God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1665: True weapon!

The continuous drizzle submerged the ancient city hazyly.

Pedestrians come and go, accompanied by ancient beasts, not disturbed by the weather, but a little more peaceful, making the creatures in the ancient city feel peaceful in their hearts.

The same is true of the practice palace opened by Senior Liu, the practice place inside is now full of people, quiet and peaceful.

"Huh, true **** realm..."

Senior Liu stood on the high platform, looking at the rain and fog, and sighed lightly.

He has been pursuing all his life, how to break through to the realm of true gods, using various means, and finally returned to the world of mortals, opened a practice palace, saw people coming and going, savored the lives of many people, and his state of mind has improved a lot.

He felt that if he continued to meditate here for another two or three thousand years, he would be able to break through to the Realm of God.

At that time, he will be the first true **** in Jushi State.

"Look at the prosperity with a smile, and enjoy life in peace."

Senior Liu sighed with a bit of a smile, laughing at himself that the future can be expected.

In such a mood, he couldn't help but glance at his practice palace. It was the happiest thing in his life to open this practice palace...

Suddenly, his expression froze for a moment, his eyes stopped in front of the gate, his eyes were slightly surprised, and then the surprise turned into teasing.

In front of the door, the girl in the long skirt walked in with her head bowed, her expression was anxious, and she sometimes showed a face of death.

Behind the girl, followed by a young man in white.


Senior Liu smiled lightly, the teasing in his eyes became more intense, and he made up his mind in his heart, just watch quietly.

This is a rare sight in life, and it is of great help to him to take a step towards the Real God Realm.

"I took a breath away from that girl and threw her into a mass grave. I didn't expect her to dare to commit a crime. This junior made a mistake. This junior will kill her!"

The sixth-order creature stepped forward to apologize and panicked.

"It's not that she dared, but the person behind her forced her to die. Don't worry, let's see how they make trouble."

Senior Liu smiled lightly, always calm and calm.


Sixth-order creations listen like this, but they dare not really let it go. When it is time to clean up, they must not be negligent.

"Anyway, there is no Senior Ye, I have already died in the mountains, and this time, I will repay my kindness."

Xue Diyue's uneasy heart gradually stabilized.

She was no longer afraid, but her eyes were dim.

"Give you a sword, kill at will!"

Ye Que took out a sword of the Great True God, which blocked the light and fluctuations.

Xue Diyue took a complicated look at Ye Que, and silently took the sword.

Her life was full of ups and downs, and she had a humble life. This time, she understood that these blessings that came in vain were indeed not something she could bear.

The moment she received the sword, the girl became a little more courageous, and the look of holding the sword contained a fierce look.

Such an unkind behavior was not only noticed by Senior Liu, but also the tenants of the various practice places all saw it and laughed lightly, most of their eyes were watching the excitement.

"This woman is probably stupid. She was beaten by those three people before, was thrown out, and was fooled back by this man."

"Back and forth, she was the one who died."

"It's probably not just her death, but the young man behind her will also die."

"Both are idiots. That young man can't offend Senior Liu, but instead bullies this girl. Hey, is face so important?"

A group of people are discussing it hotly, and they don't think it's a big deal.

"You still dare to come!"

Two men and one woman from the Blood Sword Palace appeared, smiling young with swords on their backs, not caring about all of this.

"It seems that I haven't been beaten enough!"

Pockmarked face moved his joints, and he wanted to make a move.

"You didn't fight back when you hit or scolded before, but now you dare to fight back with a sword. Is it because of the person behind you?"

The cold woman raised her eyes and looked at Ye Que behind Xue Diyue.

Ye Que was indifferent, he didn't pay attention to anyone, he only said indifferently to Xue Diyue: "With your strength, it's easy to kill them."

"Senior, if you kill them, you will have an enmity with the Blood Sword Palace, the second power in Jushi State."

Xue Diyue knows the consequences. Although the senior is very strong, even the strength is not much different from that of Senior Liu, but the three people in the Blood Sword Palace are extraordinary. If they kill them, they will provoke a big enemy. characters appear.

"I said, the true **** is coming, you just charge forward with your sword."

Ye Que was indifferent.

"Senior's big talk temperament, no matter when it is, it can't be changed."

Xue Diyue sighed softly in her heart, but she is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, otherwise she would not be ruined and take the initiative to take the blame for her younger sister.

After listening to the words of the seniors, they are no longer as obedient as before, who dare not fight back when they are bullied.

Seeing those three people goodbye, the anger in my heart rose again.

"Since you know that we are from the Blood Sword Palace, you still dare to ignore me like this, what a prestige!"

The young man with the sword on his back stared at Ye Que, his words were cold.

"If you can't beat her and let her go, do you want her to die?"

Mazi sneered.

The icy woman didn't say a word, just like before, she shot directly and killed Xue Diyue.

Ye Que's indifferent eyes had no waves in the past, he just stared at Senior Liu on the tall building, and said indifferently: "Don't be afraid of your hands and feet, if you can beat yourself, don't let yourself suffer, kill them all!"

Such an attitude of not paying attention to anyone made the three of them furious.

"Kill her!"

The three shot at the same time.

Xue Diyue took a deep breath, prepared for more revenge, and killed him with a single sword.

"If I want to kill these three fifth-level magic-making, I can't do it at all with my third-level strength, but with the treasure of the peak creation, it's..."

When she slashed with the sword, she was about to activate the treasure in her body, but what happened next frightened her.

With just such a swipe of the sword, like cutting tofu, the three people in front of them were cut in half and died on the spot.

Without the slightest sound or movement, the three of them died inexplicably.

Xue Diyue's body trembled, seeing this scene in shock.

Not to mention her, everyone around was taken aback.

"How dare!"

Seeing that Ye Que dared to look at him, Senior Liu felt angry in his heart. Seeing that Xue Diyue really dared to kill the people in Blood Sword Palace this time, and did, he was immediately furious.

"Dare to commit murder in the cultivation palace, court death!"

He sent out a thunderous fury, and punched Xue Diyue with a fist.

Xue Diyue subconsciously fought back with a sword.

"You don't care when you seize the practice place by force, but now my people are fighting back, and you shoot if you disagree. It seems that there is no need for you to exist."

When Ye Que released his killing intent, he didn't feel the karma and terror attacking him, so these people can be killed without affecting the future.

"Hehe, do you still dare to accuse me?"

Senior Liu showed his supernatural power, the law was fully displayed, the sky and the earth roared, and the ancient city felt the terrifying coercion instantly.

After he punched, he hung himself in the air and pressed his palm against Ye Que.

But a sudden change occurred.

With a light swipe of Xue Diyue's sword, that punch was directly crushed, and an invisible terrifying murderous intent passed by Senior Liu's side.

With a click, the tall building behind Senior Liu split into two.

call out-

Furious and invincible, Senior Liu turned around and ran, turning into a black light and heading straight into the sky.

The attitude of the change and the speed of the action left people dumbfounded.

Suddenly, someone responded.

"That high-rise building contains a formation of the peak level of creation, and now the sword is lightly slashed, not only breaking the fist mark, but also splitting this formation... Damn it! God!"

"It's the sword of the true god!"

A group of tenants stared wide-eyed, looking at the sword in Xue Diyue's hand, it was like seeing ghosts and gods.

Swipe, swipe, a bunch of people just ran away.

"What, is it really a true **** weapon?"

Xue Diyue was also taken aback, feeling that the thing in his hand was extremely hot, and accidentally threw it on the ground.

But as the sword was falling, it swiped down gently again.

With a click, the sneering tenants were split into two and died on the spot.


Another large practice site collapsed.

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