God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1959: Red lotus bloodline metamorphoses, war lotus bloodline

Ye Que pushed open the treasure door, and inside was a deep starry sky. In the center of the starry sky, there was a **** light cluster exuding fighting intent.

He flew over and made contact with it, and the fighting spirit erupted from the light, sweeping across the starry sky.

Because of this, Ye Que obtained the original fighting method.

At this moment, he is standing in the starry sky, his whole body is emitting a red light, the red light is neither **** nor gloomy, only the fighting spirit is exuding, which contains the power of the red lotus that destroys everything.

Ye Que raised his head slightly, feeling the changes in the original fighting method pouring into his body.

Suddenly, a reminder sounded.

"Ding! The Eternal Law—the original fighting method has been born!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the original fighting method!"

"Ding! The data panel has been updated, please check it!"

"Ding! It has been detected that the turtle form has been stagnant for a long time. It is recommended to increase the life level of the turtle form as soon as possible to avoid obstacles when the realm breaks through!"

Ye Que opened his eyes, the pupils in his eyes turned into fiery red lotuses, his temperament suddenly changed, like a God of War walking out of the flame hell.

Soon, the pupils returned to normal and became deep and mysterious.

Just as he was about to check the data, a red figure appeared in front of him in the center of the starry sky. It had no front and rear features, just a human shape.

"Do you want to demonstrate again?"

Ye Que murmured, the color of memory appeared in his eyes.

When he opened the treasure door for the first time and obtained the Eternal Speed ​​Law, there was a purple figure demonstrating the usage of the Eternal Speed ​​Law.

Now that the red figure appears, it should also demonstrate the original fighting method.

"No, the demonstration should be the ultimate fighting method. The original fighting method is the fusion of my original intention."

Ye Que cheered up and watched carefully. Although it was different from his original fighting method, it was born from the foundation of extreme fighting method. Watching it once will give you a lot of rewards.

As soon as the red figure appeared, it stood in the center of the starry sky. Although it didn't move, there were red lotus lights blooming all over its body, and wave after wave of impact rushed in all directions.

Ye Que watched intently. When the red lotus light rushed over, his brain rushed up instantly, leaving only the fighting spirit of "Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan Zhan".

Almost in an instant, that strong fighting spirit overwhelmed his consciousness, leaving his brain blank and his body stiff.

At that moment, he thought that he was controlled by an invisible war will, and he couldn't get rid of it at all, so he could only let the war will rage.

When he came back to his senses, the seven orifices were bleeding, his aura collapsed, and he had no strength to fight anymore.

"So strong!"

He wiped off the blood on his face, pulled himself together, and watched the red lotus glow.

As everyone knows, the meaning of war he feels is only less than half of the power of the fighting method. After all, this place is mainly for him to observe, and it is impossible for him to be completely attacked here.

Next, he focused even more, engraving all the extreme fighting techniques performed by that figure in his soul.

After half a day.

Ye Que woke up. He, who was hiding deep under the big river, suddenly opened his eyes. The ferocious and domineering giant tortoise woke up. The small fish and shrimps around him were frightened, and they all gathered in front of him, facing him piously. bow down.

He glanced around indifferently, but there were no powerful beasts approaching, so he closed his eyes again, with part of his consciousness outside, and most of the data on the panel inside.

"I haven't checked the panel data for a long time. Since I came to Yuanshen Realm, I have rarely updated the data. The main reason is that I have only broken through to the elementary Yuanzun now."

Ye Que let out a sigh of relief and checked the panel data.

as follows-

【Mystery Temple System】

【Successor: Ye Que】

[Identity: Mysterious Son of God]

【Realm: Elementary Yuanzun】

[Temple Treasures: Every time you level up, the door to the Temple Treasures will open once]

[Form: ancient **** form/turtle form/mysterious **** form/double fifteen-star fusion form]

[Cultivation method: Mysterious God's Tome (Volume Two, Skyline Entering the Body)

[Cultivation technique progress: progress: 0/9 (sky mark)]

[Bloodlines that have been opened: Latent Fury, Nirvana, Giant God, Fengling, Nightmare, Dharma Body, Chaos, Red Lotus, Three Illusory Gods (exclusive), Libra (exclusive, destroyed)]

[Unopened bloodline: ancient gods returning to the source bloodline (fully sealed conventional bloodline, open prompt - Yuyuan God Realm devours Chaotic Source, strengthen one's heart in the mist, and kill all demons by oneself)]

[Divine Soldiers and Generals: Can be Summoned (Practice the mysterious Tianyan technique, you can communicate with the list of gods in any world, and summon the divine soldiers and generals by your side)]

[Summoning conditions: It takes a lot of resources, depending on the realm of the Son of God, the summoning time is one to three hours]

[Speed ​​Eternal Method: Proficiency (small success, proficiency, great success, ultimate, eternal)]

[The Eternal Law of Primordial Fighting: Not Mastered (Small Achievement, Skilled, Great Achievement, Ultimate, Eternal)]

[Glory of the Open Sky: Ancient Grade (Normal, Era, Ancient, Primordial)]

[Ability of the Glory of the Sky: Open the Sky, Cast the World]

[Ancient God's bloodline metamorphosis: Under certain conditions, the ancient god's red lotus bloodline can temporarily transform into the ancient god's exclusive battle lotus bloodline]

[Transformation method: master the original fighting method to a small degree, and then open the red lotus bloodline, the red lotus bloodline will be temporarily transformed, and the bloodline will transform into the battle lotus bloodline]

[Zhan Lian bloodline: Exclusive level, same level as Libra and Three Imaginary Gods]

Ye Que frowned, and continued to concentrate on checking.

Due to breaking through to Yuanzun, the second volume of the exercise was also launched.

Sky marks enter the body.

He has nine sky marks.

Nine is the ultimate, he is stunned to cultivate the high-level master into the nine-scarred master, and when he breaks through to the source, the profit will be huge and the combat power will be very strong.

But at the same time, in Yuan Zunjing, it is more difficult for him to cultivate than others.

"Others have four celestial marks breaking through to Yuan Zun, so if the four celestial marks enter the body, can they cultivate to the peak of Yuan Zun?"

"I am Jiu Dao Sky Mark, so I need Jiu Dao Sky Mark to enter my body, so that I can cultivate to the peak of Yuan Zun?"

Ye Que was guessing that he had come into contact with quite a few Yuan Zuns, and many of them had very different strengths, which was the most important feature of Yuan Zuns.

It is estimated that this has something to do with the sky mark entering the body.

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it, since I want to cultivate, I must cultivate the strongest!"

Isn't it just nine sky marks entering the body?

Just fix it.

Look at the bloodline again.

Sigh, headache.

The balance has been destroyed, making him helpless.

To this day, the star sea worm is still sleeping in a certain corner of his body.

Without scale, they have no combat power.

"I still have to find Shuiyuejing to solve the matter of Libra."

Ye Que looked at other things.

The Eternal Law and the Glory of Opening the Sky were originally divided into levels, which opened his eyes.

"My Eternal Speed ​​Method is running to the extreme, comparable to the peak Yuanzun, it's just proficiency, and there are Dacheng, Ultimate and Eternal behind it..."

Ye Que was speechless and surprised.

The original fighting method is the same, but it has a special ability, which can transform the blood of the red lotus into an exclusive level with the blood of the red lotus.

"I have decided that when I go to Longhuang, I will master the original fighting method to the Xiaocheng level as soon as possible!"

Ye Que has tasted the power of the exclusive bloodline, and is looking forward to the transformation of the Zhanlian bloodline.

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