God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2010: Ye Wangzhao's reputation is solid

The dark lord made a strong appearance, and without waiting for everyone to react, he controlled the dark army and attacked the barbarian god.

This scene is really amazing.

Watching the dense explosion of the dark army.

Countless people felt cold in their hearts.

"As expected, it is Ye Wangzhao!"

"The ancient **** reappears, and the king bombs constantly!"

The sound of the explosion drowned out all Longhuang's voices, but it couldn't drown out the shock in everyone's hearts.

No one has ever seen Yuan Zun blew himself up, and today is enough.

Although a second is short, there is also a process.

In this process, four Yuan Zun self-destructed.

Four in a second.

Even those transcendental powers that have been passed down for countless years have never seen such a scene.

This is not counting the self-destruction of the entire dark army.

Its shocking and destructive power has surpassed the first explosion caused by Ye Que.

After that explosion, the Ice Emperor once said that the Man God was injured by the explosion.

Now this explosion is even more terrifying than the last time. If the Man God eats it all, he will definitely be seriously injured.

However, everyone knew that Manshen couldn't allow the explosion to fall on him.

In the turbid explosion world, the barbarian punched away the power of the explosion, trying to rush out.

The first thing he saw was the Dark Lord.

The second thing I saw was the magic jar.

Then I saw the magic light stirred up by the magic jar, releasing the power of the Yuanshen weapon, suppressing him forcefully, trying to confine him to the explosion.

"Little ants, I really misjudged you, and have grown to this point, but that's it!"

"I destroyed your bloodline once, and I can also destroy it a second time!"

The fierce eyes of the barbarian stared at Ye Que coldly. There was blood on his face at the moment, which was injured by the explosion, and he looked hideous and terrifying.

The Ten Thousand Demon Jar suppressed him and enraged him. He punched him, sending the Ten Thousand Demon Jar soaring into the sky.

This is the bombardment of the source **** level, it hits the world in darkness, all magic appears, and there is an invincible attack in it.

At this time, the flames of the sky poured out from the magic jar.

"Eat Grandpa's move to burn the flames of the world!"

The Shuiyue mirror controls the magic pot, and the boundless fire of fire erupts from it, which can completely overcome the dark matter.

Man Shen's whole body is covered with dark matter, overwhelmed by the fire of the tinder.

He was indifferent, with contempt deep in his eyes.

The fire of the tinder overwhelmed him, that's right!

But who is he?

He is Yuanshen.

A huge monster, even if the fire of the tinder hit him, it would not be able to burn him at all.

The fire fell from the sky, and the barbarian **** was fearless, allowing it to attack him, and then rose powerfully into the sky, heading straight for Ye Que.

Seeing this, Ye Que flipped his hand, and a bottle of Fenjieye filled with black mucus appeared.

This is the lost secret treasure created by him and Shuiyuejing back then. One drop of ordinary fire can burn out a universe.

He crushed the bottle, and the world-burning liquid splashed down, pouring into the fire that fell from the sky.

Although the level of this kindling fire is not high, it restrains the dark matter. After being sublimated by the burning liquid, its power is increased by tens of thousands of times.

Back then, an explosion in Longhuang shook the Nine Wastelands, and Fenjieye contributed a lot.

It is conceivable that the fire of the tinder is very powerful after it is dyed with the burning liquid.

In just an instant, the fire of the tinder turned into a dark red and strange tinder.

The temperature is rising, covering the entire Longhuang.

The weak have chest tightness, the strong feel uncomfortable, the mountains and rivers dry up, and the dead wood spontaneously combusts.

Looking at Longhuang from the outside, I can see that Longhuang is in a state of space distortion, which is caused by flames.

The barbarian went up without fear of the flames, allowing the fire of the tinder to attack him, but when the fire of the tinder was dyed with the burning liquid and sublimated instantly, he scorched his whole body with a snort.

A scream came from the mouth of this mysterious and terrifying Yuanshen.


Extremely rare!

Everyone was stunned.

It is definitely a rare thing in an era to hear the screams from the mouth of a source god.

For a life to grow to the level of the source god, it must experience all kinds of pain.

But now, such a source **** screamed.

Everyone in the world couldn't figure out how painful this was, it was so painful that Yuanshen screamed.

"Fuck him!"

Ye Que yelled, clenched the void with one hand, densely packed dark creatures rushed into the sky, and went straight to the explosion of the wild god.

At this moment, the wild god, screaming from being injured, lost his mind and lost control for a short time.

If you don't mess with him now, let's wait for when.

The water moon mirror spreads out the water moon magic sky and the water moon cave sky.

The magic sky can transform thousands of worlds.

Within the cave, a barbarian puppet can be replicated.

Although with the current strength of Shuiyuejing, it is difficult to replicate the same wild god, but it can barely restrain the opponent.

Not only that, the Myriad Demon Jar burst into divine power, buzzing and smashing towards the Manshen again.

"Eternal Domain!"

Ye Que's fierce eyes flashed, and the three phantom gods merged into one, turning into a wandering **** of time and space, entering the realm, as if returning to the realm of true gods, transcending time and space.

He directly suppressed it with the long river of time and space.

During the period when Manshen was out of control, Ye Que and Shuiyue Jing had to repair it badly.

The long river of time and space rushed forward and directly ripped off his flesh and blood.

The Myriad Demon Jar and the Mangod Puppet beat his bones apart.

Flame and dark creatures exploded, hurting him to the bone.

Three seconds later.

A terrifying force of murder erupted from the body of the barbarian, shattering the Eternal Domain.


Ye Que turned into the ancient **** of Kaitian, tore open the cracks in the sky, pulled the Shuiyue mirror and ran away.

When he was doing this, he had already put the star sea worms into the worm bag in advance, and he would run away at this moment without dragging his feet.

Everyone knew that the Man God who had reacted must be as angry as a madman and hated them to the bone. The two of them knew it clearly, and ran away immediately.

The reversal of this scene is extremely astonishing.

He entered the arena forcefully and suppressed the wild gods one after another, making the world think that he is the eternal ancestor who can bury his life at will.

Especially when the barbarian's scream came out, it terrified everyone who witnessed it.

But in the next moment, these two guys ran away, the reversal was too eye-catching, and everyone was confused again.

But they were soon relieved.

After all, that is a pretty god.

Yuan Zun's ability to beat the barbarian gods to such an extent is enough to be recorded in the history of the Yuan God Realm.

It is wise to run now.

Staying where you are is an act of foolishness.

It's just that the reversal was still too eye-catching, it shocked people, and there was a burst of laughter.

As expected of King Ye fried.

The style of doing things, violent and domineering reveals a bit of funny.

At this moment, the two of them went straight to the crack in the sky.

Behind him, a killing intent from the top source **** exploded in an instant, dispersing all the dark creatures.

The entire Longhuang, and even the surrounding ancient and natural lands, were covered by the terrifying coercion of the source god.

The coercion is strongest within the range closest to Yuanshen.

The weak are directly crushed, their bodies are crushed, and they are not far from death!

Even if it is as strong as the peak Yuanzun, it is suppressed to the ground by the coercion of Yuanshen!

"Ye Que!"

A voice of anger from the depths of his heart came out from the flames.

There was bloodthirsty gnawing anger in that voice.

Ye Que and Shuiyue's camera skin tingled, they just felt that the matter was getting too big, and the two fled faster, and they got into the opening crack in the blink of an eye.

Also at this moment, a **** hand with no skin and flesh directly inserted into the crack, tearing open the sky crack to a length of 10,000 meters, and the sky disappeared without a trace.

Ye Que and Shuiyue Jing turned their heads and saw that the owner of the **** hand, the **** barbarian, had one eye blown out, his whole body was skinless and bleeding, and he pulled himself into the crack. The terrifying figure released boundless evil spirit, vowing to kill the two of them.


Ye Que pulled Shuiyuejing and pushed him behind him, and Shuiyuejing was also frightened and pulled Ye Que.

Fortunately, at this time, a voice that was cold on weekdays but extremely warm at the moment came to Ye Que's ears.

"Use the magic jar to beat him out. He has been seriously injured. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I will wipe him out myself!"

It was the voice of Bingdi, and at the end, he added another sentence: "If you run again, your legs will be broken!"

"Lord Ye!"

And Jiang Wanyue's voice, she really invited the Bingdi here.

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow

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