God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1552: crying

With a bang, Ye Zhenshen retracted the knife, and said calmly: "Now, it's fine."

The plain actions and words are creepy.

Sure enough, this lunatic can't be provoked, he is not ordinary ruthless.

After the bloodbath of the Shenzhan family, even the True God of Shenzhan would not let him go, and directly stabbed him to death.

Yes, just such a knife, it is gone, there is no such thing as recovery and rebirth.

This is the most terrifying point, the rest of the true gods dare not speak and are completely convinced.

If a person is ruthless to a certain extent, not only will he not be reviled, but he will also be respected.

as now.

God Ye Gu slaughtered the true God of Shenzhan, wiped out the family of Shenzhan, and even dared to kill other true gods. Such a terrifying and crazy behavior has unconsciously won everyone's awe and respect.

Fear is not necessarily a bad thing.

In a world where power is paramount, fear equals respect.


Fission clone and turtle form, return to the original body.

Everyone's pupils shrank, thinking of a more terrifying fact.

"Won't this lunatic use all his [Literature Museum www.wxguan.info]?"

"The three true gods are one, can they resist the great true god?"

"It is estimated that it can be equal to the combat power of the Great True God."

The expressions of the true gods looking at Ye Gushen changed again.

Even the faces of the three great true gods have changed, and their expressions are gradually dignified.

"let's go."

Ye Gushen looked at Tian Luoyi and said calmly.

Tian Luoyi followed Ye Gushen obediently, obediently, and left by his side.

A group of true gods have some doubts about life after hearing the words.

This is the end?

I really came in and cut a circle, and then left again.

"If you don't mind, come to the Void Continent."

A great true **** with a long breath opened his mouth with a little deep meaning.

The strong are respected everywhere.

With a knife, this lunatic slashed all the way without blinking an eyelid. When he slashed to the end, he was recognized by others.

"If you don't have a fixed place to live, you can temporarily live in the Void Continent. Recently, the dark taboo has been frequently dispatched, and it is very dangerous to stay outside."

Another great true **** also spoke.

In this cruel world, as long as there is no conflict of interests, the strong are the most valuable existences, and any continent wants to recruit them.

The third great true **** was a long-haired old man. He didn't speak, but frowned, seemingly displeased, but he didn't deny it.

Ye Gushen frowned when he heard this sentence.

He lowered his eyes and looked at Saint Loli in his arms. This girl is still injured and in a coma. It is really time to find a place to treat her, and I also need to check the data changes.

Lord Ji Yuan has been passed down for so long, and he hasn't had time to take a closer look.

And the form of the dark monarch must be studied again.


Ye Gushen said lightly.

"Guard the mainland."

This is the duty of a true god. No matter which continent a true **** goes to, once he goes there, he must guard the continent. After all, this is the last pure land of life.

"It depends."

Ye Gushen flattened the God of War world and created a world by himself.

"I'll treat her now, you go to Bai Yunqi."

He gave Tian Luoyi a task.

Bai Yunqi, this is an alchemist, it was he who regarded Saint Lolita as the pure daughter of incense and contacted the Shenzhan family.

It is no exaggeration to say that the scene of such a fierce battle today was all caused by this person.


Tian Luoyi left, and she went out all the way, no one dared to stop her, and even expressed respect.

Just because she belongs to that lunatic.

"Uh... eh... ah... you... leaf liar..."

Saint Lori woke up, the Divine Sense Saber in her soul was shattered by Ye Que, and her body recovered from its injuries under the evolution of chaos.

When the girl woke up and saw Ye Que's handsome face, she took a moment to react.


The girl burst into tears, holding Ye Que without letting go, the beautiful girl's face was full of tears, whining non-stop.

"Do you know, I took you around and suffered so much, I had a hard time, I, I, I, I am so miserable!"

She really did what Ye Que thought, when she saw Ye Que woke up, she began to complain, saying how hard and pitiful she was, in fact, she was looking for comfort.

At this time, according to the script, Ye Que should comfort her.

Ye Que also followed her and went to comfort her.

Sure enough, she cried louder, as if I was wronged and pitiful, and you should continue to coax me.

Ye Que continued to coax with a dark face, coaxing and coaxing, she burst into laughter again.

"Liar Ye, I knew you were the best!"

Saint Lori had her hips on her hips, her small chin was raised, her eyes were bent into small crescents.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, Sheng Hatsune was finally tired and fell asleep in his arms, drooling all over his crotch.

"Now, finally, we can look at the data."

Ye Que still has a lot of things to do.

Transformed into a dark lord, disguised as a dark creature, went to the dark source to make a report, and inquired about the enemy's military situation by the way.

This is second.

Xue Aili fell into darkness, and others fell into darkness, or people whose hometowns were unknown, needed him to find them.

Chaosen Continent will also go there to bring back Mo Ding and others.

The idea enters the mind and looks at the data.

In the east of the Void Continent, there is the Temple of Thunder Heaven.

This is the inheritance power of the Great True God Minglei.

And Minglei Great True God is a long-haired old man, when the other Great True Gods were recruiting Ye Que, he chose to frown and remain silent.


Minglei Hall.

The Great True God Minglei sat in the first seat, staring indifferently at a ants of the fifth level of creation below.

"Great God, I am an alchemist, and this demigod elixir was also refined by me, please take a look."

Bai Yunqi has a city in his heart, and his eyes are calm and contain the deep meaning of controlling everything.

He respectfully handed the box in his hand to the Great True God Minglei.

There is a elixir inside, which is a semi-true **** elixir.

Why is it called the semi-true **** pill?

Dane has no source.

But as long as there is energy in the body of the peak creation, after taking this elixir, there is a great chance of breaking through to the true god.

This is the preciousness of the semi-true **** pill.

It is also his only and most precious treasure.

The reason why I can take it out today is to save my life.

That True God Ye would never let him go, so he chose to seek refuge with the Great True God.

"What did you refine?"

The Great True God Minglei suppressed his shock, and stared at Bai Yunqi, with a bit of excitement flickering past.

A half-true **** pill may create a true god, and its value is self-evident.

"Yes! This junior spent fifty million years collecting materials everywhere and refining them hundreds of times before finally succeeding!"

Bai Yunqi was confident, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He knew that as long as he said this sentence, nothing would happen to him.

A Ye Zhenshen is really powerful.

But no matter how powerful he is, there is nothing he can do about it.

Thinking of this, the smile on the corner of his mouth turned into a sneer.

He had paved the way for himself a long time ago, seeing the excited eyes of the Great True God Minglei this time, he knew that he made the right choice.

Immediately, a sense of accomplishment from playing with Ye Zhenshen in applause made his heart surge.


Solving doubts: Why do one body and two forms appear at the same time?

Answer: One body and two forms each contain different sources, so they can appear at the same time. When breaking through the true god, the ancient **** and the tortoise had to break through each once. , dual form into one, and has always maintained the strongest combat power of the dark ancient god. I didn't explain these clearly, and I will write the plot later

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