God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1914: What the fuck

The seven Yuan Zun were able to destroy Ye Que, and indeed they did so several times.

But Ye Que opened the Eternal Domain, he was immortal in it, and directly used the seven Yuanzun as experience monsters.

His adaptation limit is constantly triggered, even if he can't adapt and dies, he can be resurrected.

"Are you a rat? You have such a strong vitality, you're still alive!"

The seven Yuanzun yelled, the situation is worse than that of the barbarian gods.

After all, Mantian God couldn't kill Ye Que, but the seven Yuan Zun killed Ye Que, Ye Que could be resurrected, and by the way, he could increase his strength.

What is this?

"It's really a good place to gain experience and mastery."

Ye Que smashed his mouth, felt that the Eternal Domain was too easy to use, and would pull in all the people he couldn't afford to mess with in the future.

As long as the wool is well squeezed, it will be much more refreshing than bleaching in vain.


The seven Yuan Zun took action and jointly besieged and suppressed Ye Que. The means and power were sufficient, and Ye Que would be killed if he ran blindly.

At first they killed Ye Que, and they took it for granted in their hearts, but when Ye Que came back to life again, they thought it was nonsense.

When they were killed in succession and Ye Que was revived in succession, the mentality of the seven people began to become unstable and they were about to collapse.

At the end of the fight, a high-ranking Yuanzun punched the Eternal Domain and said with a gloomy face, "He's playing us like monkeys!"

"Second uncle, I seem to have seen his method somewhere."

A middle-level Yuan Zun stared coldly at Ye Que running around, frowning and said.

"When he was fighting Man Tianshen, it seemed to be the same situation. He was pulling wool!"

One Yuan Zun said, the rest of the people suddenly realized, and then flew into a rage.

When they saw Man Tianshen being plucked for wool, they felt that the surnamed Ye was too **** an animal. Now it's their turn, it's more like an animal than an animal.

"It must be killed with one blow, otherwise this guy will use us as a sharpening stone and will become stronger and stronger."

The high-level Yuan Zun said with a sullen face, the divine power on his body was restrained and compressed, which was accumulating strength.

At the beginning, the scene of Man Tianshen being plucked in public was vivid, no one wanted to let Ye Que profit, this was the most disgusting.

Furthermore, Ye Gushen's potential made them fearful, if they didn't take the opportunity to get rid of him, it would be difficult to catch him in the future.

You know, Ye Gushen, who could be beaten by any Gentleman in the past, is half dead, but now he can't be beaten by even seven Gentlemen. This growth rate is horrifying.

"do not fight?"

Ye Que stopped flying, hung in the starlight, and said coldly to the seven people, regretting in his heart, if this continues, maybe the ninth sky mark will really come out.

"Four mid-level Yuanzun and one high-level Yuanzun, join hands to trap him, and I will obliterate this field!"

One of the high-ranking Yuanzun said coldly, the release of terrifying coercion can make this place feel suffocated and dull, like the arrival of an ancient god, Ye Que dare not get too close.

This method was agreed by other people, so another big war broke out.

Four middle ranks and one high rank teamed up to besiege Ye Que and kill Ye Que consecutively. It doesn't matter even if he can be revived, as long as he can't make a move.

As for the remaining high-level Yuanzun, his eyes turned blood-colored, and a wisp of blue divine fire flew out of his soul. It was a secret method he practiced, using his soul to nourish fire.

As soon as the fire appeared this time, the temperature in this place dropped instantly, and ice **** appeared on everyone's bodies.

This is extremely cold fire.


This high-ranking Yuan Zun is wearing blue light armor, like a great ancient god, and his casual gestures reveal the aura of crushing the universe.

He guided the blue fire to his chest, swiped his hands, and the divine lights shot out from his hands, blending into the extreme cold fire.

The Jidao Lenghuo seemed to have eaten pig feed, buzzing and growing, and turned into a sea of ​​flames in a blink of an eye, covering most of the eternal domain.

The more the fire, the colder the temperature, and ice crystals appeared on everyone's body.

Kacha Kacha, the Eternal Domain was covered by blue fire and began to stiffen, and the Kaitian Xinghui flowing inside was gradually frozen.


The light-armored high-ranking Yuan Zun glanced at the restricted Ye Que, smiled coldly, and the Ba Clan Emperor Fist shook the void, smashing into the Eternal Domain.

Under the bombardment of this punch, cracks gradually appeared in the continuously solidified domain.

The other side is not idle either.

"Lan Ning Shenguang!"

The four middle-level source masters released blue light, trapping Ye Que in it, and his speed dropped sharply.

Another high-ranking Yuan Zun threw out the Emperor Fist with his left hand, and held up the cauldron with his right hand, restricting Ye Que's power of time and space.

At the same time, the five of them shot out when they had time, and launched many attacks, all of which were poured on Ye Que.

Five against one, or five Yuan Zun against one master, it takes such a lot of effort, if it gets out, it will definitely cause a big earthquake, and Ye Que is proud enough.

His vitality is indeed strong, resistant to blows, resistant to blows, no matter how hard he hits, he can't be killed, and he is a tough guy, running faster than anyone else.

This is the experience and ability accumulated from being hunted down time and time again.

No one knows how to escape better than him.

No one knows how to resist ultimate moves better than him.

Although there are credits of Kaitian Zhiyao and Eternal Law, he was able to cooperate with them in a short period of time and use them very familiarly.

This is enough to prove his talent and ability in escaping and fighting.

Ye Dashao is fierce, but he is too disgusting.

"Depend on!"

Ye Que was deeply trapped in Lan Ning's divine light, and wanted to sacrifice time and space, but the Ba clan also had a deep foundation, and had special means to limit the power of time and space.

So what if you transcend and control time and space? It does not mean that there is no way to limit time and space.

Yuanshen Realm is the head of all realms, and the means of restricting time and space are not uncommon.

Ye Dashao was helpless, and began to granulate space-time.

Hum, the cauldron casts out a black light, restraining him in a daze.

"If I break through to Yuan Zun, at least four people will die here!"

Ye Que shouted loudly, which really surprised the other party.

They knew that Ye Que had at least four sky marks and had the ability to break through to Yuan Zun. If they really wanted him to break through, the mid-level Yuan Zun couldn't handle it.

"Suppress! Suppress! When the domain is broken, he will die!"

The high-ranking Yuan Zun roared furiously, the Emperor Fist in his left hand turned into an eternal killer move, and divine light gushed out one after another, covering Ye Que with a bang.

The other four middle-level Yuan Zun also sacrificed their lives to use the ultimate move of the bottom box, not giving Ye Que a chance to breathe.

On the other side, the light-armored high-level Yuanzun bombarded the domain with punches, combined with extremely cold fire, and gradually made a gap in the domain, revealing the outside scene.

The first time he saw it, he saw Ba Chenyu died tragically outside, and beside Ba Chenyu, the Sky Yin Ancient-Eyed Bird growled ferociously at him, with blood still dripping from his mouth.

"Heavenly Yin Ancient-Eyed Bird! It's a barbarian God... No, this bird was taken away by the Mystic God Son. Ye Gushen, you killed my Ba Clan's new generation king body, and I, Ba Clan, will never give up with you!"

The light-armored high-ranking Yuan Zun roared, and swung his fists more vigorously, gradually tearing open the Eternal Domain.

"Little guy going to the old place, if you dare to escape halfway, the poison in your body will definitely explode!"

Ye Que had already arranged the Tianyin Ancient Eyed Bird outside to kill Ba Chenyu. Now that Ba Chenyu was dead and the domain was about to be broken, it was time to slip away.

Hey hey hey!

The Tianyin Ancient-Eyed Bird has a ferocious nature. He didn't see Ye Que's person, only heard the voice, and suddenly found the wild roar, but he still didn't dare to disobey Ye Que, turned around and flew towards the Ice Emperor's domain.

"He ran away, you can't run away!"

The light-armored high-ranking Yuan Zun grinned grimly. Once the domain is broken, the ancient **** will no longer have the ability to live forever. When the ancient **** dies, he will really die.

Ye Que sneered, his eyes flickered with the sky-opening light, and one hand turned into a sky-opening blade, and said: "See you next time, I will also squeeze your wool. It will be cool for a while, and it will be cool for a while!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he would break through the space and slip away.

But an accident came.

boom! boom! boom! boom…

The thirteen peak Yuanzun bosses from the Seventh Dragon Realm of the Western God Realm are here.

They tracked them based on the breath left on the map of the tomb.

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