God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1695: mirror

On a mountain top.

The white-haired old man sat opposite Ye Que, with a chessboard in the middle.

The hands of the two sides pinched the chess piece, which was half suspended on the chessboard, but it was motionless, as if it had been petrified.

And this scene, in the eyes of others, is no surprise.

Buzzing, buzzing, trembling in the void.

Ye Que's consciousness has entered another dimension. He is standing in front of a huge chessboard, with many chess pieces scattered under his feet.

Boom boom boom!

Huge chess pieces fell from the sky, without rules but implying a deadly game, Ye Que had to calmly dodge and launch a counterattack at the same time.

His state of mind was slowly settling, and a deep and vast temperament gradually emerged from his body.

"That's right, my heart has gradually stabilized, and I will continue to polish it. Finally, one day, I will have the opportunity to break through to void immortality."

The rest of the old men outside stroked their beards.

After half a year.

After Ye Que played a game of chess every day, he entered the void battlefield.

In the battlefield, the one-eyed old man stepped out, as if stepping on the long river of time and space, the void was crushed, and a vast immortal pressure spread out.

"Think carefully."

The terrifying power of Void Immortality erupted from the one-eyed old man, and every move he made casually contained special connotations, as if he could be immortal.

This is the first time for Ye Que to feel the power of the immortal level directly and carefully.

He had been hunted down all the time before, but he didn't have the time to comprehend it carefully.

Now he only needs to understand well, and he doesn't need to do anything.

Another half year later.

Ye Que followed the rest of the elders again to refine alchemy and weapons.

It seems easy, but in fact, it is hard to polish one's own heart and body.

In addition, other elders are also teaching him how to get started with Void Immortality, and how to control the power in his hands in a more detailed way.

In this continent, Ye Que felt the rush for the first time.

He didn't get a rest until the seven Immortals had finished teaching.

Ye Que ate the disgusting meat of the alien beast, felt his strength grow, and asked, "Senior, can this secret reflection technique be useful?"

He wanted to check the situation of the Conferred God Era, so he asked the white-haired old man for a secret technique.

"As long as you have an immortal item from the True God Realm, combined with the power of the time-traveling god, this secret reflection technique is absolutely useful."

The white-haired old man said enviously.

This is his top-level secret technique, which can be used to communicate with the outside world, but he can't use it. It can only be used in conjunction with the Time and Space Wandering God.

"It just so happens that I have it, I'll try."

Ye Que worked his way up and down, and finally obtained a top-level secret technique from the hands of these old seniors.

As soon as he practiced, he felt the extraordinaryness of the secret technique, which gave him a feeling similar to that of the time-space era grand formation.

All in all, this secret technique is very unusual.

Ye Que first turned into a wandering **** of time and space, sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Then he took out the broken necklace, which was the necklace of the Empress, spat out a wisp of blood on it, and held it tightly in his palm.

Then cast the Immortal Reflection Secret Technique.

With a buzzing sound, his body collapsed and he fell to the ground, but a wisp of time and space consciousness floated out from his body.

"Wandering God."

Time and space consciousness is part of Ye Que's consciousness, and this time he activated the ability of time and space wandering god.


This space-time consciousness floats outside the continent, but when it passes through, it still encounters resistance.

"I'm here to help you."

The white-haired old man shot out an immortal-level bright light with one hand, which was blessed in the time-space consciousness. With a pop, the time-space consciousness finally passed through some kind of obstacle in the mainland and flew out of the mainland.

Surprised by the consciousness of time and space, it turned into a golden human-shaped phantom, and the appearance of Ye Que was faintly visible.

He cupped his fists outside the mainland and said, "Thank you, senior."

"Fuck! Can you really get out?"

The white-haired old man was amazed again and again.

Ye Que:? ? ?

How dare you not be sure?

He was stunned for a long time before he regained the consciousness of time and space, followed the link from the necklace, and headed straight to the Conferred God Era.

In the darkness, the consciousness of time and space floats along with the golden fine sand of time and space.

It seems that there is no direction, but in fact there is a weak connection from the necklace, which makes him consciously move in a certain direction.

Travel through the turbulent flow of time and space, and constantly **** in the endless darkness.

I do not know how long it has been.

Maybe a moment, maybe tens of billions of years.

Finally, he saw a continent in the turbulent flow of time and space.

This is the era of Conferred Gods.

At this moment, the Conferred Gods Era is protected by a terrifying formation, on which the power of time and space is blessed, and the turbulent flow of time and space acts as a barrier, making it untouchable.

Rumble! !

There was a terrifying roar.

With a slight movement of his consciousness, he realized that not far away, there was an Immortal Void, leading many sources of darkness, launching a peerless attack to penetrate the Conferred God Era.

Every time they attack, they can shake the power of time and space, shake the power of the formation, and can affect the Conferred God Era.

"It's a good thing they couldn't break through, but I don't know how long this attack lasted."

Ye Que was worried.

He went to the land of time and space, there was no time there, even if he went for tens of billions of years, Ye Que didn't feel it.

So he was worried that when he came back, the Conferred Gods Era had already changed.

"I have the power of wandering gods to protect the Great Formation of the Conferred God Era, which happens to contain the power of time and space, so I should be able to enter."

Ye Que murmured.

This is the power that belongs exclusively to the time-space wandering god.

Even with the power of time and space, other creatures cannot travel and go freely in time and space.

As for why he knew?

very simple.

Among the seven old men, four mastered the power of time and space, but none of them could use the power of time and space to travel back and forth, nor could they control time and space to go backwards and forwards forever.

Only the Time-Space Wandering God possesses such abilities.


Ye Que activated the ability of the time-space wandering **** again.

"Wandering God!"

[Ability 1: Wandering God (Incarnation of the Time and Space Wandering God, the host becomes Time and Space, wherever Time and Space is, the Wandering God can go)]

With a buzzing sound, the time-space consciousness turned into golden particles, floating into the time-space formation that enveloped the Conferred God Era.

at the same time.

The queen of good fortune sitting in the courtyard of the gods, with exhausted and introverted immortal power.

The successive attacks outside made her have to deal with it cautiously, and only had time to rest when the attacks were over.

Suddenly, her body trembled slightly, and a familiar connection spread into her heart.


She said in amazement, with an unsure surprise surging in her heart.

Yes, she felt the vibration of the necklace.


An unfamiliar power of time and space is trying to integrate into the Great Formation of the Time and Space Era, and is about to enter the Conferred God Era.

She sat at the core of the formation, felt it, and immediately cast the power of immortality in time and space to integrate into the formation.

In an instant, her immortal power collided with that strange power of time and space.

"it's me."

Ye Que felt the power of the empress, and immediately sent out a wave of consciousness.

In the next moment, the formation that was blocking the front was suddenly cleared, and he rushed quickly, and with a puff, he came to the Conferred God Era.

"I'm back, how are you doing?"

A part of Ye Que's consciousness came to the Realm of the True God in the Conferred God Era.

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