God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1998: Open the sky and fight the lotus, cast the world

Man Tianshen first obtained the perfect domineering body, and pulled the world into the darkness. The perfect domineering energy on his body was overwhelming in the world, suppressing the spiritual power of all life.

He is like a demon **** from the abyss, his dark brown skin is rippling with magic light, penetrating the ancient immortality, and a single ray can distort the space.

The Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand was crushed, he clenched his fists tightly, staring at Ye Que ferociously, his perfect arrogance was all on Ye Que's body, and the perfect arrogance around him was nothing more than the overflowing residual power.

Roar! Roar!

The perfect overlord body was roaring, revealing strong hatred and resentment, it was the enmity between Ba Chenyu and the soon-to-mature Overlord Body, all rushing towards Ye Que at this moment.

"It seems that they hate you too!"

Man Tianshen grinned grimly, his body began to surge with the thunder of a thousand calamities, and finally turned into a black Fangtian painted halberd. This weapon is the Eternal Law.

The blood pupil on his forehead was squirming, staring at Ye Que coldly.

Ye Que was indifferent, Zijin pupil moved away from the blood pupil, looked at Man Tianshen, and said coldly: "Your master didn't treat you very well, it was the perfect domineering body for the experiment, and throwing it on you, this is taking you Do an experiment!"

He had put away the iron rod, and the sky-opening blade in his right hand did not dissipate, but became more and more radiant.

"Don't provoke me, this is my original intention, Ye Gushen, I will kill you personally, take away the eternal law, take away the glory of the sky, and take it back... the ancient eye of Tianyin that my master gave me bird!"

At the end, Man Tianshen's eyes looked coldly at the Jiang Alliance.

In a certain ancient city of the Jiang Alliance, the Tianyin Ancient-Eyed Bird shuddered, turning its head away in fear and resistance.

At this moment, the sky and the earth trembled, and a dazzling ray of open sky bloomed from the darkest battlefield, overflowing with billions of glorious lights in an instant, like a rising sun, sweeping away the night.

The world looked at it one after another, without taking their eyes off it.

Ye Que's hands were all turned into sky-opening blades, and his body was completely submerged by the sky-opening light, so bright that he couldn't look directly at it.

Taking advantage of the moment when Man Tianshen looked away, he launched an attack.

Speed ​​Eternal Law, exerted to the extreme.


The mysterious ancient **** who opened the sky came to Mantian God in an instant, and the distance between the two was less than three inches. At that moment, Ye Que's eyes stared at Mantian God indifferently, coldly and profoundly.

If it was someone else, facing this sudden attack, they would definitely be shocked by fright.

This is the speed of the peak Yuanzun level plus two times of opening the sky.

Seeing this scene, the God Son of Absolute Beginning and other Tianjiao couldn't help swallowing, and felt cold all over. If they were them, they would definitely not be able to resolve this move.

But Man Tianshen smiled half-smile: "I know you want to kill me instantly, but you can't!"

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, his expression turned into a smirk. The blood eyes on his forehead released blood light, covering Man Tianshen's whole body. He only heard two clangs, indicating that the opening of the sky had failed. space crack.

"Is this your Sky Opening Glory?"

Ye Que stared at the **** pupil, and felt a breath of Kaitian Zhiyao, but this kind of breath was specious, it didn't seem like Kaitian Zhiyao, and felt that there was a more terrifying hidden power in it.

In the next moment, a crisis of death surged in his heart. The crisis was so strong that it gave him goosebumps. Even the magic jar, which had been hanging in the air, was buzzing and trembling. He was almost about to save the master. Unable to attack.

Ye Que's reaction was also extremely fast, he didn't succeed in one blow, and retreated quickly, his speed eternity exploded to the extreme.

Man Tianshen grinned, shocked by the opponent's speed, but disdain also appeared on his face: "Man God pointed!"

As soon as the words came out, the world was shocked, ten thousand laws surged, and the magic light swallowed the sky and the earth. A crack suddenly appeared in the blood pupil on his forehead, and a small figure stood inside. The figure was blurry, but contained The fluctuation that makes everyone in Longhuang tremble.

Soon, the figure stretched out his right index finger, aimed at Ye Que, and with a buzzing sound, the general situation of the world changed.

I saw a vortex formed by the agitation of Wanfa appeared on the sky, and a blood-colored index finger appeared in the vortex. The index finger was so huge that it occupied one-tenth of the area of ​​Longhuang.

This is the area where Longhuang was destroyed by the explosion before.

The lives in all parts of the Nine Wastelands were terrified. Even if they didn't look up at the sky that turned into a light curtain, even if they looked at Longhuang, they could still see the terrifying index finger.

"This is going to destroy the world!"

"Hey, this guy cheated and secretly hid the methods of the barbarian!"

"This **** is shameless, he has a perfect body, but he still has to use his master's power!"

"The key point is that there is nothing wrong with it, and it is not affected by the rules of cause and effect. In other words, this move is recognized by the Yuanshen Realm as the power of the barbarian god!"

People all over the world were shocked and angry, and they were helpless.

Everyone could see that this move was beyond Yuan Zun's range, it was definitely Yuan Shen's blow.

Rumble! !

The vast Longhuang was trembling, as if it couldn't bear this barbarian finger.

Countless people are fleeing, and even Yuan Zun, the peak, dare not approach.

Shui Yuejing was so angry that he scolded the Man God for being shameless, a hypocrite, and even the eighteenth generation of his ancestors, but he did the same, and was finally dragged away by the master of the Hall of Military Merit.


The Taiyin Sun Shuangyuan Bird was furious, its eyes were red, and it flew towards Ye Que with one divine wing. The Tianyin Ancient Eyed Bird had the courage to see the Shuangyuan Bird flying past, so it followed.

"Kids don't come here!"

Ye Que looked up at the finger that couldn't be seen at a glance, like an ant on the earth, facing a finger that was half the size of the earth.

At this moment, all the energy and blood in his whole body were flowing, and the heat radiated from his skin, and there was no fear in his expression.

He turned his head and looked at Man Tianshen: "This is a one-time method, right? If I break it, you will definitely die!"

Man Tianshen grinned: "This is a means created to prevent your Kai Tian Zhiyao, even if you break it, you will not be able to fight me! What's more, why do you think that I will watch from the sidelines?"

After finishing speaking, he turned into a phantom, carrying the monstrous magic light, brandishing the Fangtian war halberd transformed by the Eternal Law, and killed Ye Que with a more terrifying aura.

Roar! !

With a long roar, he came out with perfect domineering aura, completely suppressing Ye Que.

There is a barbarian finger on the top, and a magic light and perfect domineering attack from the side.

Ye Que remained silent, his purple and gold pupils ignited with flames, turning into the lotus fire pattern.

A sense of original fighting surged out from his body.

In an instant, the blood of the red lotus in his body spewed out flames, containing the fighting spirit of the Red Company, sweeping across the nine heavens and ten lands, completely dissipating the perfect domineering energy in an instant.

As for the ancient **** himself, his top was burned by the flames in his body, and his upper body was exposed naked (luo). On his bronze-colored skin, lotus fire patterns appeared, spreading from his back to his chest. The fire pattern was very abstract, like a dragon and a phoenix, but On the whole, it looks like a nine-leaf war lotus that is about to burn the sky and the earth.


The flames all over his body burned out and turned into doomsday embers, floating between the sky and the earth, filling the sky and the earth at this moment with a sense of the afterglow of the doomsday, as if life had come to an end.

However, his transformation didn't stop there.

The purple-gold pupils turned into six lotus petals blending and surrounding them, scarlet and deep, above the pupils, there was a slit on the forehead, the slit was slightly opened, and a purple eyeball appeared in the world, like the eye of the world, full of purple streamer, its In the center of the pupil, pure white and clear contains endless mysteries.

This is, the eye of casting the world.

As soon as the beginning appeared, it stirred up a mysterious, grand, clear and invisible power.

And his arms turned into the six arms of Zhan Lian.

Both hands become the blades that open the sky, stirring up the eternal and immortal aura of opening the sky.

The remaining four hands, one holding the divine chain, the other holding the divine pestle, and the other holding the war lotus lava stick, and the other hand is empty, doing Amitabha Buddha's hand posture, with the faint opening and closing of the Buddha's and demon's light.

I saw his footsteps lightly, and the eternal realm was born everywhere under his feet, opening up an eternal pure land, in which the ancient paths of time and space were trembling, surrounded by ten thousand dharmas.

"Go and meet the lord of darkness and taboo! You are a god!"

Ye Que opened his mouth slowly, his voice was indifferent, as if it came from the early days, it contained brilliant heavenly power, reverberating between heaven and earth, even a finger of a barbarian **** could not melt this voice.

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow

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