God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1649: sky wheel

Jin Duande was still enjoying being watched by a group of people, but he didn't know that the bad news had already arrived.

"Can't be on the list because of lack of words?"

The empress had a strange look on her face, thinking that this is okay?

But thinking about it carefully, with Ye Que's many dark histories back then, he is worthy of this name.

But obviously, she was wrong.

"Ding! The time has not come, temporarily close the list of gods!"

"Ding! The time has not come, temporarily close the list of gods!"

The beep gave an explanation.

Ye Que said with a dark face: "The time has not come yet!"

He did know what was going on.

look at the data.

as follows-

[Creating the list of gods: the sky wheel is reversed, time and space are disordered, the universe is in a catastrophe, the list of gods appears, and the gods are led back to their positions by the order of the Lord]

"How do you know?"

When the empress spoke, her voice was delicate and ethereal, and it could flow into the hearts of the people, quite charming.

"The wheel of the sky is reversed, time and space are disordered, the universe is in a catastrophe, and the list of gods appears!"

Ye Que didn't explain too much, but just uttered this prophecy.

Most people will only have deeper doubts if they savor it carefully.

The empress tastes, the more she tastes, the more amazed she becomes.

"The wheel of the sky is reversed!"

The empress murmured, and shifted her gaze to a giant tortoise that was about to rot in the distance.

That is the first demon **** of the Yaoxu Era, Yaoxu.

Yaoxu once brought fire to the center of the world.

At that time, there was no road to the wasteland, but the situation in each era was different, and each had its own method of entry.

Yaoxu went in, but unfortunately died.

However, according to the empress' thoughts, Yaoxu definitely knew about that.

"Sky Wheel, it turned out to be a Sky Wheel."

Yaoxu gave a vicissitudes of life smile, the secret technique on his body was about to disappear, and it wouldn't last long, but without Yuanxu, he was no longer under control.

The empress nodded, agreeing with the other party's statement.

Ye Que was puzzled.

"As the Lord of the Divine Court, the second generation Lord of the Era, you should know some secrets."

Seeing this, the empress sent a voice transmission and told Ye Que a secret.

In the first era, the center of the world was connected with the world of the true god.

At that time, the center of the world was the Holy Land of the True God World, also known as the Holy Land of Time and Space.

The sky wheel in the Holy Land of Time and Space controls the world of the true gods, including the time and space processes of each continent and each universe.

The sky wheel is not controlled by man, it is born because of the world.

When it rotates in the forward direction, the world of the true gods runs in an orderly manner, moving forward into the future.

When it rotates in reverse, it means that there will be major changes in the world of the true god.

"So that's how it is... But if you want the Conferred God List to appear, you need to reverse the sky wheel, so how can you make the sky wheel reverse?"

Ye Que asked, using sound transmission.

He understood what the empress did, and guessed that the secret involved some hidden crisis, and something would happen if others heard about it, so he only told her via voice transmission.

The empress looked far away, and said through a voice transmission: "In the past time and space caused waves, destroying time and space, the wheel of the sky will reverse."

"Or, when multiple times and spaces appear at the same time, the wheel of the sky will also be reversed."

Ye Que understood this sentence.

as now.

The center of the True God World has long been disconnected from the True God World.

The center of the world is in the turbulent flow of time and space, which is not unified with the time and space of the world of true gods.

In other words, this is the manifestation of multiple time and space appearing at the same time.

"The wheel of the sky has reversed."

Ye Que said.

"No, the sky wheel has been repaired by darkness, and it has started to rotate positively!"

What the Empress said shocked heaven and man.

"Darkness has been looking for things in time and space, just to repair the sky wheel and make it forcefully rotate forward."

"Moreover, they sent a large number of Yuanxu-level powerhouses to station in various eras to prevent people from destroying the past time and space, and also to make the sky wheel rotate positively."

The empress finally revealed the final secret.

"The world of the true gods is in a time-space turbulence. The sky wheel should be rotating in the opposite direction, but the darkness still forces the sky wheel to rotate forward, and it also spares no effort to maintain the past time and space... Could it be that the final mystery is related to the positive rotation of the sky wheel?"

Ye Que guessed, thinking that the dark creatures couldn't be so kind, they definitely had a purpose.

The empress's eyes were tired, and she said vicissitudes: "The ultimate mystery is more terrifying than the sky wheel, but you have to know that when the sky wheel is rotating positively, it is easier to see the ultimate mystery!"

"Conversely, the faster the sky wheel rotates in the opposite direction, the harder it is to peek at the final mystery!"

Ye Que took the empress' words.

The empress nodded silently.

"In the end, the mystery must not fall into the hands of darkness. Let's go to the past where time and space are chaotic, and then reverse the sky wheel!"

Ye Que didn't know what the ultimate secret was, but he knew one thing, if the darkness succeeded, it would definitely have devastating consequences.

The empress was silent.

"It's hard, isn't it?"

Seeing the empress's silent look, Ye Que guessed it.

"According to the legend, in the first era, the darkness rose, and the ultimate mystery was at your fingertips. The Lord of the first era sacrificed himself, smashed the center of the world, and threw it into the turbulence of time and space. The purpose is to reverse the wheel of the sky. "

"Countless epochs have passed, and although the center of the world is still turbulent in time and space, the sky wheel has been forcibly repaired by the darkness, and it has begun to rotate positively."

The queen's words were shocking.

Dark creatures really have perseverance, and if the center of the world cannot be pulled back, they forcibly reverse the rotation of the sky wheel.

Hard enough!

This also shows that the determination and strength of the darkness to maintain the past time and space are so great that even the empress finds it difficult.

No wonder, the law of time and space will be obliterated by the dark taboo.

This is to prevent someone from going to the past time and space to escape the door.


Destroying time and space is supposed to be a big treason, something that heaven and earth cannot tolerate.

But in order to prevent the darkness from obtaining the ultimate mystery, they, on the side of the light, have to act as space-time destroyers instead.

There is great irony in this, and it also shows the weakness of alien life.

If you can defeat the dark creatures head-on, who would do such a thing that destroys time and space?

"Never let the sky wheel rotate positively!"

The vicissitudes of Yaoxu's vicissitudes and weakness were transmitted to the empress and Ye Que.

"This matter, think about it in the long run!"

The empress sighed, but her eyes fell on Yaoxu.

It's time to settle the matter of the Yaoxu.


Yaoxu heaved a long sigh, he was able to wake up now, it was entirely because Yuanxu used the secret technique.

In fact, he was already dead.

"Before I close my eyes, if I can do something for future generations, I will be willing."

Yaoxu coughed and turned his eyes to Ye Que, his voice contained deep meaning.

Also at this time.

With a buzzing sound, the list of gods turned into a beam of light and submerged into Ye Que's body again.

Before the time for conferring the gods came, everything returned to calm.

"Everyone, first control the Dark God and the Great God, catch the God Court, and wait for me to transform one after another!"

"The rest cooperate with the Demon God to destroy the remaining dark creatures."

Ye Que gave the order.

Although most of the remaining dark creatures are infected.

But there are hundreds of millions of them at every turn, and it is impossible for Ye Que to awaken their divinity, which is unrealistic and impossible.

We can only bury them and let them rest in peace.

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