God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1560: Unyielding eternity + dark lord + extreme ancient **** = official cheat, understand?

boom! !

The aura of the ancient gods suddenly soared, and the improvement in strength was obvious, and he could easily suppress the middle true god.

Many people were shocked, but soon came back to their senses.

"You still have to wait?"

Ye Que walked slowly towards the Great True God Minglei. All the way past, it was filled with the blood of Fengling, sealing the visions of the statues around it, and fifteen jade planets of seeking Tao, suspended in the sky, pressed against Minglei with great pressure.

There was sarcasm in the indifferent eyes of Minglei Dazheng: "Don't you think that if you increase your strength a little, you can scare me?"

The strength of the opponent can only compete with the middle true god, but cannot compare with the great true god.

Ye Que stopped talking, and the system resumed in his mind.

"Open Unyielding Eternity!"

"Ding! Unyielding Eternity: Carry out the unyielding will to the extreme, and increase all the host's abilities by 500%!"

"Ding! Unyielding Eternity has been activated!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

All of Ye Que's powers, even the toughness of his skin, had increased by five times.

The combat power soared directly to the level of the Great True God!

Another sudden surge in power, spreading out loudly, shook the entire space battlefield, shaking rumblingly, and many people fell to the ground.


Everyone gasped, and panic appeared in their eyes.

"Troughing! He actually has this kind of strength!"

"It turns out that he didn't use his full strength before!"

"The first true god, he is just the first true god, everyone pay attention to the key points!"

All the spectators felt their scalps go numb.

Ye Zhenshen hid his hand and startled everyone.

The holy girl shouted excitedly, her eyes were bent into small crescents.

In her heart, Liar Ye is invincible.

Looking at the Great True God Minglei again, the anxiety in his heart became several times stronger, and he couldn't help but take a step back, the knife in his hand couldn't help but move.

There was a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

It seems that I can't wait for something to happen.

Ming Lei took a deep breath, looked at Ye Zhenshen's indifferent eyes with a gloomy face, and there was a bit of sarcasm: "The Great True God also has a gap, don't you think that with this strength, you can beat me?"

There is also a gap between the great true gods, which is true.

When Ye Que faced the Great True God of Darkness, the most obvious difference was that his power could suppress the darkness.

Because of this, he has an advantage in beheading the Great True God of Darkness.

"Going up the Great True God is Yuanxu, the meaning of emptiness, have you experienced it?"

The Great True God Minglei smiled, and while speaking, a force absorbed from nothingness entered his body, and then a mighty coercion capable of suppressing everything spread from his body.

"The meaning of void?"

Ye Que said in a deep voice.

The meaning of emptiness is the prerequisite for becoming Yuanxu's necessary strength. Once you understand it, your strength will be extraordinary.

Everyone was shocked.

"This is a real knife, and the Great God Minglei actually took out the meaning of the void?"

"Facing a first-time true god, it would be too much to show the meaning of emptiness!"

Many true gods frowned, and even the great true **** felt inappropriate.

But the Great True God Minglei didn't want to wait, he slammed his sword, carrying thunder, and rumbled towards Ye Que.

In an instant, a terrifying battle broke out.

Ye Que kept dodging in the battlefield, and at the same time used many secret techniques.

The unyielding divine fire burns everything, and powers such as Daoyu, Fengling, and Nightmare shake the sky and earth, and evolve ancient visions, all of which blast towards each other.

But it was basically useless, and they were all cut off by the opponent's sword of underworld thunder, which carried the meaning of void.

Soon, Ye Que was suppressed.

"Do you think you are strong? Do whatever you want?"

The Great True God Minglei yelled fiercely, one sword was more terrifying than the other, it could split everything and shake the battlefield.

It also caused the pupils of many people to constrict violently, and they were shocked.

"Kneel down! Forgive you!"

True God Minglei shouted loudly, and the densely packed hundreds of millions of dark thunderbolts rumbled and drowned True God Ye.



The true gods rushed out, and even the big true gods flew over to stop Minglei.

"Get out of the way! I will kill him today!"

"I don't know what's good or bad! A little true **** who dares to provoke the Void Continent and kill me, who do you think you are!!"

True God Ming Lei was furious, like the supreme Dark Thunder God, surrounded by a sea of ​​thunder, and his thunder kept bombarding True God Ye.

"No one can interfere in today's battle! Who would dare not listen to what I say?"

His angry killing intent swept across the audience, instantly making the faces of the other two great gods, but fifteen true gods, darken.

You are angry, why are you yelling at me?

Who dare not listen to the words of repaying this seat?

But they still have to stop the fight.

But the next scene stopped them.

Roar! !

In the dark sea of ​​thunder, a roar resounded that made the heart tremble, and the whole body shuddered, like a beast in the abyss waking up, with a very penetrating roar, resounding through the sky of the entire Void Continent.

Even Ming Lei was shaken back.

boom! !

A wave that was more terrifying than Minglei erupted from the sea of ​​thunder like a dark force released from the abyss, sweeping across the audience in an instant.

"Dark creature?"

Everyone was horrified, thinking that darkness was coming.

"No, that's not true. This is the blood of my Liar Ye's ancient god. What is it called? What is it called latent anger!"

Sheng girl hurriedly explained, but she was actually frightened.

Yes, that is the power of the dark taboo, she has seen the dark ancient god.

Liar Ye is too crazy. He dares to use this kind of power at such a time.

"Ancient God's latent anger bloodline?"

Many people were surprised, but they did stabilize.

Although the holy girl is weak, in everyone's eyes, she is the woman of the ancient gods, and most of them know the ancient gods well.

So many people still accept what she said.

"Yeah, the bloodline of the ancient god's latent anger can release darkness, just like the Great True God Minglei can release dark thunder."

Sheng girl patted the airport, the two ponytails shook slightly, everyone was gradually convinced.

Rumble! !

That power was terrifying, like a wave, it overwhelmed Minglei in an instant.

The face of the Great True God Minglei trembled, and he subconsciously looked at the other True Gods and the other two Great True Gods.

So what, don't you want to stop it?

Hurry up.

"Who would dare not listen to the words of the Great True God Minglei?"

"Let's go, you continue!"

Many true gods and great true gods have really retreated to the edge of the cosmic battlefield.

The Great True God Minglei swallowed his saliva, and could only calm down, holding the knife, and continuously released the sea of ​​thunder, drowning the darkness ahead, and the killing intent skyrocketed again.

This time, once he finds an opportunity, he will definitely kill the opponent.


An ancient **** wearing dark armor and emitting dark golden light all over his body walked out of the sea of ​​thunder and darkness.

His hair was blood red, exuding the aura of a master of darkness.

Its eyes are dark red and deep, containing the vast coercion of the supreme dark monarch.

boom! !

The Dark Sovereign held the Dark Taboo Saber, which contained the Unyielding God Blade, and slammed towards the Great True God Minglei.

Its speed was so fast that the Great True God Minglei almost couldn't react. When Minglei just raised his sword, the dark sword of the dark monarch was already carrying darkness and flames that covered the sky, like the huge mouth of an abyss dragon. , came towards him.

With a bang.

Minglei's sword broke as soon as it touched the dark knife.

Ming Lei was horrified, and death crisis surged in his heart, and he said with a smothered face: "That's it!"

"Hit if you want, and accept if you want, do you have the qualifications?"

The voice of the dark lord resounded mightily throughout the battlefield, carrying the abyss-like icy darkness and the slightly magnetic deep magic sound.

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