God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1948: I didn't meet someone?

The interceptor made a decision to forcibly kill Bingdi.

And they will use the method of suppressing the bottom box.

The strongest ones are the Eternal Law and the Brilliance of the Heavens. These are the most recognizable means. Once used, the probability of identity exposure is as high as 99%.

And once they are used, it means that they have the determination and attitude to kill Ice Emperor and Long Ying.

If the interception fails, the consequences will be disastrous.

No one can bear the revenge of a source god, even a super powerful force will be hurt.

The interceptor who was in another world forced his way across the endless territory, and a hazy figure appeared in the distance, which was going to be serious.

Seeing this, the other two interceptors went out of hiding after a moment of silence. Although they didn't show their true faces, it was enough to show their attitude.

This interception, they killed it.

"This seat will force Long Ying and several other guards out of the Ice Emperor's body. At that time, the two of you will temporarily give up attacking the Ice Empress and kill those ants that are in the way!"

The interceptor who crossed from the other side of the world opened his mouth, his figure bloomed with hazy and chaotic light, fully demonstrating the terrifying momentum of suppressing the nine heavens and ten places, making the surrounding practitioners retreat again and again.

Anyone can see that they are going to get serious.

Even the Ice Emperor's guards outside the rift valley can only retreat temporarily, no matter how strong they are, they are only Yuan Zun, and rushing to stop them is tantamount to giving away their heads, it is better to assist the Ice Emperor at a critical moment.

"Did you finally come out?"

The right eye of the Ice Empress has a purple charm, which has an inexplicable power of the general trend of the world, and can see through the tangible and intangible things of all things in the world.

She saw through all the cracks, easily dodged the cracks, accelerated recklessly, and could predict the crisis in advance, turning the beast around.

The Bing Empress, who had always been indifferent, had a dignified expression at this moment. She watched the three interceptors appearing from a distance, and began to mobilize the Kaitian Zhiyao in her body.

Source Gods are rare, and Open Sky Glory is even rarer.

The Yuanshen who can possess the glory of opening the sky are all the best among the Yuanshen.

With only one source god, the Ice Emperor Domain can gain a foothold among many superpowers, and the glory of opening the sky is indispensable.

The temperature of the world dropped.

No matter inside or outside the Rift Valley, overwhelming snowstorms suddenly appeared.

Hail, strong winds, and heavy snow, all of which contained shocking killing intent, quickly turned this world into a land of blizzards and snow.

This is a sign that the Ice Empress is serious, and it is also a sign that Kaitian Zhiyao is about to wake up.

The three interceptors had no expression on their faces. They knew that Bingdi had the means to suppress the bottom box, but they didn't care.

Because, their target this time is not the Bingdi.

It was Long Ying.

Long Ying was the main interception target, and the rest of the guards, including the humble new Ice Empress, were just incidental.


The crack above the sky was still expanding, and the regular aura flowing out of it made the killing intent of the three interceptors even stronger.

The cultivators who saw this scene in the distance were shocked and continued to retreat with trembling bodies.

They knew that the opponent was going to be serious, and the next interception might come to an end.

All of a sudden, the eyes of everyone who watched the battle felt prickly, and a ray of light that even their hearts couldn't escape burned their bodies and souls.

"It's the Scarlet Crow Falling to the Sky!"

"The glory of the sun falling into the sky from the valley of the sun falling into the sky!"

Someone yelled in shock.

They can't see everything in front of them. Their naked eyes and hearts, even their souls, are blinded by the radiant light and temporarily blinded.

However, there are many people who know the brilliant light, and some people will soon recognize what kind of method it is.

Looking around, the world where the rift valley is located has been shrouded in platinum light, like being in a thick fog, unable to see the front, back, left, and right, and even the heart is shone by the strong light, and nothing can be seen.

This is the famous sky-opening glory of Falling Sun Valley - Falling Sky Chiwu.

Rumor has it that since the birth of the Falling Chicrow, almost no one has been able to recognize the true face of the Falling Chicrow. They only know that once the Falling Chicrow comes out, everything in the world is covered.

"Falling Sun Valley!"

The Ice Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, and in the realm of Yuanshen, he could only vaguely see a black spot in front of him, that black spot was extremely bright.

Her voice was very cold, and she recognized where the first person who intercepted her came from.


A silver stream of light floated from the Ice Emperor's body, and as soon as Hashi appeared, he froze the void, and even the flames gushing from the beast froze along with it.

This is Kaitian Zhiyao recovering.

Ye Que shared the vision with the Ice Empress, felt the changes in the Ice Empress' power, and when the Ice Empress revived the Kaitian Zhiyao in his body, he also felt it.

A mysterious power that has never been seen before, as if controlling the source of the gods, spreads throughout the body.

At that moment, his realm quickly collapsed and he went straight to Yuanzun's realm.


Above the sky, the rift expanded rapidly, spreading from a kilometer to eighty-nine kilometers. The interior was colorful, and visions appeared frequently, and many creatures that had disappeared after the dark age appeared one after another.

Looking at the situation, when the Skyline formed, it was the moment when Ye Gushen broke through to Yuan Zun.

"Don't wait any longer, do it!"

The interceptor who used the falling red crow felt the cracks in the sky and knew that he couldn't wait any longer, so he transmitted the sound to the other interceptors.

The next moment, the interceptor sat cross-legged in the void, holding his hands in front of his chest. In an instant, the energy of heaven and earth flowed, and all of them gathered between his hands.

The situation changed, ten thousand dharmas surged out, entangled the interceptor, and the red crow falling into the sky shone again, blocking all eyes that dared to peek at all things in the world, and at the same time released the power of burning, burning the bodies and souls of the surrounding life indiscriminately.

The practitioners far away, fortunately far away, ended up with severe burns. If they were close, they would be turned into flying ash on the spot.


The Ice Empress was indifferent, allowing the falling red crow to attack, and as soon as the Kaitian Zhiyao in his body recovered, he froze the burning power.

It's a pity that the interceptor's target is no longer her.

The mutation suddenly regenerated.

"Eternal law, falling sun!"

The interceptor sitting cross-legged in the void has gray hair, but this interceptor has no expression on his face, he just opened his mouth suddenly, with his hands in a round gesture, he suddenly squeezed tightly, as if crushing the breath between his hands, crushing it In an instant, an invisible divine power, as if eternal and eternal, exploded forcefully from between the hands.

Spreading out from him as the center, the heaven and earth in the body will generate repelling power to anyone who comes into contact with it.

In the blink of an eye, invisible divine power covered billions of miles.

The Ice Empress was the first to bear the brunt, and a strong repelling force was generated in her body. Caught off guard, Ye Que, Long Ying and the other two guards were forced out of her body.

Ye Que was at the critical moment of breakthrough, the sudden repelling force impacted his breakthrough, and a mouthful of blood rolled out from his throat.

"It's over."

He felt cold, but fortunately, Bingdi connected with her with divine power, and forcibly kept Ye Que's connection with her.

Ye Que shook his head for a while, and found that the breakthrough in the realm was stable, and the cracks in the sky were still spreading.

The Ice Emperor squinted at Ye Que, and didn't have time to think about it. Just as he was about to take Long Ying and the others back into his body again, the other two interceptors had already entered the rift valley, and a monstrous divine power attacked them.

"Ice Realm Abyss!"

In an instant, the Ice Empress revived Kaitian Zhiyao completely, and the world was frozen, including the two interceptors who attacked, and their bodies were also rapidly condensing ice crystals.

Once this technique is released, even if the other party has a killer move hidden, they can't do anything to her.

However, the other party was not targeting her, but Long Ying.

An interceptor shrouded in hazy divine light, before the ice crystals froze himself, his eyes passed over the Ice Emperor and looked directly at Long Ying, his pupils were slightly fixed, and a terrifying trembling power from the void surged out instantly, and went straight to Long Ying .

At that moment, the heaven and the earth resonated.

Like a basic string, when someone pulls it, the string begins to tremble violently.

And Long Ying was right in the center of the trembling string.

This is the glory of the sky.

Ye Que originally thought that the other party was going to kill him, after all he had provoked Jiu Tianhen, but seeing that the killer ignored him and went straight to Long Ying, he was a little confused when he was lucky, how could these people target Long Ying.

But when I think about it, people still need to be saved.

"Open the sky!"

Ye Que shot the sky-opening blade, breaking the trembling void.

They all use the Glory of the Sky, right?

I have it too!

Ignore Mr. Ye, I, Mr. Ye, are so ignorant?

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