God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1697: Space-time


The valley collapsed, the ground trembled, and the strange beast hidden in the deep mountain trembled.

Ye Que was hanging above the valley, feeling his whole body was full of strength, and he was pleasantly surprised.

In an instant, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After eating the meat of different animals for twenty years, I can finally stop eating it today.

Because of him, he has reached the high-level Yuanxu, which is the end of Yuanxu.

The road has been walked by him.

Next, he either stopped practicing, or tried the illusory realm of immortality.

View data.

as follows-

【Unyielding Ancient Divine Body】

[Realm: High-level Yuanxu (Consummation)]

[Breakthrough progress line: initial entry, small success, consolidation, major success, and completion]

[Hint: The host has come to the end of the road of life]

"I'm now at the peak of Yuanxu, and it's time to try to break through the void and become immortal."

Ye Que pondered, recalling the breakthrough paths of the seven seniors, each one was more strange than the other.

"When you fall asleep, you will become void and immortal when you wake up."

"After a long time, it will naturally become empty and immortal."

"Breakthrough in random fighting and killing."

"While dozing off, I suddenly realized at a certain moment, and broke through to the void and immortality."

The more Ye Que thought about it, the darker his face became.

The seven seniors once talked about their cultivation path. Ye Que always felt that these guys broke through to the void and immortality, just like a joke?

He comprehended for a long time, but he didn't comprehend anything.

"Boy, you need to settle down now and calm your mind. It is very difficult for the beings in the True God Realm to break through to void immortality, so don't be burdened."

The white-haired old man was on the top of the mountain, speaking earnestly.

Ye Que heard this again, the beings of the True God Realm made it seem like they were not part of the True God Realm.

After hesitating, he wanted to ask where the seniors were from, but the one-eyed old man said, "After all, you are not us."

This coquettish and angry sentence instantly evoked Void's immortal temperament.

"Senior is amazing! Well, I'll first consolidate the realm and settle the state of mind."

Ye Que slipped away.

I've been bored here for twenty years, it's time to go back.

First, turn into a space-time wandering god.

Then, part of the space-time consciousness is separated.


"Wait, since I can space-time, can other things, too?"

Ye Que withdrew his consciousness of time and space. In one step, he came to the deep mountain. Seeing a hare in front of him, he enlightened with one hand and activated Ability 1: Wandering God at the same time.

[Ability 1: Wandering God (Incarnation of the Time and Space Wandering God, the host becomes Time and Space, wherever Time and Space is, the Wandering God can go)]

[Note: This ability is realized when the host becomes Void Immortal, and only part of the ability can be used in the current state]


Unknowingly, the hare's body emitted light, which was the reason why the power of time and space was covered.

But it didn't turn into space-time particles.

"Am I the only one who can turn into time and space?"

Ye Que looked at his body, it had turned into golden particles, and it would flutter when the wind blows.

He pondered for a long time and did another experiment.

"The palm is bound to life and death, I will make you age faster!"

He tapped the hare to activate ability 2: life and death at the edge of the palm.

[Ability 2: Life and death in the palm of your hand (incarnate as a wandering **** of time and space, control the lifespan of life, any life that grows in time and space, the host can make him rejuvenate with a single thought, or turn him into ashes)]

[Note: This ability is limited by the realm of the host. Only those who are lower than the realm of the host will have this ability take effect, and those who are higher than the realm of the host will only take effect for a part of the ability]

[Note: The God of Time and Space is the **** of world order. If in the past time and space, the order is disrupted, the host will also die. Please use this ability carefully]


The hare's body trembled. Instantly, its hair withered and its body withered. In a blink of an eye, it turned into a skeleton, and finally turned into ashes.

In the process, he activated ability 1: Wandering God, trying to time and space, but it didn't work.

"I will make you rejuvenate!"

He rotated the life and death of the palm edge in reverse, and became a hare of ashes, and it was intact again. During this period, he used Wandering God, but it was still useless.

"Is it really not possible?"

Ye Que fiddled with it for a long time, the hare is confused, it will grow old, shrink, and disappear, why are you just playing around with my brother?

"The power of time and space contains supreme mysteries. You have only mastered it for a short time, and some usages are not yet familiar to you."

"Since you are a wandering **** of time and space, you can transform into time and space, and you always want the other person to transform into time and space. Why don't you let yourself transform into time and space, and then blend into the other party's body?"

An old man in gray clothes came, his eyes contained the power of time and space, he was a super boss who mastered the power of time and space.

Ye Que has learned a lot from him, the ability to use time and space, and he has always been very grateful to him.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that."

Ye Que thanked him, and couldn't wait to turn into time-space particles and penetrate into the hare's body.

There was a pop, as if something had broken.

Looking at the hare again, the hare has been transformed into time and space, becoming a beautiful and immortal space-time particle.

"It really works! Thank you, senior!"

Ye Que was overjoyed.

He was still thinking about how to bring the strange beast back to his hometown.

After all, only his consciousness can go out, and nothing else can be taken with him, but now, the problem is easily solved.

The old man in gray nodded and smiled, then turned and left.

Not to mention, these old men are usually not serious, but when teaching him, they are very friendly and serious.

Ye Que looked at the back of the gray-clothed old man, thinking that they are trapped here, it is also pitiful...


"Senior, I think I can take you out."

Ye Que said.

"With your strength, it's hard to take a big true god-level beast out. You still want to take us?"

The old man in gray knew what he was thinking and directly denied it.

After finishing speaking, he paused, and said again: "Remind you, don't get into other people's bodies, especially Void Immortal. After you enter, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out again, and you may even be swallowed by Void Immortal."

Ye Que was thoughtful.

Reminded by the gray-clothed old man, he went to the deep mountains to catch a great true god-level beast.

In this deserted land, most of them are ordinary beasts, and there are very few of them, and they have to go to the deepest place to find them.

Looking at a bird monster that was captured, he penetrated into the opponent's body after time and space.

But as soon as I entered, I felt blocked, as if I had entered a quagmire.

"The life level of the Great True God is very high. With my current state, it is really impossible to assimilate."

Ye Que said, at the same time, he also admired these void immortals, who are really sophisticated in controlling time and space.

"It seems that we can only bring some real god-level beasts out."

When Ye Que said this, the strange beasts on the mainland would suffer.

He is as small as an ordinary beast, as big as a true **** level, and he will not let go of them all, and all of them are space-time.

"Two thousand... My current body can assimilate two thousand, but if I use time and space consciousness, I can only assimilate one thousand. That's right, I'm back in the Realm of God!"

Ye Que sat cross-legged under the old tree, differentiated the consciousness of time and space, assimilated all the thousand alien beasts, turned them into a wave of golden fine sand, and immediately went straight to the Realm of God.

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