God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2021: the steps

In the endless dark space, Ye Que was here alone. When he suddenly heard the sad news of the empress' death, no matter how calm he was, he couldn't be as calm as water.

"Star pattern, bury the gods, dissect the corpse, search for the stone gate."

Ye Que murmured.

Here is a road, suspected to be the road to eternity.

So the gods are buried here, they may have come from many ages, they have followed one after another, and finally fell without fruit.

Similarly, this is also a road that has a relationship with the ancient gods.

If the corpse of the ancient **** is dissected, he will be forced to come here.

The empress once walked another road and unfortunately died. Before she died, a message was projected here, telling him that the road was dead, and he had to find Shimen to leave, return to the Realm of the True God, and never go to the Realm of the Origin God again.

Ye Que turned around in the endless space, feeling the loneliness blending with the darkness.

"Xunshimen! Get out of here!"

He clenched his fists and whispered.

There are some secrets here, he doesn't care.

He just wanted to go back and find Gu Yuexi, dead or alive.

Turning around again, Ye Que stared at the deepest part, as if staring into an abyss.

Half a quarter later, Ye Que stepped on the accelerator and returned.

The message said that the road is dead, look for Shimen.

Then there is no need to go to the deepest part.

Whether it was the message left by Gu Yuexi's projection, or whether the message was true, he could not gamble with his life.


After flying continuously for more than 23 hours, the shock of evil spirit reappeared.

However, Ye Que has already moved away from the deep space, and the power of the evil spirit impact has been weakened infinitely.

Although he hadn't reached a safe place yet, he could still easily withstand the impact of the evil spirit with the junk of Yuanshen all over his body.

Back to that piece of starry sky grave.

It cannot be seen with the naked eye, it can only be perceived with the eyes of the mind.

Ye Que found a place without skeletons, and used many means to find the stone gate.

Star pattern, bury the gods, dissect the corpse, and search for the stone gate.

Ye Que kept pondering over this sentence, his talent and detachment were gradually activated, and he began to analyze, understand, epiphany, or reverse thinking that went against his thinking.

In the end, he operated the "Corpse Disintegration Art" and buried a fission clone.

The result was nothing out of the ordinary.

Perhaps such an autopsy was too fake to have any real effect.

He shook his head, thinking again.

"Then do a real autopsy!"

Ye Que took out the worm bag of heaven and earth in his body, patted it lightly, and a star sea worm flew out of it.

His mind sensed the star sea worm, and the star sea worm flapped its wings as thin as a cicada's wing, and seemed to lose its direction, flying around.

Ye Que controlled the star sea worm, and directly dissected the corpse. Using the method of "Corpse Disintegration and Transformation", he condensed the corpse disintegration magic knife, and swung the star sea worm.

Slash the soul with one blow.

Cut off with one knife.

The star sea worm was buried and died, floating in the dark starry sky.

Ye Que performed the mysterious method of transformation, disintegrated the corpse with the sword of transformation in his hand, turned it into a seed, and buried it in the body of the star sea worm.

He also remembered that the ancient god's autopsy had something to do with this place, so he buried a drop of the ancient god's blood into the star sea worm's body.

After doing all this, his mind perceives the star sea worm.

Three days later.

The star sea worm remained unchanged.

There was no movement in this dark space.

In the end, Ye Que gave up the method of using autopsy to find Shimen.

Continue to think about that sentence.

Since the corpse was dissected, it was impossible to find Shimen.

Then look for it from the "star pattern, bury the gods".

The meaning of this sentence should be an overview of the situation in this space.

Here is an ancient star pattern road, where the gods are buried.

"Star pattern."

Ye Que muttered, and fifteen stars appeared on his forehead.

He poured divine power into the fifteen stars, aroused the platinum divine light, and dispelled the surrounding darkness of about 100 meters.

When Ye Que opened his eyes again, he saw something different.

His heart skipped a beat.

The naked eye cannot see through the darkness here.

But the ancient **** star blooms light, which can dispel the darkness, and the surroundings can be seen with the naked eye.

Without the darkness, he saw that his surroundings were surrounded by thick gray fog.

It turned out that in the dark space he was in, there was a strange layer of darkness on the surface, which could not be seen with the naked eye, but there was a lot of gray fog inside.

He began to float in front of the starry sky grave, and there was a lot of gray fog among the densely packed skeletons.

Ye Que had a feeling that something was hidden in the gray mist.

He was not in a hurry, and continued to search in the boundless and endless space.

One day, three days, ten days, thirty days.

He floats in different places every day.

until the forty-second day.

He found something different in the space far away from the starry sky grave.

The ancient god's starlight dispelled the darkness and saw the gray fog.

At this time, he not only saw the gray fog, but also saw a broken step.

The steps were half hidden in the gray mist, as if leading somewhere.

Seeing this, Ye Que held the magic pot in his left hand, and the Tianhuo Shenyuan stick in his right hand. The iron plate on his body was full of divine power, and he took precautions.

Then, step on it carefully.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

The only feeling is the touch of the ground.

For nearly three months, he has been floating in the space, and suddenly he felt a touch of the ground, and he felt a lot more at ease.

At this moment, three loud bangs came from the surrounding dark space.

Ye Que seemed to have sensed that there was a vague killing intent coming from the direction of his right hand, and immediately smashed it with a stick.

Although it can't activate the real power of Yuanshen in the stick, but when it is used to hit people, Yuanzun will scream when it touches it.

With a bang, the stick hit something hard and sparked like a weapon.

Ye Que's ancient **** star was shining brightly, and when he looked at it, he found that what was in contact with the stick was a broken black knife, which was stained with the blood of Yuan Zun's pressure.

And holding the black knife is a pair of rusty hands, the owner of the hands has no head, and there are restraints and formations in the neck.

This is a puppet.

Kaka, the knife was also at this moment, unable to withstand the impact of the stick, and began to shatter.

Before Ye Que had time to think about it, there was also a vague killing intent coming from behind and above.

He threw the jar behind him, making a muffled sound of smashing a hard object, and at the same time jumped up, smashing the hard object with a stick.

At this time, the space was temporarily quiet.

Ye Que waited for a long time, and after confirming that there was no danger, he found the unknown hard objects behind and above.

They are all puppets, there are a lot of ancient prohibitions and formations in the body, and the gears made of divine gold are running, but they are all rusted, dilapidated, and eroded by the years.

"Are these puppets guarding the steps?"

Ye Que guessed in a low voice.

In the end, he smashed the puppet to pieces and strapped useful things on his body, such as armguards, broken armor, broken knives, broken swords, and so on.

The rest are tossed into storage rings for later use.

Next, he returned to the steps again, searched up ten meters, and found the second dilapidated steps.


Ye Que was fully armed, he raised his hand casually, and the tattered equipment all over his body rattled.

Looks like worn out trash.

In fact, rich as oil.

He stepped out and went straight to the second step.

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