God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1977: Sky Tracking Seal

Ye Que and the demon gods jumped off the giant ship and landed forcefully, shaking the leader who was swept away by the sword.

The leader was blown away by the air wave, rolled on the ground and smashed dozens of boulders, and fell into the pit of flames. When he came out, his face was covered in blood and his armor was in tatters.

This person was not hurt by falling, but was shocked by the air wave.

He jumped out of the fire pit, his face was full of anger and a bit ferocious, but when he looked at Ye Que and his party, there was fear and fear in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

Wow, a group of members of the Ba Clan Alliance army behind him flew up and stood on either side of him, glaring at Ye Que and the others.

After being harassed by these guys, the alliance army also knew that the other party was unusual, but they relied on the Ba clan alliance army to kill all the forces, large and small, and they were confident enough not to be scared out of their wits.

Ye Que sized up this group of people, all of them had evil spirits on their faces, avoiding murderous intentions, and they were not afraid at all, so he sneered and said, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

The leader smiled grimly. Although he was afraid, he was not intimidated. He swiped the blood on the tip of his sword and said with a sneer, "In this Longhuang, only others are afraid of the Ba Clan Alliance, but we don't have the saying that we are afraid of others!"

"I'll give you a choice. First, join the Ba's Alliance army."

"Second, the same fate as that of the Qingshui faction."

A tough man walked out from the side of the leader, his eyes were like bull's eyes, quite powerful, and his voice was extremely powerful.

The demon gods were tired of hearing this, and the giant stone demon gods came out more and more: "It's just a bunch of little masters. According to me, they should be slapped to death."

Having said that, his eyes looked at Ye Que.

The faces of the members of the Ba Clan's army changed slightly when they heard this, but these guys have always been ruthless, and the leader snorted coldly: "Even Yuan Zun, my Ba Clan Alliance has killed a lot, if you really dare to attack , my Ba Clan Alliance must have high-end combat power to make a move, so that you can't get out of the dragon's wasteland."

"Don't think about killing us in seconds, the Ba Clan Alliance has its own strange people, leaving a 'Tian Xing tracking mark' on us, as long as whoever kills us, that mark will be planted on whoever is, and it will be difficult for you to escape Run away and kill!"

This is true.

During this period of time, the horror and cruelty of the Ba family has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Those big and small forces living in Longhuang, it is too late to escape, how can they face the alliance army head-on.

Even those Yuan Zun figures had no choice but to hide their faces and flee when they saw the Ba Clan Alliance army to avoid being involved.

At the beginning, some people didn't believe it, so they had to fight head-on. Later, the high-end combat power of the Ba Clan Alliance bloodbathed many forces, and after establishing a vicious reputation, no one dared to shout at the alliance army.

Ye Que and his party were expressionless.

The leader thought that they were afraid, and the fear and panic on his face dissipated, and an arrogant look jumped onto his face.

If this is a native Longhuang strongman, maybe he will really be a bit jealous, after all, the fierce name of the Ba Clan Alliance, let alone Longhuang, has been heard all over the Nine Wastelands.

There are even rumors that behind the Ba Clan Alliance, there may be the hand of Yuanshen who is stirring up this war.

It's a pity that what they met was Ye Que and his gang of ruthless people, all of them were sticklers.

Not to mention Ye Que, the kind of guy you hate him, who can make smoke rise from your ancestral grave, these unborn monsters alone are not ruthless people who can threaten anyone.

There are many evildoers in the world, and on the bright side, they are like the Son of God in the Beginning, shining brightly.

But the demon gods who came out of countless big demon corpses on this barren land are not inferior at all, but they are a little behind in terms of magical powers.

"Give you the last time to think about it!"

The leader had a gloomy face, looking condescendingly at Ye Que and his group.

He has done such things that can threaten Yuan Zun, but every time he does such things, he feels very comfortable in his heart, thinking that it is really right to join the Ba Clan Alliance.

Ye Que didn't speak, only the weak pleading of the man behind Qingshuimen and the cries of the disabled women and children came over.

"Boss Ye, how about..."

The Giant Stone Demon God couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to slap and kill this group of rambunctious guys, but Ye didn't make a sound, so he didn't dare to make a move.


Heihuang Tree God scolded the Giant Stone Demon God. He has turned into an old man with a hunchback and his whole body is covered with bark. The Giant Stone Demon God was furious when he heard that.

"What kind of **** is the 'Tian Xing Tracking Seal', you still want to threaten us, you little preserved eggs, when the old man suppressed Yuan Zun, you were still in your mother's womb!"

The Heihuang Tree God sneered vicissitudes, like a stone rubbing against each other, it was extremely unpleasant, but it also added a little bit of horror.

As he was speaking, he chopped the ground with one foot, and towering giant trees burst out of the soil, surrounding the Ba Clan Alliance army.

These guys shouted in shock, casting secret spells one after another, asking Yuan Zun for help, but in a blink of an eye, the bone hand protruding from the giant tree pierced through their bodies, sucking the original life energy of their whole body, even their souls were not spared.

The scene fell silent.

The Giant Stone Demon God froze for a moment, looked at Ye Que and then at the Black Desolate Tree God, and suddenly understood that, in fact, Boss Ye had already allowed him to make a move from the very beginning, but his eyesight of observing words and expressions was not good enough.

No wonder he was scolded by the Black Desolate Tree God, and immediately muffled his voice. He didn't dare to vent his anger, so he took this lesson forcefully.

"Boss Ye, I think they have sent out rescue before they died."

The Heihuang Tree God turned around and lowered his brows, speaking cautiously.

All the demon gods didn't speak, but they all felt a special aura lingering around their bodies, which couldn't be removed even by using secret methods. It was estimated that this was the "Tian Xing Tracking Seal".

"Come and kill as many as you want."

Ye Que said indifferently, but the people from Qingshuimen behind him told them to leave quickly. The Yuanzun of the Ba Clan Alliance are different from ordinary people, all of them are equipped with secret arts, even the high-ranking Yuanzun will escape to death if they are targeted.

"You tell what you know."

Ye Que walked towards the person who fell on the ground, and opened his mouth lightly, the Heihuang Tree God thought, a wooden chair popped out from the ground, and Ye Que took advantage of the opportunity to sit down.

All the demon gods secretly scolded the Heihuang Tree God, you are the only one who knows how to do all these things, but his hands are also neat.

With a wave of his hand, the big monster jumped down densely from the huge ship. As soon as the world opened up inside the big monster, waves of little monsters appeared again. After a while, there was a group of hideous monsters with murderous intent rising here. them.

The man was taken aback by this battle, but he lamented even more in his heart, he didn't think these people could stop Yuan Zun's attack from the Ba Clan Alliance.

However, seeing that the other party would not leave, he had no choice but to breathe a sigh of relief and explain the situation in this land.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and spoke to the weak women and children of Qingshuimen, telling them to escape as far as possible, and how many survived.

"Do you want to kill him?"

Seeing that people were about to run away, Lei Ling Yaoshen looked fiercely and said something in a low voice.

"Stay here."

Ye Que said indifferently.

Upon hearing this, the demon **** Lei Ling grabbed it with one hand, and with a bang, the sky was instantly filled with lightning, and it rumblingly pressed down on the group of disabled women and children.

"I said stay here, I didn't let you kill me."

Ye Que glanced at him sideways, thinking that these guys are really not easy to mess with, and it would be bad luck for anyone who meets them.

Lei Ling Yaoshen smiled coyly, and immediately took Lei Ting Wanjun away, while Ye Que looked at the group of disabled women and children and said, "Yan Yufei, let them be quiet."

"Ah, so it's really you, you, you fell from the sky... No, you are God Ye Gu?"

A delicate girl emerged from among the disabled women and children, with a surprised expression on her face.

Yan Yufei, the first acquaintance of the Yan clan that Ye Que met when he came from the God Realm and fell from the sky. (Chapter 1800: Unless the **** falls from the sky)

[Author's Digression]: And

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