God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1615: little bastard

Thinking of Moon Silkworm, Ye Que's teeth itch with hatred, and his hands are gearing up.

"No, I have to live with my addiction now."

Ye Que cast a spell, let the false body stay in place, the real body ran to the inner world, and entered the pavilion inside the seal, our sister emperor was still in a state of suspended animation.

Since the last suspended animation, it has not been unblocked.

In her arms, covered with moon-white fluff, is a puppy-shaped beast. This is the fifth transformation of Moon Silkworm, and it is now in a state of suspended animation.

"See if I don't clean up you properly."

Ye Que quietly flew over, gently pinched the back of Moon Silkworm's neck, and lifted it out.

His movements are very skilled, without making excessive movements.


Ye Que laughed with a voice that could make one's hair stand on end.

He grabbed the moon silkworm and went back outside, cast a spell to seal the guy's realm, and then lifted the suspended animation state.


After the state of suspended animation was lifted, Yue Sangsilk opened her dazed eyes and gradually woke up.

She wanted to act like a baby to the hostess, but suddenly found that the smell was not right, she looked very much like that villain.

When he looked up, he was instantly terrified.

"Woo woo woo..."

Yue Mulberry was very timid, her small face rubbed against Ye Que's chest, and she shivered with her tail between her legs.

"Where was the strength back then?"

Ye Que grabbed her neck, and rubbed Moon Silkworm's little face with his fingers.

Moon Silkworm is so intelligent, her cute eyes are full of pity, and she almost shed tears.

She whimpered, as if about to cry.

This appearance, which woman can withstand it, will comfort anyone who sees it.

But Ye Dashao was not soft-hearted at all, he pinched her small mouth, stretched it into a pancake, and squeezed it into a bun.

"Woo woo woo..."

Moon silkworms are all crying.

"You little bastard, let you be fierce."

Ye Que kneaded. After kneading for a long time, he kneaded the beautiful moon-white fluff into a mess, like many **** of yarn mixed together, disorderly.

Especially the hair on the back, he stroked it backwards, turning it all up.

Moon Silkworm's small eyes burst into tears, and he begged.

"You little bastard, you will put you in Di Xiwei's arms later, and you will kill me again."

Ye Que can't be fooled, this guy is pitiful now, and when he returns to Di Xiwei's arms, he might be so fierce.

He completely treated the moon silkworm as a ball of fluff, kneading and kneading it in various ways.

Moon Silkworm was crying so hard that the listener was crying, and it was sad to hear, but he didn't soften his heart at all.

If this is in the eyes of outsiders, Ye Dashao is a big villain, such a poor little thing, you will be so cruel.

"Boss Ye, we are about to enter the mainland soon, and the next step is the baptism of our mainland's holy river!"

"Hahaha, don't worry, the two god-level weapons you gave me will be very worthwhile!"

Bai Shengxue laughed heartily, and took out a token with the word "Shengtian" on it.

Only those who hold the "Shengtian" token are eligible to carry passengers on the river.

If outsiders come alone, they are not qualified to enter.

It is also based on this that these fishermen who carry passengers will have business and earn money.

Ye Que was holding onto Moon Silkworm's hind legs, jolting and playing vigorously. Hearing this, he looked up.

Ahead, the river is gentle, blue and deep, with a peaceful and beautiful artistic conception.

After a while, the surface of the water became foggy, adding to the ethereal feeling of the fairyland.


Ye Que smelled it. The mist is incense, which can make people feel peaceful and eliminate negative forces. At the same time, it also makes the blood of the Three Illusory Gods in his body more irritable.

The first phantom **** of the blood of the three phantom gods is the Dark Lord.

The incense can make the blood of the dark monarch feel inexplicably irritable, and subconsciously want to stay away from the incense.


Ye Que secretly applied the blood of Feng Ling, directly sealing the blood of the three phantom gods, so as to calm down the irritability.


Moon Silkworm is very spiritual. He was hung upside down and couldn't struggle. He could only wipe his tears with his velvety and soft front legs, which was pitiful.

She missed her hostess so much, and hoped that the hostess could save her from this big devil.

"Cry, shout, even if you shout your throat, no one will come to save you."

Ye Que grabbed her hind legs, and stroked her hair backwards with the other hand.

"The baptism of the holy river, anyone who enters the fog, the negative power of the body will be cleared, and any dark creatures will be exposed!"

As a citizen of Shengtian Continent, Bai Shengxue is very proud, looks very pious, and probably believes in a certain true god, and usually has a lot of incense.

Ye Que glanced at the few true gods in front of his eyes, his body was in darkness, but nothing happened.

This shows that although incense has the effect of restraining darkness, it is of little use to true god-level darkness.

"Even so, I'm going to collect some to take back."

The last time Ye Que was in the Holy Buddha Universe, he was suppressed by the Holy Buddha Lake, but the suppression was not strong, but he still collected the water from the Holy Buddha Lake.

As long as you can restrain the darkness, regardless of the size of the effect, the collection will be over.

In the future, whether it is used for medicine, forging weapons, or for arranging formations, or for casting spells, it will have a certain effect.

He took out a bottle and quietly put it into the water. A large amount of blue and deep river water kept entering the bottle.

"Don't let go of the incense."

He took out another bottle and sucked the mist away.

"Yi Ya~ Yi Ya~"

Ye Que was busy with both hands, and Yue Sangworm finally got some free time, lying in Ye Que's arms, with a sense of gratitude for the rest of his life in his eyes.

Mengmeng's eyes were full of tears of hope.

This big devil finally stopped kneading her.

However, a young man is a young man, after all, he is young, too young.

"You think I'll let you go?"

Ye Que quickly filled the space in the bottle, and after tightening the cap, he put the bottle into his body, and then stretched out his hands to grab the silkworm Moon.

Those hands looked like the claws of a great demon king to Yue Mulberry.

The moon silkworm made a sound.

This voice was very clear, in the calm and peaceful water mist, it was quite ear-piercing, and it also had a sense of horror of killing life in front of the Buddha.

The holy river of incense is a place where people can feel calm and pious. Anyone who hears her name feels guilty.

"Boss Ye, I'm afraid something is wrong."

Bai Shengxue woke up from his pious state, he looked ahead, there was the mainland pier, and the people there probably heard it too.

In order to calm down the trouble, he hastily reminded him.

"Little guy, shut up, or I'll pluck your hair and roast you!"

Ye Que also felt that it was not suitable to mess around in this environment, so he threatened Yue Sangworm viciously.

His ferocious appearance, like a bandit, instantly made Yue Sangsilk shut up.

Moon Silkworm whimpered and choked back the cry, tears were streaming from Mengmeng's eyes, she was pitifully weak and helpless.

"Phew, it's quiet."

Bai Shengxue looked at Yue Sangworm with pity, thinking how could such a cute little guy have such a big demon king.

But he is a fisherman after all, and he is not qualified to judge other people's pets, so he calmed down and drove the plank to the mainland pier.

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