God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1986: Gu Yuexi is not simple

Shui Yuejing coughed, and said in a low voice, "I went to Jiusang Mountain with the ancestor Tianyuan, and found a road there by chance."

Ye Que frowned, but didn't say anything, continuing to listen to him.

Shui Yuejing looked back and saw that he could hold back, so he didn't ask any questions, so he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to play tricks, and said mysteriously: "That is a very ancient road, the ancestor of Tianyuan once borrowed it. With the power of my Giant Spirit Treasure, I deduced that path and found that there is an eternal breath inside."

Ye Que was startled, and asked anyway: "You mean, which way did Gu Yuexi go?"

"It's very likely."

Shuiyue mirror said carefully.

At that time, Jiusangyuan God of Jiusang Mountain had just risen. The ancestor of Tianyuan carried the giant spirit treasure, the water moon mirror, and went to Jiusang Mountain for some things, and found the ancient road by accident.

The ancestor of Tianyuan is one of the ten giants of the mysterious temple.

The Water Moon Mirror was intact at that time, and it was one of the top ten treasures of the Mystic Temple.

The two teamed up and discovered a very ancient road hidden in the holy mountain.

"I don't think even Jiusang Mountain knows the existence of that ancient road. I even guess that that road doesn't belong to Jiusang Mountain at all. That road should have existed before Jiusang Mountain was born."

What Shuiyuejing said was mysterious, but it missed the point.

"It doesn't matter if the road is not on the road, the key is what happened to Gu Yuexi?"

Ye Que asked again.

Seeing him asking questions calmly, Shui Yuejing suddenly felt hairy.

He had a premonition that if he couldn't get to the point, he would probably be raped by this **** when he went deeper into the Ba's Alliance, or he might be tricked by the other party.

"When the old man Tianyuan and I discovered the ancient road, we deliberately left two marks. The first mark was hidden in the old man Tianyuan's list of gods, and the second mark was in my mirror."

Shui Yuejing's tone became more and more mysterious, which also attracted Ye Que's attention.

"After the Eternal War, Jiusang Mountain was closed, and I happened to be recuperating nearby. Because at that time, my realm had recovered to the middle-level Yuanzun, so I thought about deducing that mark."

"But I never expected that when I deduced the imprint left by myself, your empress' aura had already merged with the imprint."

When Shui Yuejing said this, his tone was a little shocked.

"The point is how do you know it's Gu Yuexi's aura?"

Ye Que asked.

"Because you have her aura in you, either you and her have practiced together, or you two have merged into one."

Shui Yuejing smiled cheaply.

Ye Que coughed, remembering how shocked Shui Yuejing was when he spoke, and said, "Is it incredible that it blends with your mark?"

"Nonsense! Who was I at that time? A giant spirit treasure intact! The imprint I left is so strong that even if Yuanshen touches it, it will be injured. Even after hundreds of billions of years, the power has been greatly reduced, but there is still power , Yuan Zun touches, either dies or becomes disabled."

Shuiyuejing still can't figure it out, what is the ability of the empress to blend with the imprint.

Therefore, he felt that the empress was not an ordinary person, but also a master who could be tossed about by thieves.

"Do you think she went to that ancient road?"

Ye Que murmured.

"I'm very curious about the imprint. It took a lot of effort, deduction and exploration to confirm that your empress disappeared in Jiusang Mountain, so I'm 90% sure that your empress went to that ancient road."

Shui Yuejing's tone was a bit strange, and her eyes were full of curiosity.

After a while, he said again: "Back then, Patriarch Tianyuan and I suspected that the ancient road led to a certain door of eternity."

Ye Que's body trembled, he swallowed, and asked, "Then why don't you go that way?"

"That happened later. The Mystic Temple fought against the powerhouses of the entire Origin God Realm. It was a dark history."

"Since then, at least six of the top ten giants have fallen, those who fled, those who escaped, and the hidden world, such as my giant spirit treasures, have been destroyed. It is already luck against the sky that I can survive until now. "

Shui Yuejing sighed, her tone was quite different from her usual carefree and wretched demeanor, probably she was really talking about sadness.


It was rare for Ye Que to be serious with Shuiyue Jing.

"Don't talk about this matter, your empress merged with the imprint, and the result was that the ancient road disappeared. I have deduced it now, and I can't find the specific location of the ancient road."

Shuiyue mirror said helplessly.

Back then, both he and Tianyuan Patriarch were at their peak strength, and the two sides joined forces to leave a mark, only to lock the position of the ancient road.

Now, their strength is gone, their marks have been melted, and no one can find where the ancient road is.

"Isn't there still a list of gods?"

Ye Que asked.

Shui Yuejing said before that he left a mark, and the ancestor Tianyuan also left a mark, and that mark is on the list of gods.

"That's right, after the war is over, or when the Nine Desolation Pagoda is opened, we'll go back to the Realm of the True Gods after we've repaired our blood and injuries, find out the imprint of the list of gods, and go to the ancient road together. The door, hey, kid, we made a lot of money!"

Shui Yuejing's eyes were hot, and his mind was full of longing.

Open the door of eternity, get eternal life, become the eternal creator like the eternal ancestor, walk with the rules, immortal and immortal.

"No, let's go after a while!"

Ye Que's words broke Shui Yuejing's thoughts.

Shui Yuejing turned around, looked at Ye Que carefully, and thought, "I've never seen you so determined except for your son-in-law who cared so much about your daughter-in-law."

"Gu Yuexi is different."

Ye Que frowned.

It is all because of the empress that he can go to the current state, transcend ordinary people, and step out of the earth.

"Hey, don't worry, that girl is very unusual, and she has high means. Think about it, if you were you, would you be able to discover that ancient road?"

Shuiyue mirror said hey.

At the time when Shuiyuejing was at its peak, and in cooperation with the ancestor of Tianyuan, it was only then that the ancient road was discovered.

But Jin Gu Yuexi was able to find that road and blend with the imprint, it was really not that simple.

It was also because of this incident that Shui Yuejing realized that he underestimated Gu Yuexi, at least in his heart, Ye Que was no longer as important as Gu Yuexi.

Ye Que was speechless when asked, and finally sighed: "Yes, her ability is very unusual, but I still have to go there to rest assured, in case it is not the eternal ancient road, but the road of murder." where?"


Shui Yuejing's tone sank, and she stopped moving forward.

Ye Que also woke up, and hurriedly restrained his breath before he realized that he and Shui Yuejing were going deep into the territory of the Ba Clan Alliance.

"Water Moon Fantasy Sky."

The Shuiyue mirror cast a spell, and the fragmented mirror surface was aimed at the front, and suddenly, a blurry picture appeared on the mirror surface.

There are fire, blood, and human figures in that picture, and more importantly, there are densely packed corpses.

Suddenly, a figure walked by in the screen, shocking Ye Que.

"Ba Chenyu! Isn't this guy dead!"

Ye Quezai looked at the figure carefully, and he could roughly see that the person's face was Ba Chenyu who was beheaded by him in the northern desert.

[Author's digression]: Good night, see you tomorrow

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