God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2041: Brother Ye is really extraordinary

Going deep into the black land, poisonous insects and beasts are everywhere, and many places have perennial miasma.

Ye Que and his party's spaceship raised the altitude and narrowly avoided the occasional attack by insects and beasts. Ye Que didn't need to take action. The Yuanyu Yuanshen of the Yuanyu Dynasty would stand up and clear all obstacles.

At this time, Yuan Yu Yuanshen stood at the bow of the ship, standing side by side with Ye Que.

Ye's patriarch stood respectfully in the distance.

Ye Que never thought that one day, he would be able to talk with Yuanshen at the same level.

He didn't say a word, and looked into the distance, not minding Yuanyu Yuanshen's secret scrutiny.

After he changed his appearance, he was protected by the golden bell, the creator of eternity. Not to mention Yuanyu Yuanshen, even the strongest Yuanshen from ancient times to the present, he could not see through him, let alone identify his true identity.

After all, the Eternal Ancestor has been looking for him so far, but he has not been able to find him, it is the Golden Bell's credit.


Yuan Yu Yuanshen came into close contact with Ye Que, and the more he watched, the more frightened he became.

He couldn't see through the opponent's realm, and he couldn't even sense the slightest breath.

Afterwards, he opened the special pupils again, trying to see through Ye Que, but found that Ye Que's whole body was covered by ancient golden light, making it impossible to see through.

For a moment, Yuanyu Yuanshen's face was solemn, and fear appeared in his eyes.

Ye's Ancient God is not simple.

In the million years he's been gone, some chance must have been gained.

"Fortunately, I didn't make a direct move before, otherwise I would become an enemy with him, not only would it be a big trouble, but even cooperation would be impossible."

With this in mind, Yuan Yuyuan secretly scrutinized Ye Que's expression, and saw that he was calm and calm, so he couldn't help but put away his contempt.

He started chatting with Ye Que, telling a lot of information that only Yuanshen level can know.

Under the surface of the Ruyuan God Realm, there are hidden great clans that have never been born. Those big clans have a long history, and the world's great religions dare not provoke them at will.

Another example is that many source gods have been reincarnated in the heavens and worlds, hoping to find an opportunity to become the eternal ancestor again in the reincarnation.

There are also many great forces involving Yuanshen, or hidden Yuanshen, which opened Ye Que's eyes.

Finally, Ye Que brought the topic back to Eternal Mountain.

When it comes to this, Yuanyu Yuanshen is very interested.

The two tacitly exchanged information during the conversation.

"I once saw a vision of a heavenly palace in the black land, and there was a corner of the mountain gate of Eternal Mountain in it."

Yuan Yu Yuanshen sighed, with longing and regret that couldn't be concealed in his eyes.

In his early years, he heard rumors that there was an Eternal Mountain in the Black Land, and coupled with the illusion he saw with his own eyes, he believed that the Eternal Mountain was in the Black Land.

Therefore, he carefully searched here all year round, ignoring the outside world.

But because the black land was too dangerous, Yuanshen once stepped into it and fell, which caused him to be timid and timid in the process of searching, and there was no progress.

With his hands behind his back, Ye Que looked into the distance and said, "I have searched the black land for hundreds of thousands of years, but I found something related to Eternal Mountain."


Yuanyu Yuanshen's eyes lit up, and his expression became focused.

"Wait, let's talk in detail."

Ye Que said lightly.

Yuanyu Yuanshen's eyelids twitched, knowing that the other party couldn't really tell, otherwise it would be meaningless to join forces.

He put away his disappointment and chatted with Ye Que again.

Ye Que intentionally guided the other party to analyze the source **** information behind the mysterious temple, Pei Ye, Bingdi and other great powers.

This guidance really let him figure out a secret.

"Brother Ye became Yuanshen late, and has been searching the Eternal Mountain in the Seventh Dragon Domain all year round. It's normal not to know some things about the Ice Emperor Domain."

Yuan Yu Yuanshen shook his head and smiled, these are old things, seasoning in chatting.

"The reason why the Ice Empress Domain does not interact with the outside world is very exclusive, and the Ice Empress herself is indifferent to outsiders, even full of hostility, because her parents are from the Mystic Temple."

Yuan Yu Yuanshen squinted Ye Que and said.

Ye Que's expression changed.

"As we all know, the battle between the Mysterious Temple and the beings in the source **** world has brought an era into darkness."

"Of course, it's hard to tell who is right and who is wrong here."

"But because of that battle, Yuanshen Realm's vitality was severely injured, and many people fell. This also made the people of Yuanshen Realm more resentful, and poured their hostility towards the Mysterious Temple."

Yuan Yu Yuanshen said indifferently, looking very ordinary.

People in the world are hostile to the Mystic Temple, but from the perspective of Yuanshen, they have different opinions.

After all, the level is different, the realm is different, and the views and positions are different.

"Anyone related to the mysterious temple is cast aside by the world."

Ye Que guessed why the Ice Empress was so indifferent, and why the Ice Empress domain was exclusive.

Yuan Yu Yuanshen shook his head, and said in a low voice: "Her parents were suppressed by unknown strong men when they were out, and their bodies were thrown in the wilderness."

Ye Que looked at Yuanyu Yuanshen in surprise.

"The Ice Empress is a legendary figure. After her parents died, she was adopted by another giant spirit treasure in the Mystic Temple. Stimulated by her parents' death, she practiced painstakingly, coupled with her natural talent, and finally achieved the realm of Yuanshen."

"Afterwards, the giant spirit treasure drove the Ice Emperor away and let her stand on her own. To put it simply, it was to let the Ice Emperor sever the relationship with the Mystic Temple, so as to avoid the tragedy of her parents."

Yuan Yuyuan sighed deeply, and said that some giant spirit treasures are good people, but it is a pity that something happened to him when he helped someone.

Ye Que was silent.

No wonder, after the Ice Emperor knew that he was the son of the mysterious god, his attitude changed drastically and he defended him everywhere.

He clenched his fists.

During the period of his autopsy, Grandpa Pei had an accident, and the Bing Emperor failed to find him, but was killed instead, and his life and death are still unknown.

Ye Que took a deep breath, suppressing the discomfort and depression in his heart.

The idea of ​​looking for Eternal Mountain became more and more determined.

After a few days.

The giant ship fell into an ancient remnant formation at the level of Yuanshen, and Yuanyu Yuanshen and Ye Que worked together to break it out.

A few more days passed.

The giant ship was swallowed by a Boundary Swallowing Flower that covered the sky and the sun. They tried their best to wipe out the Boundary Swallowing Flower and escaped by luck.

The deeper you go, the more terrifying the danger you encounter.

If the two don't work together, Ye Que might not be able to get in.

Seeing the poisonous insects and beasts around, whose destructive power is almost comparable to that of Yuanshen, Yuanshen Yuanyu couldn't help but said: "I have been in the black land for tens of thousands of years, and I have never stepped here. Brother Ye, are you sure about the Eternal Mountain?" The clue, right here?"

"Not far, just ahead."

Ye Que said.

According to the information of the Ye family, that Ye's origin **** disappeared here, and then passed the news back to the family from the place where he disappeared.

They only need to follow the path that Ye Shi Yuanshen took to find clues related to Eternal Mountain.

Yuanyu Yuanshen's face darkened, and Yuanshen Ye's always said that it was not far away, it was just ahead, half a month had passed, and it was still saying that it was not far away, it was just ahead.

He began to doubt himself, whether he had been deceived by the other party, and he would keep persuading himself to trust the other party.

"This time, it's really ahead."

Ye Que said firmly.

The spaceship has flown to a black land with black wind blowing, there are no dangerous plants around, let alone poisonous insects and beasts.

This place is dead and desolate, and it seems to be a land that even poisonous insects and beasts are unwilling to set foot.

In the heart of Yuan Yu Yuanshen, the crisis of death surged, and his face changed drastically.

This land made him smell the danger in the dark.

His face gradually turned pale, and he swallowed, since he became Yuanshen, it was the first time he felt such a strong death crisis.

"Brother Ye, something is going to happen!"

Yuan Yu Yuanshen turned his head to look at Ye Que, but seeing that Ye Que was still calm and not panicking at all, he couldn't help but feel a little more at ease.

He secretly admired that although Brother Ye came all the way and made very few shots, he was reliable at critical moments.

Just when he was at a loss, Brother Ye took it indifferently.

This is a kind of self-confidence of Brother Ye, and also the gap between him and Brother Ye.

"Nothing will happen."

Ye Que's expression did not change, and his eyelids did not blink.

In fact, because of his low realm, he didn't notice the danger at all. He just felt that this place was unusual, and he was just a little more vigilant.

The great terror that Yuanshen can detect, Yuanzun cannot detect.

So, of course he calmed down.

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