God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1656: The place where the three evils of the Eastern Wilderness come in handy

The courtyard behind the temple.

The empress hung the map of the universe and starry sky in front of her, and said indifferently: "Although the darkness inside the Conferred Gods Era is over, the outside is still dangerous. When I return this time, I will not only help you, but also cut off the connection between the Conferred Gods Era and the outside world." !"


"I think you already have a solution. In addition, is the Empress still sealed?"

Ye Que asked.

The empress admitted and nodded: "Before I was sealed, I deliberately left a clone in time and space, which is the current me."

"When I have the strength, I will definitely save you."

The empress is kind to him, and he has grown up all the way without the help of the empress, so naturally he will not forget his gratitude.

"It's enough to have this heart."

The Empress smiled lightly.

Even Immortal Void would not dare to approach those places at will, and she had long given up hope of getting out of trouble.

"Let's not talk about that for now. There are two key points to cut off the connection between other eras and the era of conferred gods."

The empress looked solemn.

"Empress, please tell me."

Ye Que's eyes lit up.

"The first point is to arrange the Great Formation of Time and Space Era. This is the formation that I peeped from the final mystery. It is very special and can form a time and space on its own, independent of other time and space."

"Once the Space-Time Era array is arranged in the Conferred Gods Era, the Conferred Gods Era will be cut off from the outside world."

"At that time, even the Lord of Darkness and Taboo will have difficulty breaking into the Conferred God Era."

The Empress has planned for countless years just to wait for this day.

And the key to this is Ye Que.

A variable that ends the darkness of the era.

At this moment, he still needs to participate in the core task of arranging the formation.

"The connection between Fengshen Era and the outside world has been cut off, so we can take the opportunity to practice and become stronger, and finally we are fighting against the darkness!"

Ye Que's eyes flickered.

The darkness is too powerful, so we can't face it head-on now, we have to develop and grow first.

"This is the first point, this second point, only you can complete it."

The female emperor's eyes were deep and firm, and her body exuded a halo, like a dream.

"What do you mean?"

Ye Que asked.

"If you want to complete the layout of the space-time era formation, you need to go to each past era and place the formation flag."

The empress said solemnly.

Ye Que understood this.

This is to insert eyes, which is equivalent to locking the position of each era, and then the big formation can cut off the connection with each era.

"Having said that, you are in time and space, why don't you go there yourself?"

Ye Que was puzzled.

He is not afraid, Ye Ruoren is known as the Iron Head King, when was he afraid?

I just have doubts in my heart.

"The passage of the past era has the magic eye personally arranged by the Lord of Darkness and Taboo. Once the Void Immortal approaches, it will be perceived. I can hide in 1.5 billion years ago, which is already the limit."

The female empress is suffering, because she is too strong and too conspicuous, but it will attract the attention of the dark.

"So, I need you to go."

A horse like Ye Que is just right, and he has a strong ability to harm, which is completely in line with the character in the heart of the empress.

"No wonder I was targeted by darkness when I went to the past time and space."

Ye Que suffered a lot in the past time and space.

He once traveled to the past time and space, but was cut off by a magic knife.

This is not over yet, he is also infected with the dark curse, and the magic pill is bred in his body.

If the Empress hadn't acted personally, Mowan would have followed him for the rest of her life.

"There are dark guards in every era, but I have a way to send you there, dare to go?"

the Empress asked.

"Ham, do you think I look like someone who dare not go?"

He has been shady, dug graves, fought **** battles, played 1V1 real man battles, and even made suicide attacks with his own hands, why was he ever afraid?

"That's right, the number one of the three evils of the Eastern Desolation is a waste of fame."

The corner of the Empress's mouth twitched slightly.

This is Ye Que's dark history, and many people know it.

"Don't praise me."

Ye Que blushed.

The empress turned black, this guy's thinking is really different from ordinary people.

"Go back, but don't mess around, especially some people with great influence in history, don't touch them! Come back after planting the flag!"

The Queen's tone was heavy.

"If you act recklessly, it will involve cause and effect, and you will be killed! It will even collapse the future time and space, and the impact will be too great! Even the Lord of Darkness and Taboo would not dare to kill people from the past era at will!"

She added another sentence.

Needless to say, Ye Que also knew that there was a great horror in it.

"But... as long as no influential people are involved, it's okay to mess up once in a while."

The empress stood up, staring at the sky with her beautiful eyes.

At this moment, when Ye Que saw the empress, he felt a bit dark.

"That's for sure. In order to reverse the sky wheel, we must mess up time and space."

Ye Que rubbed his hands.

The first of the three evils of the Eastern Wilderness finally has something to show for it.

Here I want to talk about the relationship between the sky wheel, the ultimate mystery, and time and space. (I have talked about it in the previous chapters, and it is estimated that few people can understand it)

There is a sky wheel in the center of the world. (Take a good look, this is the core setting of the Dark Chapter)

The sky wheel governs time and space.

When the time and space are operating normally, the sky wheel will rotate positively.

When time and space are in chaos, the sky wheel will rotate in reverse.

And the ultimate mystery has a lot to do with the rotation of the sky wheel.

The wheel of the sky rotates in the opposite direction, and it is difficult for the darkness to peek into the ultimate mystery.

The wheel of the sky is spinning in the right direction, and the darkness can easily get the final secret.

Now, in order to obtain the ultimate mystery, the darkness must make the sky wheel rotate positively, and indirectly need to maintain the order of time and space.

What Ye Que is going to do now is not only to insert eyes to lock the positions of each era, but also to disrupt time and space, temporarily act as a scourge that destroys time and space, and prevent the darkness from obtaining the final mystery.

that night.

Ye Que and the Empress had an in-depth discussion in the hall, discussing how to arrange the space-time era formation, as well as what to do and what to pay attention to when traveling to each era.

outside the temple.

All the girls gather ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ to read books, draw pictures, and play the piano, it’s beautiful.

Huang Youyao's piano, chess, calligraphy, calligraphy, and calligraphy are well-versed in everything.

Di Xiwei was embarrassed, she really didn't know these delicate tasks, except for murder and arson, people were as cold as ice, and the only thing she was interested in was staying with Young Master Ye.

Fortunately, she is not lonely, and she is accompanied by the moon silkworm.

"Abaa baaaaaaaah..."

St. Loli lay in Tianluoyi's arms, talking in her sleep, with a smirk dripping from the corner of her mouth.

The girl was lying in the arms of the future girl, sleeping soundly.

This scene is amazing, I lie on my own.

"Master, what are Brother Gu Shen and the Empress doing? It's been so long."

Die Tinghan was by Gu Fayue's side.

Die Tinghan had recognized her as his master when he was in the Ancient God Universe.

Gu Fayue knew that the empress had a certain relationship with Xue girl, and suddenly remembered something bad, and her face turned red.

"The empress came to this era to help the ancient gods. What we have to do now is not to cause chaos."

Gu Fayue said lightly.

"Well! Many of us are reincarnated from the earth, we are already ordinary women, we can't make trouble for Brother Ancient God!"

Die Tinghan sighed.

They were reincarnated back then, which was a foreshadowing.

Now reborn, it has become a burden instead.

"No, you will return to the peak of your strength back then! Next, I will reshape the Six Paths of Reincarnation. If you go back to the Six Paths of Reincarnation, I will reincarnate all the strength of your previous life!"

Ye Que walked out.

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