God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1667: The first generation of dark creatures

Ye Que didn't know where he was in time, but it didn't matter.

He just needs to feel that the darkness has come and gone.

Waited for several days.

Yuan Xu, who guarded the Nine Swords Era, left.

"You can come out and do activities again!"

Although he is not afraid of Yuanxu, if he tries to startle the snake, big things will happen. After Yuanxu leaves, he will secretly sabotage it. It's not good.

Underground cave.

Xue Diyue looked at the pile of treasures in front of him, zither, exercises, weapons, secret techniques, etc., with two beautiful eyes.

She never thought that these things were all at the level of true gods.

"All the halazi have flowed out."

Ye Que gave her a brain collapse.

Xue Diyue covered her head, looked at Ye Que aggrievedly, and thought that she had never seen such a legendary baby before, and that senior just likes to bully others.

"It's safe now, let's go and take you to the waves!"

Ye Que lifted her collar.

"Senior, my sister is talented and intelligent, and she is a good material for sword training. Do you need another one who serves tea and pours water?"

Xue Diyue never forgot her sister, but never thought that she was in such a miserable situation.

Ye Que glanced at her sideways: "One more bed warmer?"

Xue Diyue blushed, thought for a long time, and felt that if it was Senior Ye, it would be a good thing for her sister to warm the bed.

"Thank you for being able to figure it out, don't mention your sister's affairs in the future."

How could Ye Que get in touch with Blood Emperor Ji? If he could, he would have killed her long ago.

In the first era, a land of unspeakable terror.

A young man with three black rings behind him, and black light blooming all over his body, stepped into time and space, and entered the center of the world of true gods.

"Father, what did you call me for?"

The young man possessed pure power of darkness, and respectfully spoke to a Void Immortal.

Dark creatures that can have a father-son relationship show that they are the first generation of dark creatures with the ability to reproduce. They are the first batch of dark creatures among dark creatures. No matter their identity or strength, they are absolutely terrifying existences.

"The deceleration of the sky wheel does not affect the fundamentals, but we have planned the overall situation for countless billions of years, and there must be no mistakes. I called you here to let you observe secretly in various eras. If you find any discrepancies, please notify me in time. I wait!"

A Void Immortal Shen Sheng, the voice contains vast power.

"This... isn't there a Yuanxu statue in every era?"

The dark youth was surprised.

"There is only one Yuanxu in an era. If you really want to check it carefully, it is inevitable that there will be omissions. If you go to help, you just go to sharpen it. It will be of great benefit for you to break through to the middle level of Yuanxu."

Void Immortal said indifferently.


The dark youth nodded in agreement.

He also knows that each era is equipped with a source of emptiness, which is already the limit of the dark forces, and the matter of the sky wheel is not child's play.

"Father asked me to go in person, most likely because of the instruction of the Forbidden Lord, which shows that I still have weight in their hearts!"

"Since that's the case, then this time I have to be serious about what I say, and don't miss any omissions!"

Thinking of this, the dark youth's gaze became firmer.

He got up and left, stepping into the space-time channel.

"Which era do you go to first?"

He originally wanted to go to the Conferred God Era, but thought of a Void Immortal hidden in it, so he gave up the idea.

"There is an Era of Void and Immortality, there must be no mistakes, then go to the Era of the Yaoxu, and check up one by one!"

The dark youth turned around and went straight to the Yaoxu Era.

Nine Swords Era.

call out-

Wearing black light armor, the earth dog stepped on the accelerator of the ancestors and passed by at low altitude.

Along the way, he didn't stop.

Mainly don't dare.

A group of pursuers followed.

The rumbling sound came from behind, like the rolling waves of the sea, with a turbulent momentum, as if the sky thunder destroyed the world.

I saw a ray of light flying over, and rounds of divine light smashed into the sky and earth, almost killing his tail.

"You **** damned, dig up the bones of our clan's ancestors and use them to fly, my ancient war family will destroy you today!"

An old man, with half of his body buried in the ground, with two tufts of hair on his head, his face extremely livid, was stepping on the sea of ​​clouds, and his hands were condensed with divine light, dazzling the world with shock.

He aggressively pursued and killed the earth dog, uttering murderous intentions.

"Damn it, you dare to dig even the grave of my family of true gods, you have eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard!"

"My ancient war family has been passed down through the ages, with profound foundations. Even a true **** would not dare to provoke you easily. If you dare to dig a grave, I will pull your tendons and skin your skin!"

After the old man, a group of strong men bloomed in the sky, like a round of sun, approaching the earth dog.

"You kill people at every turn, you don't even spare those who have no strength to restrain a chicken, and even if you don't agree with each other, you annex the surrounding sects. I just happened to pass by, and you are doing justice for the sky!"

The earth dog flew away, panicking in his heart, but his mouth was not forgiving.

In order to find the secret about the source, he did this kind of thing a lot, but every time he provoked a bunch of people.

"Sacrifice the true **** weapon and obliterate him!"

The old man was furious.

The strong man in the rear sacrificed blood and consumed a lot of resources, and with a buzzing sound, he sacrificed the true **** weapon.

The earth dog was all hairy, and immediately took out a pile of bones and said: "This is your ancestor, if you dare to attack, aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning?"

This move made them even more angry, but it also made them stop, not daring to really attack.

Thus, a super chase across the state began.

It was also from this moment that the legend about a native dog gradually spread.

Jushi State, Ten Thousand Monsters Region.

"Ding! Your partner Xin Jianren's reputation has increased, and he has left a legend in this era, which has an impact on multiple eras. The rotation speed of the sky wheel has decreased by 0.5."

"Ding! Your partner Xin Jianren's reputation has increased, and he has left a legend in this era, which has an impact on multiple eras. The rotation speed of the sky wheel has decreased by 0.5."

The prompt sounded from Ye Que's mind.

Ye Que's face darkened.

Niubi, how long has it been since I came here, the earth dog caused such a big shaking, and left a legend...

As for what kind of legend it is, he can guess it.

It's not fooling people, it's digging people's graves.

However, it also broadened his thinking.

"The system did not issue a warning, indicating that leaving legends will not have much impact!"

Ye Que wondered if he should leave some legends behind.

Thinking about it, my mind wandered.

In an ancient city not far away, there are many great families, one of which is the Lin family.

The son of the Patriarch of the Lin family, who was injured in the womb, was weak and sick after birth, and was unable to practice. Today, he accidentally fell into the ditch, drowned, and died.

At this moment, a thunderbolt fell from the sky, and with a bang, it hit the water's shore.

But after a while, the son of the head of the Lin family who had just drowned slowly got up, his eyes were confused for a moment, and then he gradually woke up.

"I am... am I reborn?"

Lin Hao murmured, with great excitement in his voice.

"Hahaha, I'm back! This seat is the only Yuanxu in Daxia Prefecture. It's hateful that just after breaking through to Yuanxu, I was discovered by the dark Yuanxu and killed me. It's hateful. If I had known, I would have joined the dark creature. You must also preserve Yuanxu's cultivation!"

Lin Hao is ferocious, with hatred and unwillingness in his eyes, and a cold temperament overlooking the world.

The Great Xia State, one of the Three Thousand Great States, is the core area of ​​the Great State.

"Forget it, as long as I live, I will be able to cultivate to the peak again, Yuanxu! I must reach Yuanxu, even if I join the darkness, I will reach Yuanxu!"

His eyes were bloodthirsty, he glanced around, frowned and said, "This is Jushi State...it's really barren, but I have the Heaven Swallowing Demon Art, so I can practice it no matter how poor it is."

Also at this moment, a young man in white, with his hands on a stick, passed by leisurely.

Beside him, an extremely beautiful girl, holding a sword tightly, followed the young man.

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