God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1635: Assemble, attack, target, the era of the gods

Under the dark sky, an ominous aura pervades the entire world.

The wind raged on the earth, and the rain fell from the sky.

The strong have a hunch that something big may happen.

Being able to directly manifest the ominous Qi mechanism is enough to prove that this matter is not ordinary.

The witch walked out of Shengyuan Cave, followed the strong men, and flew to the devil's land.

"God Ye Gu."

She saw Ye Gushen.

"He is the key person in this incident. Taking his home as an opportunity, we will join forces to suppress the darkness."

Blood Empress Ji flew by and sighed faintly.

"He shouldn't be in danger..."

The witch whispered.

She is a great true god, in fact, she can distinguish the good and bad of things and their influence, but she is used to asking people.

"Everyone has the answer in their hearts."

Blood Emperor Ji didn't say much, put on black light armor, turned into Demon God Demon Blood Ji, and flew into the demon soil.

The witch was silent.

Everyone has the answer in their hearts.

Yes, the answer is clear.

Either Ye Gushen was seized and died, or the seizure was successful and he survived.


Yes, she thought Ye Gushen was the victim, not only she thought so, but everyone else, including Ye Gushen himself, knew it.

"I still don't want him to die."

In the heart of the witch, there is a secret that no one knows.

That was a secret that she couldn't know when she became a dark creature.

Even when Ye Que entered her memory with a nightmare, he didn't notice it.

"I have awakened my spirit. Father, the hand you left is really deep enough. I just don't know if you are still there after all these years."

The witch muttered in her heart, her eyes looking into the distant depths.

There is a place close to the center of the world, and it is also a deeper area of ​​the barren source road.

The Zhenmian Continent is buried there.

She sighed lightly, turned over with one hand, and a bone in her head was stripped out.

Gently shake hands.


The bones are broken.

The road to the barren source is relatively deep, and the surrounding area has already been covered by darkness, without any vitality. It is full of silence, darkness and coldness everywhere, and time will not erase it.

Suddenly, a certain piece of dark wasteland shook, and a hand covered in dark textures stretched out from the soil.

Ye Que turned into a dark lord and returned to the Demon Land.

In addition, there are many dark true gods outside, as well as the dark great true gods who have been recalled. It can be seen that the dark source has made a big move.

"The major demon gods under this seat will sit in the demon temple, and wait for all the same kind to gather in the demon soil, and then notify the next order!"

As soon as he entered the magic soil, he heard an indifferent voice from the magic palace.

Ye Que silently returned to the Third Demon Temple, wondering why this guy made such a big move?

"Gather all the demon gods, including the true **** and the great true god, are you going to launch an invasion and wreak havoc on the world of the true god?"

There is speculation in his heart, this is not aimless, it is really possible.

At the end of the previous eras, the darkness will launch an invasion, wreak havoc on the world of true gods, and expand the army of darkness.

"It may be to divert your attention and take the opportunity to take you away. Darkness Yuanxu should be aware of the ominous situation and act cautiously!"

Blood Empress Ji sent a voice transmission to him.

"It doesn't matter. In the past few years, besides the demon god, most of the dark gods and the great dark gods have been awakened by me. This is our counterattack strategy."

Ye Que didn't panic.

Over the past few years, he has not only awakened the demon gods, but also awakened many people in the demon land. This effort was not in vain.

Later, when I went to the Real God World and searched for half-step Yuanxu, some people were awakened.

In today's dark army, about half have already awakened their divinity.

"Be careful!"

The Demon Blood Princess was sitting in the Second Demon God's Temple, and she was not transmitting sound, but her eyes were not calm, and she frequently looked at the First Demon God's Palace, with a slightly worried expression on her face.

Since she became a demon god, the number one demon **** has always existed, and her identity is very mysterious and cannot be ascertained.

As for strength, it is also very mysterious.

Every time he goes out to battle or participates in a battle of demon gods, the number one demon **** seems to use his full strength, but she can feel that the number one demon **** has not used his full strength.

Time passed bit by bit.

More and more powerful people are returning to the demonic soil.

The dark true **** and the dark great true **** gathered in the demonic soil one after another, and the tyrannical aura in the demonic soil became more and more.

until five days later.

News from the Void Demon Palace.

Darkness Yuanxu issued a second order: "All demon gods, go to the Demon God Palace to discuss matters."

This time only for the demon god.

Ye Que got up and went straight to the Void Palace.

He met the demon gods from all sides, but pretended not to know each other without saying a word, and entered the demon god's palace one after another.

"Sit down."

Darkness Yuanxu has been waiting for a long time, sitting in the first seat, hidden in the darkness.

The first to ninth demon gods, sit down in order.

Ye Que was the third demon god, so he sat in the third position.

Above him is the second Demon God, Demon Blood Princess.

On the top is the first demon **** with a boyish face and a smile on the corner of his mouth all the time.

Deeper, there is a middle-aged man hidden in the darkness, who is the source of darkness, the supervisor of the Conferred God Era.


The source of darkness said indifferently.

Everyone was speechless.

"The last time I went to the center of the world and met the big people above, it was not just a report."

He said again, everyone's heart moved, and they listened quietly.

"In the center of the world, I received an order. You all came from the past era and have experienced many major events. I won't tell you, everyone must have guessed it."

Dark Yuanxu's voice was indifferent and dignified.

"Master Yuanxu, what about the invasion of darkness?"

The first demon **** chuckled, and glanced at the demon gods present.

"That's right!"

Darkness nodded.

"At the end of the era, it's time to launch a dark invasion."

Demon Blood Ji said coldly, her eyes did not fluctuate.

"The strong man who has been raised for an era should be included in my dark army. I dare to ask Mr. Yuanxu, when can we start to act?"

The fourth demon **** Tiancang Giant Ape asked.

Ye Que didn't ask, he just joined, and he couldn't interrupt, so just listen.

He could understand what these people said.

Raise the powerhouses of the True God World as livestock, and when they become fat and strong, they will launch an invasion and reap a wave.

To put it bluntly, Yuanxu summoned the demon **** this time to launch a dark invasion and end this era.

"Ten days later, the entire world will be raided, and all those who are above the true gods will be infected and included in our kind."

"The scale of this dark invasion is very large, and all the powerful people in the demonic soil will be assigned to your subordinates, and they will launch attacks on various places at the same time!"

Darkness spoke in a deep voice, his eyes glanced coldly at the demon gods present.

"The first demon **** accepts the order!"

"The second demon **** accepts the order!"


All the demon gods took orders.

Darkness Yuanxu nodded with satisfaction: "Go back and sit in your own demon temple. Next, I will send someone to distribute the assigned member list to each demon temple."

With a wave of his hand, the demon gods left silently.


"Wait a minute, you just joined the third demon god. You don't know much about the invasion of darkness. You stay and I will talk to you."

The words of the dark source made the hearts of all the demon gods tighten.


The **** is about to begin.

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