God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1951: always ignored

Ye Que was forced to swear, yelling and irritating the life of Yuanshen level. This is the top life of Yuanshen realm, so he was irritated by him.

Although, this is not what he wants, it is really that these sun thieves are too vicious.

The signal was sent by them, and later, these people blocked them inside with their backhands.

If you don't scold him, can you still call him Boss Ye?

"What are you looking at, you grandsons are doing nothing all day long. If we hadn't sent the signal out, your people would have died a long time ago!"

"What are you staring at? Do you think you are stupid? Do something stupid. Why do you provoke the Ice Empress Domain? Do you think the world is up to you?"

The more he talked, the more annoyed he became, and he passed the Ice Empress, pointing at the two interceptors and cursing.

"And you, Yuanshen of Falling Sun Valley, are either harmful or look down on people every day. The younger generation is like this, and the older generation is virtuous. They think they are very powerful, and they will tease anyone who doesn't like it. It's really embarrassing for Yuanshen. Is the world your back garden? You old **** is a nonsense thing, and sooner or later the whole family will be exterminated by you."

Ye Que cursed loudly, calling the interceptor of Falling Sun Valley and the other two interceptors a **** mess.

The three interceptors were stunned at first, but they didn't expect that at their level, someone would dare to insult them. They only recovered later, and their faces gradually became gloomy.

Being abused by an ant like this, how could they let the other party do whatever they want?

Even Long Ying and the others were dumbfounded, they didn't expect this guy to be so fierce.

boom! boom! boom!

Three waves of terrifying coercion erupted from the bodies of the three interceptors, and covered the world and ten directions in an instant, oppressing all life's hearts, and the weak retreated again and again.


The interceptor of Falling Sun Valley spoke indifferently.

This voice contained a peerless murderous intent. If it fell on Ye Que, it would really cause Ye Que's body to shatter and his soul to shatter on the spot.

However, this scene did not happen.

The Ice Emperor was standing beside Ye Que, how could he let these three guys succeed.

A silver light flowed from her body, spreading along the ground to Ye Que's body, blocking the coercion and the murderous intent in the voice.

Seeing this, Ye Que immediately stretched out his middle finger, facing the three interceptors from a distance.

"Don't delay!"

The interceptors in Falling Sun Valley suppressed their killing intent and aimed their spearhead at Bingdi.

The eyes of the other two interceptors fell on Long Ying. So far, they still believed that the sky marks in the sky were caused by Long Ying, even if not, it should be the rest of the guards.

As for Ye Que, this guy was just talking about his ability, and they ignored it immediately.

In fact, they should have noticed something was wrong as early as when Ye Que opened the sky, but black gas was gushing out of the rift, and the sky and the earth were shaking, covering up the momentum of opening the sky, so Ye Que failed to discover its specialness again.

And the Skyline activated by Ye Que has stagnated at this moment, and was forcibly consolidated by the Ice Emperor, so it can't be seen that it was activated by him.

So far, they still regard Long Ying as their target.


The Ice Empress instantly sensed their killing intent, and the silver light on her body also blocked Long Ying and the others.

"Be careful."

She opened her mouth, speaking to Long Ying.

Long Ying was indifferent, holding a long spear, and formed a triangle with the other two Ice Emperor guards, surging with special mysterious power.

"Ye Nantian, come here."

Long Ying shouted.

"You are far from here alone."

The Bingdi ordered, she could see that the target of these interceptors was Long Ying, and Ye Nantian would only be more dangerous in the past.

More importantly, she vaguely guessed that this kid should be the real target of the interceptor, so she let Ye Que leave first.

Looking around, Ye Que seemed to be ignored again.

Boss Ye has always been so shameless?

Several times!

However, it is a good thing to be ignored at the moment.

He picked up the two unconscious ferocious birds on the ground and hurried to one side. Although the three interceptors were annoyed by his insults, it was more important to kill Bingdi and Long Ying's group at this moment.

Therefore, they ignored Ye Que.

"Still can't fit in."

Ye Que wanted to put two ferocious birds into his body, but the interceptor in Falling Sun Valley was still releasing the eternal law, and the heaven and earth in his body repelled him, making it impossible for him to put living things into his body.

In desperation, he had no choice but to take the fierce bird back temporarily.


The war started again.

Bingdi was besieged by two interceptors, and the remaining one ran towards Long Ying and his party. Long Ying and others used the Great Emperor Technique to escape together, barely escaped, but the situation was still critical.

"Master Ice Emperor, don't worry, we have something to protect ourselves!"

Long Ying opened her mouth, and then sacrificed the golden pagoda, blooming with extreme divine light, temporarily saving her life.

"You, Long Ying, are indeed extraordinary."

Killing intent erupted in the eyes of the interceptor, and they guessed well, that Long Ying could also possess a source-god-level treasure, which showed that her identity was not simple, and the Ninth Sky Scar must have been triggered by her.

This person must be beheaded, otherwise he will always be a potential threat.


On the other side of the world, the Ice Emperor fought against the two interceptors, creating a sea of ​​strange phenomena.

The glory of the open sky and the eternal law surged, shaking all things in the world. This is the performance of the extreme display. Ye Que is protected by the silver light of the Ice Emperor, and can avoid being destroyed by these aftermath.

However, although Ye Que was still unable to participate in these transcendent battles, after many battles, he could see that the Ice Emperor was more than capable just by looking at the situation, and this battle was meaningless.

Although the two interceptors are powerful and can suppress the Ice Emperor, if the Ice Empress wants to escape from this place, the other party will not be able to stop him at all.

Yuanshen level life forms are almost immortal, so it is very difficult to be killed.

Looking at Long Ying's side, the situation is dangerous, the interceptor attacked forcefully and made many shots, if it wasn't for the Golden Pagoda, Long Ying and the others would have already fallen.

"Their main target should be Long Ying, why Long Ying?"

Ye Que still can't figure it out.

He can arouse the sky mark, and he can also open the sky, why is he always ignored?

Has his sense of presence always been this low?

"It doesn't matter, first drag Long Ying to run, and the Ice Emperor will leave naturally, and this battle will be completely over."

Thinking of this, Ye Que pretended to retreat and run away, but in fact he was looking for an opportunity to open the sky and left with Long Ying and his party.

As for the rift valley, the earth trembled, and black gas spewed out of the rift, shaking the sky and shaking the earth. Everything inside was corroded. The few survivors who fled underground were doomed this time.

Only a few people who had the means to save their lives escaped from the gap, and the Shuiyue Mirror was not included, so Ye Que was not worried, it is estimated that this guy had slipped away long ago.


The interceptor used Kaitian's brilliance, an invisible trembling force, to bombard the golden pagoda, which was blocked by the golden pagoda, but the counter-shock force also cracked Long Ying's skin, and blood flowed out.

The interceptor was indifferent, and instantly turned into a translucent ray of light, bypassing the Golden Pagoda, and slashing directly at Long Ying.

"Great Emperor Technique!"

The moment Long Ying saw the opponent's change, she immediately used the Great Emperor Technique to escape, and her judgment was right, because the opponent did kill him.

"This way!"

Ye Que suddenly shouted, and the Great Emperor Technique of Long Ying and the other three immediately rushed towards Ye Que.


Seeing this, Ye Que burst into a radiant light, he was about to open the sky, and when Long Ying came here using the Great Emperor Technique, he was about to open the sky and leave.

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