor Fan Ming, a bald young man, was as fast as he was when he was attacking Ye Que before.

The hearts of a group of supreme beings are trembling.

The secret technique they taught Ye Que was not for this purpose.

This girl is too evil.

In the long history of Yuanshen Realm, there is not a single example that can hold the bottom boxes of the top lives of various eras and make up a sea of ​​supernatural powers.

They have known each other for a long time.

"Huh? No, I'm starting to exhaust myself."

The sea of ​​clouds was far away, with its mouth wide open, obviously shocked, but at this moment, it sensed that the sea of ​​supernatural powers was dimming.

"Obviously, if you want to use so many supernatural powers in the bottom box, you will consume a huge amount of divine power. He is only in one form now, and his realm is low, so he cannot supply too much divine power."

Gu Tiandi's face gradually calmed down, and after thinking about it, he uttered the question.

Every secret technique of suppressing the bottom box has great destructive power, and the corresponding consumption of divine power is also extremely high.

It is enough to use all the secretaries who suppressed the bottom box at once, relying on the fighting method, and it is enough to defy the sky, but the consumption of divine power required is also exponentially increased.

"This kid is still too reluctant. If you add another form, or the realm reaches Yuanzun, you can barely display it."

On Ziyi Mountain, Doctor Zi frowned lightly, but his eyes were still full of relief.

Even if the cast fails, it doesn't matter, as long as the realm improves, or the form returns, the next cast will definitely succeed.

Ye Que's forehead was sweating, and his face gradually turned pale. A large number of top secret techniques were deduced through fighting methods, and the consumption was too huge.

I didn't feel it at the beginning, but as the light of the mysterious technique became brighter and brighter, the consumption of divine power was absorbed tens of times and hundreds of times.

And this is still a state where the secret art has not been fully formed. If it is formed, the consumption of divine power will be even more terrifying.

"If the system is there, it will definitely remind me in advance."

Ye Que's eyes were dim, he shook off distracting thoughts, and silently gave up using infinite firepower.

Also at this moment, there is a penetrating power in the dark, which shoots out from a distant place and rushes into his whole body in an instant.

boom! !

The brain seemed to be shaken by thunder, and lava fire flowed out of the body instantly, and endless divine power emerged from the power of communication out of thin air.

Ye Que turned his head abruptly, looking at the sky in the direction of Tiangong Mountain.

The power of communication comes from Tiangong Mountain.

He clearly sensed that the embryo was establishing communication with him.


A soaring divine light shot out from Tiangong Mountain.

That divine light flowed with the flame of the Divine Fire of Absolute Beginning, and even the thunder of Myriad Tribulations shot out, spreading in all directions.

The faces of the supreme beings changed slightly, and they looked over one after another.

"It's the glory of the sky—the breath of the divine fire of the beginning."

"There is also the fluctuation of the eternal law, isn't that the eternal law of this kid - the thunder of a thousand calamities?"

Discussions from all the supreme beings, a bold conjecture surged out of my heart.

"Boy Ye, you're going to succeed!"

In the direction of Tiangong Mountain, Tiangong's crazy voice, accompanied by laughter, rumbled across the world.

Ye Que's face changed slightly. After half a year of **** forging, and with the constant help of the tool gods, the forging of three forms in one body is really going to succeed?

"Hey, no, the gestation of organ embryos is slowing down and dimming!"

Tiangong yelled in horror, with a sense of fear in it.

This is an unprecedented creation, he created it with his own hands, and now that the gestation of the organ embryo is about to fade, he becomes very scared.

"Stinky boy, continue!"

Immortal doctor Zi stepped into the sky step by step, like a fairy descending from nine heavens, her eyes stared deeply at the 50 billion supernatural powers in front of Ye Que, and she shouted.

Only then did Ye Que come back to his senses, and found that 50 billion magical powers were disappearing.

With a loud shout, he cast another 50 billion magical powers.

boom! !

The supernatural powers of transforming the sea are shining again, and each top secret technique is activated again, exuding a terrifying aura.

With the recovery of a large number of secret arts, the consumption of divine power has become even greater.

Fortunately, from the power of communication, infinite divine power poured in, maintaining the consumption of divine power.

Ye Que speculated that this was the organ embryo providing him with divine power.

Because his divine power consumption is too terrifying, it affects the organ embryo, thus speeding up the tacit communication between the organ embryo and the body, and indirectly speeding up the gestation of the organ embryo.

Thinking of this, Ye Que knew that this was an opportunity and he couldn't give up, so he roared loudly, shaking the heavens and the earth.

"Form me!"

He roared, wanting to form all 50 billion magical powers.

Wanfa Spear, Jue Dian Yuanshen's sure-kill secret technique, is becoming more and more radiant at this moment, faintly solidifying.

The Emperor Sword of the Heavens, one of the giants of the Mysterious Temple, the ultimate skill of the ancestor of the Heavenly Sword, is also being solidified at this moment

Ancient Heaven War Fist, Immortal Finger, Ten Thousand Laws Heavenly Seal...

Each one is solidifying.

Once it is solidified, it is equivalent to awakening the ultimate power of the absolute mysticism.

"It's the master!"

The supreme life exclaimed.

"Impossible to form, our top secret technique, mere master, impossible to wake up!"

Gu Tiandi frowned, his expression was terrifying, and there was a kind of divine nature of war flowing, which gave people a terrible feeling.

"It doesn't matter whether it is formed or not, the most important thing is the birth of three forms in one body!"

The purple fairy doctor snorted coldly, staring at Ye Que.

"keep going!"

Tiangong roared in the distance.

Ye Que was also roaring, urging a large number of secret techniques as much as possible, continuously sublimating, and moving towards the forming stage.

The result of this is the consumption of divine power, which is even more terrifying.

Even the divine power from the embryo can't be supplied.

This leads to organ embryos and speeds up the supply of divine power.

In the end, with a bang, it erupted with a brighter divine light, and it was accelerating its gestation and transformation.

On Tiangong Mountain, the soaring divine light is expanding, and all life can clearly see the bright light.


Within the embryo, the Thunder of Myriad Tribulations is being rapidly absorbed. The once repelling force is now forcibly suppressed and forcibly fused by the embryo.


On Ye Que's side, the flames of lava flowing from his body have engulfed him, and his own aura is rapidly hitting the peak of dominance, and he is about to jump to the realm of Yuanzun.

"Suppress the realm! Your tenth sky mark has come! Once you break through, you will lose the chance to increase the sky mark forever!"

The purple fairy doctor stepped out and came to Ye Que's side, with purple awns blooming all over his body, and a terrifying aura that could make all the supreme beings palpitate flowed out.

She was ready to assist Ye Que and suppress the realm.

And above Ye Que's head, the sky was dark, and a crack was about to appear.

That was the first sky mark of the ancient god, and also Ye Que's tenth sky mark.

Also at this time.

The source of the God Realm is the Nine Desolations in the East.

One of the Nine Desolations, the Ancient Desolation God's Punishment Cliff.

On the cliff shrouded by eternal power, a giant tortoise that had been dead for a long time revived, and its fierce eyes slowly opened.


In the middle of writing, the power went out, unlucky, I went downstairs to charge the electricity bill, and rushed to draft, sorry everyone

[Author's Digression]: And

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