God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 2008: The Army of Darkness Reappears

"Four thousand two hundred and twenty-one shattered flowers!"

"Exchange for 4,000 flowers, and you can get 400 million points."

"The remaining two hundred and twenty-one flowers, I will keep to create the source liquid of the thunder mark god."

Ye Que calculated on the way, even if he had saved 400 million, he was still short of 100 million.

"Then blow up the Ba Clan Alliance again, and the points will be all."

Ye Que fixed his gaze.


Shui Yuejing smiled tacitly.

They have always been good at such things.

Suddenly, the sky darkened, and a terrifying killing intent descended.

Ye Que and Shuiyue Jing raised their heads together, and saw a vague figure appearing in the depths of the sky.

While they were watching, the figure stretched out his hand to grab it, and a huge palm formed from heaven and earth, trying to cover Ye Que with the power of destroying heaven and earth.

Shuiyue mirror immediately activated the Yuanshen formation, and with a bang, the formation stopped.

"Seal the world! Ye boy, use the jar, and then use the open sky."

Shuiyue mirror shouted.

Needless to say, Ye Que had already slammed the jar over, not only smashed his palm, but also smashed the supernatural power that blocked the world, and immediately opened the sky and escaped narrowly.

They flew directly to the northern desert.

But as soon as he escaped from Yuanshen's pursuit, Ice Emperor's voice reached Ye Que's ears.

"If you run again, your legs will be broken! Come back!"

The ice emperor's voice was cold and stern.

Recently, many mysterious source gods appeared in the northern desert plains, and they came here just for Ye Que.

"Senior Ice Emperor, I will come back after I go to Longhuang, don't worry, I will never run around, I will leave when I meet Yuanshen."

Ye Que responded.

In the end, he convinced the Ice Emperor.

"Quick, let's go back to Longhuang."

Ye Que opened the sky and went straight to Longhuang.

Long Huang.

"The Ba Clan Alliance is no longer a threat, the barbarian gods turned against the hosts, turning all the Ba Clan Alliance into dark creatures!"

In a ruin, the top leaders of the Jiang Alliance looked into the distance, worried.

There was darkness in the distance.

The sky is filled with dark clouds, the earth is polluted by dark matter, and there are a large number of dark creatures stirring in it.

It was a disaster.

Since that explosion, the Man God tore away the veil of mystery, and began to blatantly wreak havoc on Longhuang.

"Has Wanyue reached the Ice Empress Domain?"

Jiang's patriarch said hoarsely, his right arm was missing, which was caused by a Yuanshen attack seven days ago.

"Escorted by the peak Yuanzun, it's almost here."

The Patriarch of the Jiang family next to him sighed.

Seven days ago, the Man God suddenly appeared in the Jiang Alliance, and with one palm, he slapped the territory of the Jiang Alliance into ruins.

Fortunately, they had the foresight to transfer all their power.

Without the command of the Ba Clan Alliance, the Barbarian can't pretend and will definitely kill people.

They just thought of this and took precautions.

"I hope that Jiang's Kaitian Zhiyao can invite the Ice Emperor to drive the barbarian **** out of Longhuang."

Patriarch Jiang's voice was heavy.

Facing the Ba clan, they can still form an alliance to fight.

But facing Yuanshen, they can only invite other Yuanshen.

But with their abilities, they are not qualified to get acquainted with Yuanshen.

The only one he knew was Ice Empress.

"This makes Wanyue suffer."

The ancestor of the Jiang family shook his head, very helpless.

The surrounding Jiang clan members were silent.

Taking advantage of Jiang Wanyue's relationship with Ye Que, they asked Jiang Wanyue to go to the Ice Emperor's domain, and asked the Ice Emperor to take action at the price of Kai Tian's glory.

At that time, Ye Que might think about his old relationship with Jiang Wanyue and help him with this matter.

Just doing it, the purpose is too obvious.

It is clear that it is consuming Jiang Wanyue.

But they are at the end of the road, if they don't do this, the Jiang family will be suppressed by the gods sooner or later.

"People are almost gone, are the points still useful?"

On the other side, the Desolate Sea Cow Demon said indifferently.

Seven days ago, after Manshen personally destroyed the territory of the Jiang Alliance, powerful people from all over the Yuanshen Realm fled here and left the Jiang Alliance.

So far, only a few Yuan Zun still follow Jiang, but their attitudes are also indifferent, and they obviously have the idea of ​​leaving this place.

"it works!"

Jiang's patriarch lowered his voice.

The existence of military merit list and points is the main reason why these people don't want to leave.


The dual source bird hovered in the air, waiting for Ye Que to return.

At the beginning, Ye Que was in a hurry and didn't take him with him.

On the hill not far away, the Tianyin ancient-eyed bird kept looking at the double-source bird.

They are waiting for Young Master Ye to return.

Suddenly, the two fierce birds turned their heads, their fierce eyes stared at the darkness in the distance, and their pupils shrank slightly.

I saw groups of dark creatures rushing from the ground, and everything they passed was polluted.

"Quick, get out of here!"

The ancestor of Jiang's complexion changed slightly, and he ordered immediately.

The rest of the hidden people were already ready to transfer, and they were ordered to flee here at an accelerated pace.

At this time, a terrifying killing intent struck from the depths of the dark army.

"Longhuang, this seat will not be destroyed, but it's time to replace it."

In the depths of the dark army, a terrifying figure is suspended in the air, with dark matter flowing from its body, and the breath of destruction connects the heaven and the earth.

I saw him stretch out one hand, and the world shook.

boom! !

Thousands of miles across the land, a huge palm print appeared.

In the palm print, countless lives died tragically.

Even though the Jiang Alliance was hidden, it was still discovered by the Man God.

Nearly half of the army was wiped out by that palm.

The expressions of the Wild Sea Bull Demon and all the demon gods changed greatly, they were all thankful that the slap was not accurate and did not fall on their side.


They flew further away without hesitation.

The members of the Jiang clan wailed, with tears in their eyes. Some cultivators whose relatives died tragically, fainted with anger, rushed towards the dark army with their swords in their hands.

That terrifying figure, hidden deep in the darkness, stared at those cultivators with deep eyes, without saying a word, as if ignoring a group of livestock.

Not long after, the eyes of the terrifying figure raised slightly, locking on the members of the Jiang Alliance again.

"I never imagined that the battle between Ba Clan and Jiang Clan would end in such a tragic way!"

Several ancestors of the Jiang family saw the tragic death of the descendants of the family, dyeing the earth red, and went straight to the army of darkness in anger.

"Let's go while we attract attention!"

Those ancestors rushed out recklessly, in fact, to divert the attention of the barbarian god.

Seeing this, the members of the Jiang clan had no choice but to leave in grief.

They don't understand why the barbarian **** wants to kill people wantonly.

Obviously, there is no enmity between them at all.


A shocking invincible killing power descended from the sky. It was an irresistible force that wiped out all life, and could only wait for death in despair.

It's Man God who is about to attack again.

He is the terrifying figure, the symbol of despair, and the killer who reaps life.

"Hate me, hate me, and resent me in desperation!"

The barbarian walked out of the dark army, and spoke indifferently, with a voice that brought despair.

He looked at those living beings, all kinds of resentment and evil spirit emerged from his body, and a triumphant smile floated on the corner of his mouth.


He made a move, and stretched out his hand again, a huge palm gathered between heaven and earth, like a **** destroying mortals, with the coercion that traversed the ages, he went straight to the surviving Jiang Alliance.

The passing of the palm is very slow and depressing, which can make people feel deep despair.

At this moment, an ordinary pot fell from the sky, and exploded the palm with a bang.


The golden scales are suspended in the sky, and the golden starry sky replaces the dark heaven and earth.

No one was seen, only groups of sky-blue bugs rushed into the golden starry sky, and two of the bugs' strength would be raised to the peak of the middle-level source master, and then they rushed towards the dark army without fear of death.

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow

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