God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2050: Rebuild the Skyline, the giant tortoise has nine ways, and the ancient **** also has

Ye Que was in Eternal Mountain, recuperating for half a month.

Half a month ago, the matter of climbing the ladder had stopped.

The eternity against him is gone.

Eternal Mountain regained its original calm.

Ye Que remembered the scene when he walked out of the wooden house for the first time.

Anyone passing by from the sky is at the level of Yuanshen.

This should be the characteristic of Eternal Mountain.

Every time they meet Ye Que, the first thing they say is, when you climbed the ladder, were you really Yuan Zun?

The expressions on their faces when they said this were shocking, as if they had seen a ghost, Ye Que couldn't forget it.

Then, when Ye Kuang nodded to them, it took them a long time to regain their composure.

Then he looked at Ye Que with pitiful eyes, and said with pity: "You can only live for a million years, it's too pitiful."

Some even took the initiative to comfort him and make him think about it. Although he only has a lifespan of one million years, as long as he practices seriously, one day his lifespan will slowly increase.

Ye Que expressed his thanks to all seniors for their concern, and he will definitely work hard to cultivate.

Because, five days ago, he was called to the Eternal Palace by Senior Yun Hai.

Senior Yunhai first comforted him, although his lifespan was a little short, it was not impossible to prolong it.

Finally, I got to the point.

"You have overdrawn all the strength in your body, and you are no longer able to cultivate. If you preserve your Yuanzun realm, then you will never be able to break through."

"With your unyielding temperament, I guess you won't be able to accept it. The old ancestor himself cast a spell, smashed your body, reshaped it, and brought your realm back to the master realm."

"This is not falling into the realm, but obliterating your Yuanzun realm. From now on, you will be in the master realm, and you can practice again and accumulate sky marks again!"

Yun Hai Da Neng stroked his goatee and said with a smile.

Ye Que was shocked when he heard it.

Can he save the sky marks again?

You know, after the giant tortoise form was dissected, it has been absorbing the essence of the world, including his sky mark.

In other words, if the giant tortoise's corpse is dissected smoothly, the nine sky marks will all be absorbed by the giant tortoise.

But now, in his ancient **** form, he can save sky marks again, maybe he can also save nine sky marks.

The giant tortoise has nine paths, and the ancient **** has nine paths.

If this is added together, how powerful it is.

Of course, the premise is that the giant turtle form is still there.

He thought that he would probably be obliterated by the Eternal Ancestor, but he still asked Senior Yunhai.

"Don't worry, there are many capable people in Eternal Mountain. Although they don't go out all year round, they always pay attention to the outside world. Your giant tortoise still exists, and it is placed on the ancient God's Punishment Cliff."

Senior Yunhai was very careful and explained Ye Que's doubts.

It turned out that those eternal ancestors who targeted Ye Que did not destroy the giant tortoise in order to find Ye Que, but placed the giant tortoise on the ancient God's Punishment Cliff to attract him to look for it.

It's just that before this plan was successful, the Eternal Ancestors discovered that Ye Que appeared on the ladder, and that's how the previous scene happened.

Ye Que heaved a sigh of relief, a little excited, he couldn't help asking Yunhai Da Neng: "Senior, you are the source god, how many days are you the source god?"

During this period of time, he knew that Senior Yunhai was the person in charge of everything in Eternal Mountain.

To put it bluntly, it is equivalent to being the head of a faction, the strongest existence.

Senior Yunhai stroked his beard, feeling a little proud, he is so grown up, he is still like a child, the life of Eternal Mountain is really different from the outside world, he lives recklessly, without concealing his heart.

"Thirteen Heavenly Mark Origin Gods! In Eternal Mountain, there is no one who can beat me!"

Senior Yunhai was bragging, and when he talked about all kinds of things back then, his expression was flying, and Ye Que was shocked when he heard it.

"Back then, the old man fought against the five giant spirit treasures of the Mystic Temple, and within three hundred moves, he suppressed all five giant spirit treasures!"

Senior Yunhai blew it up, revealing many ancient things.

Ye Que thought about it, his giant tortoise has nine paths, no matter how hard he tried in the form of the ancient god, he would be invincible if he got five or six paths, not to mention nine.

"Even Shuiyue Jing, who always likes to brag, was beaten by me."

When Senior Yunhai mentioned his pride, his expression was extremely excited, as if suppressing Shuiyue Mirror was an extremely brilliant achievement.

Ye Que was eager for Pei Ye's comfort, and asked some questions.

Senior Yunhai didn't say much, because he knew the relationship between Ye Que and Shuiyuejing, he reminded Ye Que to find it by himself is the best choice.

He didn't ask about Mr. Pei, but Ye Que asked about the splendor of the mysterious temple.

It turned out that in the prosperous period of the Mystic Temple, there were three Eternal Ancestors, who were dozens of times more terrifying than the Eternal Mountain.

At that time, the two supernatural forces, one hidden world, and the other dominating the source **** world, had a very good relationship and often communicated and exchanged ideas with each other.

"Your eternal law, speed, fighting and the darkest moment, represent the three eternal ancestors of the mysterious temple."

Senior Yunhai blew to the end and looked at Ye Que meaningfully.

Ye Que was shocked: "The three eternal ancestors, all fell?"

He knew that an eternal law represented an eternal ancestor.

Only when the Eternal Ancestor has fallen, these weak beings are qualified to practice the Eternal Law.

"Hey, the Mystic Temple has fallen, and most of the powerhouses are not in the Source God Realm, but basically hidden in many True God Realms."

Senior Yunhai shook his head, he didn't delve into this topic, Ye Que thought of Tianyuan Patriarch.

That day, Yuan Patriarch was hiding in the True God Realm where he was, so presumably other strong men were hiding in other True God Realms.

Then, Ye Que asked about the ancient gods in the early days, which made Senior Yunhai frown even more, as if this was a taboo topic and he didn't want to say more.

Ye Que remembered who Gu Yuexi was, so he asked about the Eternal Road, but Senior Yunhai still didn't want to say more, for fear of causing trouble for Eternal Mountain.

In the end, Senior Yunhai still reminded Ye Que.

The road to eternity has been sealed, and the reason has something to do with the death of the ancient **** in the beginning.

"Thank you senior for clarifying the confusion."

Ye Que left, and continued to go round and round many mountain peaks, trying to make a fool of himself.

There are no restrictions or rules in Eternal Mountain, and the mountain is the king. As long as it is a mountain, there must be terrifying creatures inside.

He is a master, with wine, hanging around every day, hanging out with these terrifying creatures, and getting acquainted with them.

And these terrifying creatures found him very pleasing to the eye, because his performance on the ladder touched them, so he told many unknown ancient secrets.

They even taught Ye Que some of their top supernatural powers in the ancient era. Now, they are all taboo attacks with one enemy.

During this period, Ye Que did not forget to pay attention to the outside world.

A terrifying creature in constant contact with the outside world told him that Long Huang had passed the crisis and eternally withdrew the means of reorganizing time and space, and the creatures inside were not damaged.

"It's a bit strange that the Ice Empress Domain...was destroyed."

A pure-blooded terrifying creature, with the aura of a top-level source god, drank wine and frowned.

Ye Que's heart moved, he stepped forward to pour wine for this creature, and asked respectfully.

"I remember that the two ten evil spirits from the Origin God Realm beside you were put into the Ice Emperor Domain by you, right?"

The terrifying creature was very satisfied with Ye Que's pouring behavior, and he spoke very seriously.


Ye Que remembered that it was Master Pei who sneaked into the Ice Emperor's Domain and brought the Shuangyuan Bird and Tianyin Ancient Eye Bird in by the way.

"If you can be born in the future, go look for it. Some of our old guys from Eternal Mountain have talked privately. Some people have sensed that when the Eternal Ancestor wiped out the Ice Emperor Domain, there were eternal-level lunar-sun dual-source birds that appeared. .”

When the terrifying creature said this, it hesitated again, as if what it said was too sure, because this was just a guess, maybe there was no such thing at all, and the Ice Empress Domain had already been suppressed.

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow

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