God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2023: open blood

The general meaning of that introduction is-

This is indeed the tomb of the ancient **** of the beginning, but the entire body of the ancient **** of the beginning was not buried, only the left eye was buried.

And the boundless dark space where Ye Que was located was within the left eye of the ancient **** of the beginning.

"The left eye is the tomb, and the monument is erected in the eye!"

Ye Que was shocked. (Modify the chapter, there is no previous article, add it)

Ye Que looked up at the statue bursting with golden flames.

The statue is simple and simple, it is a middle-aged man, there is no star pattern on the forehead that is unique to the ancient gods, but there is a unique temperament that embraces everything.

Ye Que looked dazed, and had an illusion that the statue was an ancient god, but not an ancient god.

Suddenly, he came back to his senses and realized a problem.

Since this is a tomb, why is it also called the star pattern?

Was his previous guess wrong?

The deepest part is not a road leading to eternity, but just a blindfold.

This is actually the tomb where the left eye of the ancient **** was buried.

Ye Que shook his head, shaking off unrealistic thoughts.

Perhaps, this is the Eternal Road, but the left eye of the ancient **** of the beginning is also buried, or the Eternal Road is in the left eye.

Those gods who died here may have really fought for the eternal road, but the tombs of the ancient gods in the beginning have not been found.

After all, if you want to discover this place, the first condition is to have the star patterns of the ancient gods to dispel its darkness.

No one else has this condition, only he and Gu Yuexi have it.

Thinking of Gu Yuexi, his eyes dimmed.

Years of cultivation made him tired of cultivation.

If it weren't for repairing the bloodline and the hatred and obsession with the barbarian gods, no matter how Master Pei fooled him, he would not have come from the God Realm.

After all, in the True God Realm, he has everything he should have.

This idea has long been born in the bottom of my heart, but it has never been expressed.

Ever since he learned of Gu Yuexi's death, he has seen all this more clearly.

Eternity is too far away.

There is no eternity in the heavens and the world.

He doesn't think he can be eternal.

By blood?

Does bloodline really have an advantage in front of eternity?

But now, he has a chance to avoid eternal attention by searching for Shimen.

If the Empress can be found, and then negotiate with Pei Ye, it might be a good choice to return to the Realm of God.

At this moment, he missed his family and friends even more.

Our elder sister is still pregnant and waiting for him to come back.

It's not that he is afraid, he has come to this day, but even if he has the slightest thought of avoiding it, it is impossible to have today's achievements.

Just so exhausted.

The only thing that made him obsessed was that the Man God was still alive.

Thinking of Man God, Ye Que shook his head violently, put aside all distracting thoughts, and went to find Shimen.

Ye Que approached the statue, looked left and right, there was nothing else around, it was empty, so he walked in, and when he passed the statue, a thought popped into his mind.

Back then, his encounter with the ancient goddess Gu Fayue was very similar to this scene.

Gu Fayue had proclaimed himself a statue for hundreds of millions of years, and after he touched it, he awakened due to the induction of the ancient gods.

Do you want…

Ye Que turned around, faced the side of the statue, and stretched out his hand hesitantly. Seeing that he was about to touch the statue, he withdrew his hand.

Forget it, don't make trouble for yourself.

Turned around again, walked to the back of the statue, and soon came to the end.

At the end is a stone wall with stone slabs carved with characters and deeds.

It should be some of the experiences of the ancient gods in the early days. After many people died, they would use this method to record their deeds during their lifetime.

He looked at the slate and found something unusual.

The first engraved stone tablet on the left records a world.

Because of the small size of the slate, it mainly records one place in that world.

Ye Que looked intently, there was no divinity appearing on the stone slab, but he also saw the clues.

"Wasteland Tower!"

The more he looked at it, the more he felt that the place carved on the stone slab was a wasteland.

Because the most obvious thing on the stone slab is the Huangyuan Pagoda, which is the place where the true gods of the Wasteland Continent practice.

When Ye Que first came to the wasteland from the universe, he was unfamiliar with everything, so when he saw the wasteland tower for the first time, he was very impressed.

On the slate, except for the wasteland tower, the surrounding area is barren, and all kinds of buildings have not yet been built.

On the top of the Wasteland Tower, there is a middle-aged man with no star pattern on his forehead. He has a vicissitudes of life, with his hands clasped in front of his chest, as if he is building the Wasteland Tower.

Ye Que recalled the appearance of the statue, and found that the statue was the middle-aged man on the stone slab.

Look at the second slate.

The middle-aged man was walking on the grass, followed by a group of people dressed similarly to him, including young people and children.

Ye Que deliberately looked at the foreheads of the crowd, none of them had star patterns.

There was some kind of conjecture in his heart, and his curiosity was so strong that he couldn't wait to look at the third stone slab.

Looking back, I found that the third stone slab was blurred and pitted, which was destroyed.

Ye Que frowned, and then looked at the fourth piece.

There is no fourth block.

Inside the left-eye tomb, there are only three stone slabs.

"What secret is hidden in the third piece?"

Ye Que thought for a long time but couldn't think of anything, so he could only helplessly.

Curiosity was seduced, but in the end it was out of context, hateful.

He searched for other places, and the surroundings were empty on both sides, and the end was boundless gray fog, which meant that it was the end.

There is only one stone wall in front, on which three stone slabs are placed.

Other than that, there is nothing else, let alone Shimen.

Ye Que could only return to the statue, thinking that this is the only place where there is no exploration.

You have to touch it even if you don't touch it.

He thought about it, hesitated for a while, and reached out to touch the statue.

As soon as it is touched, the system prompt sounds.

"Ding! The host's ancient **** bloodline is suppressed!"

"Ding! The host is being detected by an unknown sensor!"

"Ding! The ancient god's induction and the unknown induction fit together!"

Needless to say, Ye Que knew that something was wrong. Most of his blood burst out with a bang, bursting out with a lot of light, but at the next moment, they all returned to the body and trembled.

Ye Que wanted to pull out his hand, but found that his hand seemed to be stuck to the statue, and he couldn't pull it back.

At this moment, he could clearly feel his blood vessels trembling.

Qian Fu, Nirvana, Giant God, Feng Ling, Nightmare, Dharma Body, Chaos and Red Lotus, a total of eight bloodlines are trembling.

The exclusive three fantasy gods, Kaitian, and Libra fell into silence and remained silent.

Just as he was about to cut off his right hand and pull away to leave, there was a bang, and the unawakened blood in his body awakened instantly.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for opening the reincarnation blood!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for opening the returning bloodline!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for opening all the regular bloodlines of the ancient gods!"


In this dead space filled with gray mist, Ye Que's body was glowing with gray light and black light.

Returning to the source of blood—Yuyuan God Realm devours Chaotic Source, strengthens one's heart in the mist, and kills all demons by oneself.

The moment is surging out of the gray light.

But the blood of reincarnation is only blooming with black light, and the coercion and divinity contained in it are suppressed by the rules of Yuanshen Realm.

This bloodline of reincarnation was suppressed just like the Time-Space Wandering God.

It seems that reincarnation, time and space have special rules and definitions in Yuanshen Realm.

[Author's Digression]: And

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