God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1700: Void power without attribute

The place where time and space are abandoned is boundless and endless.

Ye Que turned into a ray of light and ran towards the deep mountains in the west.

Wherever they passed along the way, the strange beasts hiding in the mountains trembled.

"too weak."

If Ye Que wanted to choose, he had to choose a beast with a higher realm, and ignored those weak ones.

This also corresponds to that sentence, weak but safe.

call out-

Running for hundreds of millions of miles in two or three steps, scanning the earth with divine light in his eyes, it is not enough to see monsters at the level of creation and creation.

Look again.

In the end, he found a giant lion lying on the wilderness in an extremely remote place.

The lion exuded the power of a true **** invisibly, and was licking its ferocious paws with its tongue.

"It's just you."

Ye Que fell from the sky and landed in front of the lion in an instant.

The lion was stunned for a moment, then suddenly became furious, and swallowed Ye Que with a big mouthful.

"be honest."

Ye Que slapped it dumbfounded, and smashed his head on the ground so hard that his buttocks turned up.

ruthless enough.

The lion coaxes the kitten in seconds.

"That's what makes sense."

Ye Que took out the formation flag and set up many isolation formations.

Humming buzzing, the wheel of time and space appeared, lowering the light of time and space, surrounding the surroundings, isolating the outside world with time and space.

After that, he took the lion to the inner world.

With multiple guarantees, Ye Que felt at ease.

"do not move."

Ye Que jumped onto the lion's head, and secretly cast the secret technique given by the empress. The fire eye on his forehead began to absorb his power of origin.

His power of origin is almost infinite, but the eye of the fire seed has absorbed energy of almost a thousand cosmic levels before it changes.


The pupil of the eye of fire shrank into a crack, like a gap from another world, and the dark red revealed the depth.

Seeing this, Ye Que cast the spell again, and a dark golden beam shot out from the slit in the pupil, which contained endless mysteries.

The beam of light slowly fell on the lion's head.

The lion whined softly.

Ye Que frowned, perceiving carefully, he found that the lion was afraid.

Also at this time, not long after the light beam fell on the lion, the lion's brown fur was withering at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a gray texture.


Halfway through the lion's moaning, it turned into a pool of black ash, leaving only a wisp of brown mist that seemed black but not black.

Ye Que felt it carefully and was surprised: "The power of Yuanxu."

In the brown mist, there is the power of primordial void.

Fine perception.

"The power of origin without attributes is really you."

Ye Que was constantly surprised.

The power of the non-attribute source, like a natural source, can be integrated into other sources and strengthen other sources.

"No wonder, you can become stronger by eating meat. There is indeed a power of non-attribute origin in the meat."

Ye Que has always had this guess, after all, he has eaten it and has this experience.

Now, seeing the brown mist with his own eyes, he had more thoughts.

"I have traveled in the Realm of the True God for many years, and I have also asked the Empress that the Realm of the True God does not have the power of origin and emptiness without attributes."

"Yuanxu practice, either rely on the power of Yuanxu that devours other Yuanxu creatures, or rely on comprehension or epiphany."

Ye Que frowned, thinking in the direction of the ultimate mystery.

Perhaps, only the ultimate mystery can give birth to this kind of power.

This is judged from the perspective of the True God Realm.

Another judgment, based on tinder.

"The power of the fire seed comes from the ultimate mystery. The reason why I can discover the power of the non-attribute origin today is the power of the fire seed."

Ye Que's eyes shone with light, thinking that it is necessary to explore the place where time and space are abandoned.

Here is a reminder.

The Yuanxu power of other Yuanxu creatures has attributes, and if you want to absorb it, you can only absorb the purest part.

And the power of non-attribute origin is a universal energy, and the energy level is so high that it has almost reached the peak of the life level.

"There is no non-attributed power of Yuanxu in the True God Realm, but now that it has appeared... Does it mean that Yuanxu's cultivation has traces to follow?"

Ye Que wasn't guessing randomly.

When you reach the realm of Yuanxu, you basically reach the apex of your life.

If you want to continue to practice, you have to open up your own path of cultivation.

As for the path opened up, whether it is correct or wrong really depends on luck, and it is impossible to copy the cultivation path of others.

But now, the cultivation resources of Yuanxu level suddenly appear, and there will probably be a cultivation path that matches it.

"Maybe, those seven seniors know some secrets."

With this in mind, Ye Que took out a bottle and filled it with brown mist, but it failed.

The brown mist penetrated the bottle, and it couldn't hold it at all.

He thought about it.

"Could it be that only life can bear it?"

He felt like experimenting.

Stretch out your hand and slowly grab the brown mist.

The brown mist actually penetrated into the blood, meridians, and bones under the skin. It was very subtle. If Ye Que didn't activate his fire eye, he wouldn't be able to detect it at all.

Shaking his hands, the brown mist did not move.

Conscious absorption.

The brown mist was absorbed.

"Interesting, it really can only be carried by life, and it's only good to have the life of the flesh. In addition, if you don't absorb them, they will only attach to the flesh."

Ye Que smiled faintly.

Plants do not have the power of non-attribute origin, so the above point of view is easy to infer.

"This place must have a lot of non-attribute origin power, all of them are in the body of the strange beast, and where did the strange beast put the non-attribute origin power into the body?"

Ye Que jumped out of the world in his body, withdrew the formation and the wheel of time and space, and stared at the world.

The vast world is endless, but it is also extremely peaceful.

It's really a place suitable for survival, but unfortunately, it's a place where beasts don't have any smell.

"Let's look into it next time!"

Ye Que harvested exotic beasts on a large scale, capturing them all no matter they were strong or weak.

Anyway, this place is boundless, and there are so many exotic animals that it is almost inexhaustible, and there are no natural enemies from outside.

Ahem, just these few foodies, they can't finish it at all, mainly because they will vomit after eating for a long time.

Therefore, there are really many strange beasts.

He crossed between the heaven and the earth, and in the mountains and rivers, strange beasts can be seen everywhere.

"Catch them all."

Ye Que harvests in various ways.


Some predators were enraged and fought with him.

Ye Que fought back forcefully.

The rumbling sound was endless.

As a character who has reached the peak of Yuanxu and has extraordinary combat power, it is naturally easy to fight, and the predators can be eliminated with three strikes, five divisions and two.

"Woo woo woo..."

The predator trembled and begged Ye Que for mercy.

"Sure enough, most of the strange beasts have very low intelligence and act on instinct."

Ye Que looked at the crocodile, shook his head and sighed.

Strange beasts are basically weak, and the reason why they are a little strong must be caused by inadvertently absorbing the power of the non-attribute source.

However, this kind of growth is the same as pulling out seedlings to encourage growth. It only increases strength, not brains.

Of course, being strong has its benefits.

A powerful alien beast will have a lot of non-attribute origin power attached to its body, and these powers are usually unknown to the alien beast itself.

Even Ye Que discovered this kind of power by relying on the eyes of the fire seed, it's no wonder that the strange beast can know it.

And the reason why they become powerful is usually obtained by devouring other beasts, or inadvertently absorbing the power of non-attribute origin in some places.

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