God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1675: One Sword Light Cold Three Thousand States

Ye Que wiped away the traces of this piece of heaven and earth, even when Yuanxu came, he couldn't find that there was a big war here.

He jumped up, hung in the sky, and his eyes fell to the distant Tianjian State.

Under the Heavenly Sword State, the formation flag was hidden deep underground, and it had been placed by him long before that.

At this moment, the formation flag exudes the aura of immortality in time and space. It is a formation flag of the Immortal Void level. It is so terrifying that even Immortal Void cannot discover its existence.

But Ye Que always felt that the power of this banner was very special, giving him an illusion that it could surpass the immortal power of the void.

"Forget it, I put the banner of this level of power in such a safe place, so I shouldn't worry too much."

Ye Que's mission in this era has been completed, glance at the data.

[Forward rotation speed of the sky wheel: 92.5 (when the rotation speed is 0, the sky wheel stops running, and time and space are stagnant; when it is negative, the sky wheel rotates in the opposite direction, and time and space are chaotic)]

"Good harvest."

The spin speed dropped by almost 7.5.

Don't underestimate this drop in data.

It took countless epochs for the dark creature to increase the positive rotation speed of the sky wheel to 100.

In the end, he used the Nine Void Immortals to personally maintain the sky wheel.

When he came here, he crashed at a speed of 7.5. It is estimated that the dark creature's heart is broken, and there is probably panic.

At this time, there is a kind of space-time power in the dark, sweeping the era.

This is the beginning of the array flag to play a role, to separate the relationship between this era and the era of the ancient gods.

The Empress sensed it in the Age of Conferred Gods, and immediately cast the "Reflecting Heavy Wheel Technique" to contact Ye Que across time and space: "The array flag is working, and the time and space of the Nine Swords Era have unconsciously changed. You, as Yuanxu, will appear Dangerous, come back quickly, otherwise it will be difficult to come back later."

However, the time and space heavy wheels as a communication medium have been driven into An Yuanjue's body by Ye Que to freeze time and space.

Ye Que didn't know about this at all, and he looked at the sky far away with his eyes still full of godliness, with a look of "Hey, the wind is so noisy today".

call out-

When he was flying between the sky and the earth, thinking about whether to find the earth dog and Jin Duande, a life-and-death crisis suddenly broke out in his heart.

"not good!"

Ye Que's expression changed, and he moved away from this place in an instant.

The death crisis he felt was very strong.

He was sure that if he didn't do something, he would be cut off, even the undead bones would be destroyed.

A hidden space-time vortex emerged from Ye Que's feet.

This kind of power is terrifying, and it is invisible, invisible, and even the Great True God can't find it.

"This is…"

Ye Que cast a spell, and saw the space vortex appearing and disappearing in a daze.

"Is this a space-time vortex aimed at me?"

He thought of the banner.

The empress said that once the formation flag is planted, time and space will change, and he, the source of time and space, will be the first to suffer the impact.

"I hope Tugou and Kim Duande are okay, I'll go find them first."

He turned around to leave, and there was another death crisis in his heart. Without any hesitation, he exploded with potential and teleported rapidly.

Without a sound, a space-time vortex with a diameter of 10,000 meters appeared, almost pulling him into it.


Ye Que watched the space-time vortex slowly disappear, his expression gradually became solemn, thinking that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, it is time to leave.

However, the space vortex seemed to be staring at him at that time.

Three space-time vortices with a diameter of 10,000 meters appeared on top of his head, chest and under his feet at the same time.


Ye Que retreated abruptly, but behind him, another space-time vortex suddenly appeared.

With a low shout, he shot out a bright light with a stick, and plunged into the time-space vortex, but this power was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it couldn't hurt the time-space vortex at all.

"The strong time and space power, is it the reason why the time and space I have crossed are longer?"

He didn't dare to hesitate, cast a secret technique, and moved again.

So what follows is very exciting.

He dodged and moved in the air, sometimes erupting with terror and coercion, and sometimes shining bright light.

Outsiders can't see the space-time vortex, they only feel that there is a great power to cast spells in the air.

Suddenly, a bright white light, like a sword glow, exploded and hit a distant place.

This ray of light is terrifying, spreading across thousands of states.

The creatures on the earth looked up, only to feel that there was a vast force spreading between the heaven and the earth.


The Great True God of Zhendan State looked up and saw the light coming, and said in shock: "It's the breath of the sword fairy, it's the light of his sword!"

He flew into the air to observe, and his face changed: "One sword light cold three thousand states!"


This time, let alone him, everyone else was shaken by it.

"Sword Immortal, it really does exist!"

The unwarranted legend of the Sword Immortal was passed down to future generations just like that.


Ye Que's stick shot out a white glow, but it missed, piercing through the three thousand continents, his body lightly rubbed the space-time vortex, a small piece of bone was obliterated, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Just at this time, he communicated with the space-time channel.

"Earth dog, Jin Duande."

He wanted to take the two of them away, but just as he was about to move, the space-time channel produced a terrifying suction force, sucking him in directly.

This suction was done by the empress.

"Fortunately, we have communicated with the space-time channel, and I will personally pull you back!"

Fearing that something would happen to this guy, the empress forcibly used the immortal power of the void to **** Ye Que into the space-time channel.

"Fuck, these two guys haven't been brought back yet!"

Ye Que's face darkened, and he thought that keeping these two evils here would definitely have a huge impact.

He didn't care about anything else, and quickly sent out two divine thoughts, following the aura of Jin Duande and the earth dog, he went straight to these two people.

"You two bastards, don't mess around! Honestly hide at the bottom, if you dare to create chaos, everyone in the Conferred God Era will be harmed!"

Ye Que prayed heartily, but he couldn't help but enter the space-time channel.

Not long after, he traveled through time and space and returned to the Conferred Gods Era.

This span is very large.

After the Nine Swords Era, is the Sky Era.

After the Tianqiong Era, is the Yaoxu Era.

After the Yaoxu Era, is the Conferred God Era.

When he came back, it took too long.

Although it was a momentary event, the people who stayed there have experienced nearly 30 billion years.

call out-

Ye Que was sucked back to the Conferred God Era.

The empress breathed a sigh of relief: "Once the array flags are placed, time and space will change, you should come back quickly, why wait so long?"

She blamed.

Ye Que's face turned dark: "Those two guys haven't come back yet! Will they be taken away by the space-time vortex?"

The empress was taken aback, and comforted: "Only Yuanxu will receive the attention of the space-time vortex, they won't..."

Speaking of this, the empress savored it carefully again, and her expression became strange: "They have become the peak true gods!"


Ye Que took a deep breath.

This shit!

I've traveled through time and space for less than two seconds, and these two guys are actually peak true gods?

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