God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2053: The rise of natal weapons, one body and three forms

Before going to Tiangong Mountain, Ye Que made full preparations. He never thought that the old man of Tiangong had been waiting for him for a long time.

Smelling the aroma of wine every day, the essence of the great medicine in it is really eye-catching.

Now that Ye Que came to the door with wine, the God of Heavenly Artifacts was a little more mature and prudent, and agreed to Ye Que's request.

Artifact Temple.

"Your natal weapon uses the body refining method of the Mystic Temple. The bones are the tripod, the blood is the guide, and the veins are the veins. It is indeed wonderful!"

Tian Gong wore a plain gray coat and walked forward with his hands behind his back.

Halfway there, he stopped, turned around and looked at Ye Que and said, "Bring me your natal weapon and let me have a look."

Ye Que handed over a sack, which was full of colorful iron fragments, like pebbles, bumped and rattled.

Tiangong looked at it for a long time before asking: "Isn't your weapon a stick?"

"This is the stick."

Ye Que looked at Senior Tiangong, helplessly and said seriously.

Tiangong was speechless for a long time. He guessed that the weapon might be damaged, but he didn't expect it to be so completely damaged. A good stick was completely reduced to pieces.

"Senior, can you cultivate well?"

Ye Que asked.

Tiangong pondered for a long time, and said: "Since it is broken, there is no need to repair it, just rebuild it."

Having said that, his eyes lit up a little, and there was a slight hint of excitement in his subtle expression, as if he remembered something.

Ye Que remained silent, waiting for him quietly.

"I have studied the body-forging method of the Mystic Temple. It is indeed a wonderful method of refining weapons. Using the body to refine weapons can make it impossible for anyone to take it away."

When Tiangong said this, he paused for a moment, shook his head and said, "But there is still a defect."

"Senior, please enlighten me."

Ye Que said respectfully.

"This kind of refining method is just cultivating the weapon as an organ of the refiner. It cannot live and die together, and it does not conform to the original intention of refining weapons with the body."

Tiangong shook his head and continued.

"Since the weapon is refined by the body, the natal weapon should be as powerful as the body. The weapon should be in that state according to the state of the refiner. It is not that the weapon does not move when the refiner becomes stronger."

Tiangong spoke in a somewhat excited tone, and mixed his own thoughts into it.

Ye Que remembered sharing realms. He used to think it was against the sky, but after reaching a high level, he felt very relaxed.

In a low realm, it is not difficult for weaker people to temporarily have a slightly higher realm.

The difficulty is that the higher the realm, the more difficult it is to share the realm, because the higher the level of life, the harder it is to copy.

At this time, Tian Gong continued.

"Even, the weapon refiner and the natal weapon should have two forms of one body. If the weapon refiner does not die, the weapon will not die."

"On the contrary, the weapon will not die, even if the weapon refiner is instantly killed, as long as the weapon is still there, the weapon refiner can be resurrected on the spot."

Tiangong held the sack tightly, with excited guesses in his eyes.

As a master who has reached the peak of eternity, it is very tempting to challenge a new round of higher difficulty in refining.

Ye Que was startled: "One body, two forms?"

Isn't this him and the giant tortoise?

However, the limitation of Ye Que's one body and two forms is that the ancient **** is alive, and if the giant tortoise dies, it is really dead.

Conversely, if the giant tortoise is still alive and the ancient **** is dead, he is really dead, and the ancient **** will not die just because the giant tortoise is alive.

His current giant tortoise autopsy is equivalent to death, which leads to the fall of the ancient **** realm, which is a typical manifestation of limitations.

Moreover, the realms of ancient gods and giant tortoises cannot be shared.

In the past, the low realm was okay, but when it reached the high realm, it was impossible to share.

"The old man has studied the flaws of this refining method in the early years, and has developed a method to improve it."

"Boy, I heard that you have two forms in one body. If my improvement method can be realized, then you will have three forms in one body."

Holding the sack, Tian Gong said with a smile, his expression became more and more excited, a little crazy.

"Moreover, your three forms of one body will share the realm and life. As long as the weapons are not destroyed, the ancient gods and the giant tortoise will never die."

"Conversely, as long as the ancient **** or giant tortoise is alive, even if the weapon is destroyed, it can still be restored."

At this moment, Tiangong's momentum is full, and his blood is radiating, as if he wants to fight against an unknown and powerful enemy.

This is a huge challenge as a weapon god, and it is also a kind of motivation, and it is also the path to the pinnacle of refining that he has been searching for all his life.

Ye Que didn't ask any more questions, but only said: "Senior, I'm going to get an extra jug of wine right now."

He turned and left.

Tiangong laughed out loud. In fact, Ye Que didn't need to do more, he would try his best to refine it.

After all, he hasn't had a new round of refining challenges for many years.

Using the refining tool as the entry point, the three forms of one body of high-level life are refined, and all life in the realm is shared.

As long as the three forms are not destroyed at the same time, then the three forms will always exist.

What a horror!

If he could really forge that kind of weapon, his skill in refining weapons would be improved to a higher level, and he would be one step closer to eternity.

Before, he found it difficult.

Because in order to create these three forms, the refiner must have two forms in one body, and he has also practiced the refining method of the mysterious temple and has a special natal weapon.

It just so happened that Ye Que fit the bill, and it couldn't be copied.

This gave Tiangong the motivation.

At this point, Tiangong Mountain, which had been quiet for an unknown number of years, let out a violent roar, and waves of scorching air gushed out from the mountain.

The supreme beings in the surrounding mountains are amazed.

Tiangong revived the glory of the sky in Tiangong Mountain - the divine fire of the beginning.

The recovery of Shenhuo in the early days means that Tiangong is going to create a higher level of top weapons.

"I saw Ye Xiaozi went to Tiangong Mountain not long ago. Tiangong Mountain revived the Divine Fire of Absolute Beginning. Most of the weapons made by Tiangong are related to Ye Xiaozi."

The supreme being who was familiar with Ye Que was amazed again and again.

"That kid is amazing, he is determined, he is not an ordinary person, plus the secret method he has learned in Eternal Mountain during this period, coupled with the weapons made by Tiangong..."

There is also the supreme life, halfway through the talk, I didn’t go on, because it is self-evident.

"This kid, not to mention a genius, is still eager to learn. He has suffered a lot, and on the day he went down the mountain, one of the lives against him counted as one, and they all lived to the end."

There is also a supreme being, who continued the conversation. In the end, besides being amazed, he was still amazed.

The following days are crucial to Ye Que.

At night, he studied medicine in Ziyi Mountain every day, and ran around all over the mountains and plains with star sea worms, strictly guarding against anyone who wanted to sneak in.

Doctor Zixian also started from observing in secret at the beginning, then checking on Ye Que occasionally, and finally devoted himself to studying other medical skills.

Ye Que is very suitable for Zixian doctor's appetite, he is not only funny, but also very attentive, and he has a very good view of the medicine garden.

The key person is still smart, she taught a lot of things, Ye Que would understand after basically saying it once.

Doctor Zixian liked this very much, so he was also willing to teach Ye Que. Gradually, the two of them had a deeper master-student relationship.

Usually, when Ye Que goes out, he will pick some great medicines that are not top-notch and cannot be replicated in the medicine garden.

He will refine these great medicines into wine or other medicines, and use them to get closer to the strong men in the mountains.

Generally, Zixian doctors don't talk too much, and feel relieved, let him do it by himself.

If it was before, she would never have allowed outsiders to mess around with her medicine garden.

When Ye Que was able to come to Ziyi Mountain, it was because of Senior Yunhai's instructions to let Doctor Zixian take care of his injuries.

To Doctor Zixian, Ye Que at that time was an outsider.

Later, Ye Que was really capable, he learned quickly, he was able to take care of the medicine garden, and he had a good personality.

It's just that in his personality, he occasionally shows a little cheapness when he is funny, and Doctor Zixian can ignore this.

Mainly because of the matter of climbing the ladder, Dr. Zixian was touched and favored from the very beginning, so he was preconceived. After getting along with each other, the relationship between the two quickly drew closer.

As a result, Zixian Doctor's attitude changed, and he was treated as a part of Ziyi Mountain.

[Author's digression]: Also (the recent plot is flat, it is a transition, and it is also the transformation of the protagonist. It is very important. Everyone read it patiently, and the following plot will be exciting)

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