God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1671: Tianzi Shenshan

At the edge of Tianjian State.

Ye Que sat cross-legged on the tip of the sword, with the slowly moving sea of ​​clouds under his feet, and the wind was blowing, making it very cool.

He rubbed his chin, looked at the Heavenly Sword with his eyes, observed the general trend of the world, and vaguely felt that this place was extraordinary.

"Sky Sword State seems to be the most eye-catching, but there is a trace of death lingering around."

The Great True God couldn't detect the dead energy, so Ye Que secretly mobilized Yuan Xu's power to observe it.

"Where is this place...in the Conferred God Era?"

His mind turned, and he kept recalling.

Along the way, I sketched out many terrains in my mind, included them, deleted them, compared them, and referenced them.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed brightly.

"It turns out that the location of the Heavenly Sword State is near the Fallen Valley in the Conferred God Era!"

Ye Que was stunned.

The Valley of Darkness is located in a no-man's land in the first half of the road to the barren source. It is eroded by darkness all the year round, and it is a dangerous no-man's forbidden zone.

The future location of Jianzhou on this day is near the Valley of Dark Meteor.

"It's a good place to place the formation flag in this place."

It's not because of the future location of Tianjian State, it's near the Valley of Meteor.

The main reason is that Ye Que used the general trend of the world to judge, and found that the prosperity of this place will inevitably decline, and there will be a lot of death, and there will be no popularity. land.

This kind of general trend is an excellent position to place the formation flag.

He carefully looked at the floating giant sword, and suddenly his eyes fell on the tip of the sword.

"The tip of the sword is pointing, the sharpness hides the dead air!"

Ye Que's gaze slowly moved to the ground, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Xiao Yueyue, let's go, I'll take you around."

He had the idea of ​​planting a battle flag, but for the sake of caution, he decided to check it out himself.


Blood Emperor Yue was looking at the bustling Tianjian State stupidly, his eyes were almost dazzled by the tall buildings.

Suddenly hearing Ye Que's words, she just let out an ah, and disappeared in place.

When she returned to God, she landed on a sacred mountain, and a sentence echoed in her mind: "This place is safe, just stand where you are and don't move! Wait for me to return!"

This was left by Ye Que, and he went straight to where the sword pointed, which was the deep underground of Tianjian State.

All the way down, the soil is getting colder and colder.

He analyzed his perception and whispered: "No wonder there is death energy. Tianjian State is the largest state with strong people like clouds, but correspondingly, the resources needed will also increase. This large state seems to be prosperous and powerful, but in fact , the resources have been exhausted, and it has become a rootless place!"

Deeper, there is a stench in the soil, which is a kind of stench on the air machine, which can only be discovered by Yuanxu.

"This place can't keep people anymore. The shortage is too serious. Not only will no one come to explore this place, but more and more people will be lost!"

The corner of Ye Que's mouth twitched, this is indeed a good place to place the formation flag.

It also gave him an idea.

In the future, when I go to other time and space, I will look for this kind of place, it is absolutely safe.

"Keep going down, the deeper the better!"

He continued to go down, in order to observe the surroundings, the speed was very balanced.

On the ground, Tianzi Shenshan in Tianjianzhou.

Tianzi Shenshan, a gathering place for geniuses.

Back then, there was an invincible sword cultivator at the creation level in Yintian Sword State, and his identity came from the number one sect, the Heavenly Sword Sect.

The invincible sword cultivator fell on the Tianzi Mountain, threatening to suppress all creations in the world of the true god.

During that time, the states were shaken, and many top geniuses went straight to Tianzi Shenshan to fight against the invincible.

However, the invincible person at the creation level is really invincible. He alone fought against the geniuses of the three thousand states and the five thousand small continents, without losing a single defeat, and gained the reputation of being invincible.

In the end, the invincible man broke the sword stained with the blood of countless geniuses into the Tianzi Mountain, leaving a legend.

"Any creature who takes out a sword in the realm of creation will be eligible to fight with him. If he breaks through to a higher level, he can suppress his strength to the level of the year and fight with him! The winner will be awarded the title of Invincible!"

Based on this, this place has become a place where geniuses yearn for, and it has developed into a place where countless geniuses gather.

Xue Diyue is holding a sword. Although she is beautiful, she has no experience in big scenes, let alone the world, which makes her incompatible with the people here.

Those who come and go are either the princes of a certain dynasty or the inheritors of a certain great clan. All of them have extraordinary temperament and radiant light. Their words, smiles and conversations are all controlled by true gods.

She smacked her tongue secretly when she heard it, and unconsciously made others weaker and humbled.

"Hello, my name is Bu Mingjian, the eldest prince of the Qingming Dynasty, hey, why is the fairy alone? Doesn't she have any followers?"

A handsome young man came with an extraordinary temperament and a halo, followed by a group of followers, all of whom were extraordinary geniuses.

"I... I am waiting for my master."

Xue Diyue took half a step back and said in a low voice.

"Waiting for Master? You... huh, I understand."

Halfway through Bu Mingjian's speech, his expression turned cold.

He saw that Xue Diyue was really beautiful, even though there were many beauties present, she could still stand out, but judging by her demeanor and outfit, he could tell that this person was of a low level.

He shook his head, said nothing more, and walked past Xue Diyue calmly.

Bu Mingjian's followers were all indifferent and didn't even look at her.

If you are not at the same level, there is no need for communication.

In the eyes of these geniuses, looks are secondary, and what they desire more is the identity background and resources of the other party.

Xue Diyue lowered her gaze slightly, her body was a little nervous.

But her appearance is really outstanding, and she still attracts many people.

"Sister alone?"

The person who came was a girl with scattered scales on her face. She had a beautiful face and a cold temperament, and there were followers behind her.

"I'll wait for my master."

Xue Diyue didn't dare to say much, and stood still holding the sword.


"Hehe, if you're just waiting for Master, I suggest you wait at the foot of the mountain. Not just anyone can come in here."

The scale girl observed carefully, and knew that this person was unbearable, her tone changed instantly, and she was extremely indifferent.

In Tianzi Shenshan, everyone has an extraordinary status, everyone is very polite, and try to avoid offending others, such scolding as the scaly girl is really the first case, which directly attracts the attention of the people around.

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on the Scaled Girl and Blood Emperor Yue.

"Let's continue talking about the matter just now. This girl must have lost her way. She came here to wait for her master. She probably doesn't even know where this is."

Bu Mingjian didn't lower his voice and explained indifferently.

"Brother Bu said so, I think, maybe even her master doesn't know where this place is, she really doesn't know the heights, and she just does some shameful things!"

The long-haired man beside Bu Mingjian chuckled.

Suddenly, everyone laughed, and the atmosphere became lively again.

Xue Diyue was in a hurry, saying she could, and Senior Ye, that was absolutely impossible.

Senior Ye is the legendary true god.

"My master is a true god! Don't talk nonsense!"

Xue Diyue glared at Bu Mingjian and retorted loudly.

But what she said made everyone laugh even louder.

"Rand bumpkin, do you know where this is?"

"This is Tianjian State, the largest state among the three thousand states. Here, let alone true gods, great true gods can be seen everywhere?"

"Who can come to Tianzi Shenshan, who doesn't have a few true gods or great true gods behind him? Do you know how naive and embarrassing your words are?"

Bu Mingjian smiled.

"It seems that she really doesn't understand anything."

The scale girl shook her head.

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