God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1983: military merit list

Ye took all the monsters and gods into Longhuang, and in less than a day, he was famous in all the battlefields.

This thirteen-person team, headed by Ye Gushen, became mysterious in the eyes of the world, especially Ye Gushen, who never made a move from the beginning to the end, and many people were curious and awed by him.

Lieyang City.

The sun is hot.

There were many bones on the ground, most of them belonged to the Ba Clan Alliance army.

A giant ship slowly landed in the sky above Lieyang City, arousing everyone's awe.

Ye Que stood on the boat, looking up into the distance.

The wild sea bull demon stepped on the demon sea, holding two magic ropes, and two high-ranking source venerables were tied to the other end of the ropes. This scene was very shocking.

In Longhuang, the high-level Yuanzun is already the existence of top-level combat power. One person can be a million soldiers, and countless people will tremble at the sight of him. Now he is **** by the wild manatee.

And after the Desolate Sea Bull Demon, the ten demon gods each showed their supernatural powers, and **** the sixteen middle-level source masters and many elementary-level source masters, either stepping on the sea of ​​​​divines, or coming to guard against the terrifying gods.

When they arrived in front of Ye Que, they all asked these guys how to deal with it.

Ye Que pondered for a long time, then with a wave of his hand, he threw all these guys into the secret room of the cabin, and ended up with the Blood God Venerable.

After dealing with these high-end combat power, he didn't care, and the rest was enough for the Jiang Alliance.

"Lord Ye..."

Jiang Wanyue couldn't wait to step forward, with countless doubts in her heart, and she was about to ask, Ye Que said: "I don't have time to explain to you, get on the boat, let's get out of here!"

Jiang Wanyue was stunned, and the Lord of Lieyang City said: "The saint has a special status and is ranked in the top ten assassination lists. Now that she is out of trouble, she should leave this place as soon as possible. I will deal with the follow-up affairs here."

"Well, then there is City Lord Lao Lieyang."

Jiang Wanyue saluted, and then flew into the ship. Behind her, the core members who were transporting supplies also boarded the ship.

Compared with leaving by teleportation array, it will be safer to take this big ship.

After all, the control of teleportation in this area is still in the hands of the Ba Clan Alliance, so accidents are prone to happen.

They come fast and go fast.

The Lord Lieyang watched them leave, and immediately ordered to contact the headquarters to ask for reinforcements. At the same time, he sent people to destroy all the formations and forbidden techniques left by the Ba Clan Alliance here, and regain control.

On the boat, Jiang Wanyue didn't know where to start, she sized up Ye Que with her beautiful eyes, and she clenched her fists slightly, not knowing how to handle them.

Ye Que saw that something was wrong with her face, so he explained it briefly.

It was roughly because he practiced and became stronger, and he ran into these demon gods halfway.

"You entered the arena with a high profile, you must have been prepared to deal with those troubles, so Wanyue won't ask any more questions."

Jiang Wanyue knew that Venerable Master Ye was usually foolish and had a rogue temperament, but his thoughts were still very careful, if she continued to ask, it would be her fault.


Ye Que turned his head to look at Tianqiong, said this sentence lightly, his expression was calm, and he didn't say any more.

Next, they traveled all the way, going deep into the hinterland of Jiang's Alliance - Shencheng.

Back then, Ye made a name for himself here.

Now it's back again, and there are many people cheering.

"The God of War is back!"

"Suppress the Blood God Venerable, slaughter the high-ranking Origin Venerable by hand, the well-deserved God of War!"

"Boss Ye is amazing, I bought an ancestor accelerator from him back then, it's very useful!"

Every time they arrived in a city, the city lords from all over the country would lead an army to welcome them, and the people in the city cheered loudly.

Not only the Ba's Alliance knew the strength of Ye Que's thirteen-member team, but also the Jiang's Alliance.

Those who were looking forward to the early end of the war were all excited when they heard about this.

In a certain ancient city, several young children were sitting in front of tables and chairs, talking and laughing proudly.

"At the beginning, I was thrown ten thousand meters below the lake by Ye Gushen, and I finally realized a little bit of Ye Gushen's intention, and my realm soared!"

A young man took a sip of tea with a proud expression on his face.

"No, you were scolding Ye Gushen back then, how did you become enlightened?"

The rest of the young people were dumbfounded.

"Ahem, I never said that, you are hallucinating!"

Scenes like this scene are found in many places.

At the beginning, Ye Que tortured the contestants from the 800 factions during the competition and threw them into the lake for ten thousand meters. Now, most of these factions have joined the Jiang Alliance. , and somewhat relieved.

There are also some forces that once opposed Ye Que and Jiang's, and now they have joined the Jiang's alliance.

In the face of big right and wrong, this kind of force is still very rational, and it is the wisest choice to follow the Jiang family instead of following the Ba family who does all kinds of evil.

The boat arrived at Shencheng very quickly, and the journey was unimpeded.

After getting off the boat, Ye Que couldn't wait to go straight to Shencheng City Mansion. After chatting with Mrs. Jiang and many strong men, he went to the Hall of Military Merit.

"Hall Master, calculate how much my military achievements are."

With a wave of Ye Que's hand, the demon gods bet on Yuan Zun of the Ba Clan Alliance.

At first, the reason why he didn't kill these Yuan Zun was that the use of the magic jar was too high-profile and would easily cause a lot of trouble, and he kept the magic jar as a hole card just in case.

But when Jiang Wanyue got on the boat and told him that he could exchange for military merit, he was glad that he kept these guys.

It turned out that in order to motivate and attract strong people from all over the Yuanshen Realm, the Jiang Alliance set up a list of military merits.

Anyone who works hard and makes great contributions to the Jiang Alliance will get military merit points, and the points can be exchanged for many treasures.

With the background of the Jiang family, once many precious treasures are brought out, they will definitely attract strong people from all directions.

Ye Que walked along the way, many well-hidden strong men, including the peak source, all appeared in the major ancient cities, most of them came for the military merit list.

The master of the hall is an old man, the ancestor of the Jiang family, who has been sleeping in the Jiang family's ancestral grave for countless years. Jiang's generation thought he was dead, but since the war broke out, this ancestor showed up on his own.

"It really is extraordinary!"

The Palace Master smiled at Ye Que, and glanced at the crowd behind him. When he saw the Desolate Sea Cow Demon, his heart trembled slightly, but he quickly returned to normal.

"A high-level Yuan Zun is worth one million points."

"You have two high-ranking Yuanzun here, that's two million. Eh... There's also a Blood Godzun. Although this person is a middle-ranking person, his skills are astonishing, and his value has already reached a million points."

The lord is careful.

Blood God Venerable plus two high-level Yuan Zun, three million points.

Each of the other sixteen middle-level Yuanzun has 100,000 points, which is 1.6 million points.

Elementary Yuan Zun has 10,000 points each, adding up to hundreds of thousands.

"You have more than five million points, should you save them or use them now?"

The hall master smiled.

"Of course I use it now!"

Ye Que couldn't wait, the Hall Master spread out his hands when he saw this, and a divine tablet flew out. Ye Que took it, and poked his mind into it to see that there was a dense list of various treasures inside.

The first treasure that came into his eyes surprised him.

"Kaitian Zhiyao! You actually took out the Kaitian Zhiyao?"

Ye Que withdrew his thoughts, looked at the Palace Master in shock, and clearly realized how serious Jiang's attitude towards this war was.

But think about it, once Jiang's alliance is defeated, what awaits them will be the massacre of Ba's, and it will be useless to have the glory of Kaitian at that time.

[Author's Digression]: And

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