God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2056: ancient emperor

Emperor Fanming left without saying anything, and the people outside Ziyi Mountain gradually dispersed after seeing him.

Someone once said that Senior Brother Ye is really extraordinary to carry the Eternal Divine Mountain on his back once.

The resolute behavior of refining weapons in the Eternal Mountain also shows that it is extraordinary.

But this cannot prevent him from trouble for a lifetime.

He challenged him again and again, and he remained silent again and again.

The lives of those peers who were touched by him climbing the ladder with the eternal sacred mountain on his back also went from admiration, respect, to disappointment and helplessness time and time again.

As long as he can accept a challenge, even if he loses, everyone will still not look down on him.

After all, there are many monsters in Eternal Mountain, so Senior Brother Ye can understand if he loses once.

In a world where martial arts are the most important thing, even the Eternal Mountain, which transcends the outside world, has to use force to prove its strength.

Brother Ye didn't even have the courage to take the challenge, so he lost his heart.

On Ziyi Mountain, Zixian doctor poured divine water on the top medicine, and seeing the challenger returning disappointed, he said, "You really can hold your breath."

Ye Que did not speak, immersed in reviewing what he had learned.

"Your actions of climbing the ladder and refining weapons with your body have captured the hearts of many girls. You let them down again and again, and Sister Ziyi feels very heartbroken after seeing it."

Doctor Zixian started to be dishonest again, with a heartbroken look on his face, feeling sorry for Ye Que.

Ye Que's face was dark, and he was faintly distracted from his concentration.

"If I were you, I would have chased them down immediately, and then cooked the raw rice. The skin of those girls feels tender, white and young, stained..."

The more the Zixian doctor talked, the more she drifted away. She was such a beautiful woman, and she made a longing look with her hands clasped in front of her chest. Ye Que couldn't bear to listen to it, and couldn't bear to look at it.

Ye Que really couldn't concentrate, he looked at Zixian Doctor with a dark face, implying that you are a woman, a woman!

"Especially Gu Qingyi, she is the direct descendant of the Ancient Heaven Emperor. It is rumored that no opposite **** has ever touched her heart. When she first came to Ziyi Mountain and challenged you, the anticipation in her eyes and the excitement on her face, It made my heart beat."

Doctor Zixian shook his body lightly, and Ye Que's face turned darker: "Then you go and live with her."

Ye Que left with a dark face.

Doctor Zixian looked at Ye Que with beautiful eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, as if he was holding a chance of winning.

She said: "Emperor Gu Tian once taught you the Gu Tian War Fist, but he never told you that he is the only person in our Eternal Mountain who has broken the eternal restriction."

Ye Que paused.

Doctor Zi stretched out his hand to fan the wind, and sighed: "It's so hot, I was just beaten back by a junior, it's hot and uncomfortable."

As she spoke, she showed an aggrieved look, then turned her head and looked at Ye Que with a smile hidden in her eyes.

She wanted to see how Ye Que begged her next, it would be fun.

Never thought that Ye Que would not follow her tricks, and Sa Yazi would slip away and go straight to the ancient Tianshan Mountains. This is to find a way by himself.

The Zixian doctor was taken aback for a moment, and then he gritted his teeth: "Brat, come back to me!"

"Thank you sister Ziyi for reminding me, I'll be back soon!"

Ye Que ran away without a trace.

"Sleep outside tonight! Don't enter Ziyi Mountain!"

Zixian's medical qi kept humming.

Ye Que turned into a stream of light, passing over several mountains in an instant, rolling up a long string of clouds.

The sea of ​​clouds outside the ancient Tianshan Mountains.

Gu Qingyi was wearing white light armor, with rays of light flowing from his body, like a celestial being, far away from the mortal world.

She was whispering with several equally extraordinary young girls who were traveling with her, chatting about the affairs of the girls' homes.

Suddenly, a gust of wind hit from behind, interrupting the whispers of several people.

They are all of the same generation in the nearby mountains, all of them are extraordinary, with strong energy and blood, absolute temperament, and surrounded by luminous visions.

There is a strong wind blowing at this moment, which means that it is an uninvited guest, which gives people a sense of unkindness.

Their faces turned cold, and they all turned around to look, and when they saw the person coming, they were all stunned.

"Senior Brother Ye, why are you here?"

There was a girl with a sky mark on her forehead, stepping on the stream of stars, and asked in surprise.

Ye Que took a breath, staring fixedly at Gu Qingyi, thinking about how to speak.

But in the eyes of outsiders, after Ye Que came here so quickly, he just stared at Gu Qingyi and didn't speak. It's a bit like he came here for Gu Qingyi and wanted to tell Gu Qingyi something unusual. things.

Taking a closer look, Ye Que's eyes were still a little hot.

The meaning here is worth thinking about.

Gu Qingyi's expression was cold at first, thinking that Ye Que was looking for Master in the Mountain, but seeing him coming quickly, losing his manners, and heading straight to her, the burning eyes in his eyes made her understand something.

Gradually, her indifferent expression became strange, her eyes flickered left and right, and she didn't dare to look at Ye Que.

The girls around were as beautiful as angels, with radiance overflowing, and their beautiful eyes looked left and right, with a hint of tacit understanding. They guessed something and looked forward to it, wondering what would happen next.

"Ye...Brother Ye, why are you looking at me all the time?"

Gu Qingyi's eyes flickered, his tone of voice fluctuated, and his face was burning hot.

Ye Que took a deep breath, and was about to ask whether Senior Ancient Heaven Emperor had broken the eternal restriction, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that he couldn't ask such a question.

If Senior Ancient Heaven Emperor wanted to talk, he would have told him already.

After all, Senior Gu Tiandi drank the wine he gave, and occasionally liked to brag in front of the juniors. Ye Que heard a lot of secrets, but he never heard that Gu Tiandi had broken the eternal restriction.

This is probably some unspeakable secrets of the ancient emperor's predecessors.

Otherwise, when you're bragging, why don't you brag about such a compelling thing?

He is asking recklessly now, and what he is asking is still the apprentice of the ancient emperor, it is too impolite, and he has a feeling of exposing the secret of his master face to face.

For a while, he regretted that he should have consulted Zixian Doctor first.

"Ye... Brother Ye?"

Gu Qingyi took a deep breath, calmed down, and spoke a little calmly.

"Oh... oh, I'm here to tell you that I'm here to accept your challenge."

Ye Que laughed.

Gu Qingyi's heart was shocked, and a sense of surprise surged out. She looked at Ye Que firmly and said, "You are finally, finally willing to accept my challenge!"

After sending down the challenge book six times, Senior Brother Ye didn't respond every time, which gave her a feeling that the other party was afraid of fighting, which disappointed her, and some of the changes in her heart disappeared at first.

Now, senior fellow apprentice Ye came to her personally to accept her challenge.

For some reason, the feeling of going to Ziyi Mountain to challenge Brother Ye for the first time gradually surged out again.

"However, you are now the middle-level Wudao Tianhen Yuanzun, and I have no ability to leapfrog!"

Ye Que spread his hands.

"It's okay! Brother Ye, I'll wait until I know that you climbed the ladder and fell to the realm, so when I challenge, I will suppress the realm to the master, but..."

Gu Qingyi changed from his usual coldness, his eyes were bright, and his tone of voice was full of emotion.

Speaking of the latter, I actually smiled a little embarrassedly: "It's just that when I was the ruler, I produced seven sky marks, and now I have absorbed five sky marks into my body in the Yuanzun state. Accompanied by the combat power of the five skylines."

"On the sky mark, you will suffer a little."

Gu Qingyi learned from the master that Senior Brother Ye's sky mark has been absorbed by another body, and now Senior Brother Ye doesn't have a single sky mark.

"No problem, as long as I can fight with you, I don't care whether the skyline is not the skyline."

Ye Que said that it's not a problem, you can beat me up like crazy, as long as you can find ways to get Gu Tianzun to save the giant tortoise itself, you can talk about anything.

But this guy, don't think about it from another angle. What a misunderstanding he will cause if he says this.

Gu Qingyi's delicate body trembled, her head was lowered, her face was hot, very hot, she nodded without saying a word, turned around and flew away.

"Tsing Yi, find a challenging time."

Ye Que shouted.

"Brother, it will be fine."

Gu Qingyi, who flew into the ancient Tianshan Mountain, replied, his voice was unclear, but there was a charm of suppressing a certain emotion in it.

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow

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