God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2047: Just 10,000 ladders (Part 1)

"I hope you can make it to the end."

Yun Hai Da Neng shook his head and sighed, then turned and left.

Many ancient powerhouses in Eternal Mountain are sighing, thinking that it is impossible for Ye Gushen to finish.

Before walking down three hundred stairs, he was seriously injured on the blood-stained steps.

It is unrealistic to walk 10,000 stairs now.

A weak life being watched by eternity is both sad and helpless.

Ye Que stood on the steps, coughing and bleeding, blood and tears mixed across his cheeks, dripping from his chin.

He gritted his teeth and remained silent.

People who come into contact with him have accidents directly or indirectly because of him.

In the end, even the system couldn't withstand the suppression of Eternal Shenyue, and finally left him.

He knew that the system was also afraid of eternity.

But his attitude was too firm, and he was determined to step on the ladder no matter what, so that the system also went all out and walked with him until it left him.

He felt a little cold in his body, and a boundless sense of loneliness swept over his body.

Ye Que smiled, a little empty.

Those strong men who looked at him watched silently and sighed in their hearts.

They already knew the ending, but they didn't say anything, so let him do the final struggle by himself.

At this moment, Ye Que's smile became full of emotions, including anger and sadness.

"Shit is eternal, my life, why do you control it?"

Ye Que smiled and roared angrily.

The faces of all the strong men changed drastically, and they retreated one after another, looking around, worried that something bad would happen.

Boom! !

The sky turned **** instantly, and the boundless might of the sky descended in awe.

The **** wind hit in an instant.

"My man, what qualifications do you have to decide life and death?"

Ye Que shouted sharply, responding to the system in his mind, but the next moment, he remembered that the system had already left him.

The anger in his heart increased again, and he looked up to the sky and laughed angrily: "I am out of your control, and you want to punish me? I have a relationship with the ancient gods in the early days, and you want to suppress me?"

boom! !

A **** wind blew over, covering Ye Que with a strong killing intent.

Ye Que was not afraid, and his whole body was filled with a kind of absolute bloodiness.

He stretched out his hand, wiped away the tears in his eyes and the blood on his face, and said coldly: "You want me to die? I want to live, and I want you to retreat. Don't talk about the ten thousand ladders, it's ten million! Ladder, I’m determined to go too! Not only do I want to go, I also want to finish it, if I can become eternity, the first thing I will do is to kill you all!”

There is no system to prompt him, or help him, to open blood or physique.

At this point, Ye Que no longer cared whether the system could help him, he just wanted to hear the system's voice.

He grew more and more sad and angry.

Roaring up to the sky, even if the **** wind hits, the purple awns surging all over his body will become more and more brilliant.

Finally, he stepped out.

boom! !

The sky ladder trembled, causing the heaven and earth to resonate in the void, and the Yuanshen Realm also trembled.

Ye Gushen straightened his waist, even though his bones were creaking, even though his limbs were trembling.

In the storm, he gritted his teeth, grimaced, raised one foot after another, stepped on it step by step, and stepped on one step after another.

There is no system to remind him that the adaptation limit is continuously triggered.

There is no system to remind him that the speed eternal law and the original eternal law are being cast continuously.

There was no system to remind him that the new glory of the sky-Shuiyue Magic Sky, and the new eternal law-the darkest hour are recovering and will be opened soon.

In fact, he doesn't need the system prompt, he can already open it by himself.

The system also knows, but it will still remind him.

And he just wanted to hear that voice.

He growled lowly, and the six-armed lotus opened the sky, shining with purple awns.

Before the system disappeared, the last part of the power left to him stimulated his potential, causing his bones to be broken and regenerated, and his meridians to be broken and restored.

He kicked and kicked, recovering from the collapse, like rebirth from Nirvana.

Gradually, he moved from the beginning to speeding up step by step.

boom! boom! boom!

Every foot shatters the steps.

Every foot trembles.

Every kick resonates in the void of Yuanshen Realm!

Even if there is a storm of blood and rain, even if he carries the heavens and worlds on his back, eternity will not be able to weigh his back. He moves forward in the wind and rain, and climbs through the pressure of eternity.

boom! !

He stepped up the steps one step at a time, the bone in his left leg was broken, and he couldn't keep up with the recovery after adapting to the limit.


Kaitian Zhiyao——Kaitian, one of his abilities, the Eye of World Casting, opened from his forehead, and a large amount of power of World Casting poured into the bones of his left leg, forcibly bonding them together.

The casting world can be separated, and it is also casting the world.

He will cast the world, use it as glue, and piece together the bones.

"It's only 10,000 ladders, just 10,000 ladders!"

Ye Que drank coldly, and walked faster and faster, the blood on the steps gathered into a stream, flowing past his feet.


The glory of opening the sky—Shuiyue Magic Sky, was opened by him.

It is exactly the same as a part of the magic power of water moon magic that Master Pei passed on to him.

He activated the core ability of Shuiyue Huantian.

The water, the moon, and the sky, the original heart is reflected, my heart is invincible, and only I am invincible.

An invincible aura surged from the heart, sweeping the whole body and reaching the soul.

boom! !

The fighting spirit of Zhan Lian's bloodline was influenced by the spirit of the invincible, and broke out an unprecedented fighting spirit, which contained angry blood and unyielding roar.

The complexions of the strong men watching around changed slightly.

They can feel the surge of fighting spirit, as if a life that is not succumbed to the oppression of the heavens and the world, is walking against the sky, declaring war on the gods, even in the face of eternity, the determination to dare to fight the dead, with it World War I.

At that moment, they were shocked.

Is this the most original portrayal of unwillingness and unyielding anger in Ye Gushen's heart?


The spirit of the invincible sublimates the fighting spirit, and all the potential of Ye Gushen, under the extreme limit of adaptation, explodes hundreds of times, thousands of times.


The left eye widened instantly, and a large amount of faith and potential were poured into it.

Immediately, more power of the ancient **** of the beginning was derived from the left eye, and more power surged out.

Boom boom boom!

In the storm, the man who was carrying the Eternal Divine Mountain on his back didn't leave anymore, but was running, running wildly!

With a ferocious face, he roared angrily, and declared war to the sky and to eternity.

He ran up the 10,000 stairs, every step shattered the steps, shaking the Yuanshen Realm upside down!

It's an attitude.

It is also a struggle.

"A mere 10,000 ladders!"

Ye Que roared in a low voice.

On the next ladder, Yuanyu Yuanshen and Jiuxu Jianhuang, who were carrying Yuanshen Yue on their backs, shook their heads and looked up at Ye Que who was running, taking a deep breath.

They don't know what happened to Ye Que and what kind of stimulation he received.

But the extreme fighting spirit emanating from Ye Que made them feel the boundless roar of this man and the intention to declare war against the sky.

And this man, with his actions, showed all of this.

Carrying the Eternal Divine Mountain on your back, straighten your waist, walk against the sky, declare war on eternity, no need to climb, no need to walk, but run against the sky, trembling the heavens and myriad worlds.

Boom boom boom! …

He was running wildly, driven by the Eternal Law of Speed, to speed up and run wildly.

The bone is broken, and the adaptation exceeds the limit to speed up recovery.

If the fracture cannot keep up with the speed of recovery, then the Eye of Casting the World will cast the world.

In the end, he directly used the original eternal method of fighting, and performed the bones while running. This is a kind of living training, refining his own bones.

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