God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1547: kill through

The scarred old man of the Blood Clothes Sect couldn't think of anything.

I will get ten creation-level weapons at one time, and they are bestowed by the true **** himself.

Just need to do a "little" task.

That is to launch a suicide attack on the **** war family of the true **** family.

Yes, he is a fifth-level creator, launching an attack on the family of true gods whose creation methods are as numerous as dogs and whose creations are everywhere.

"What... God... I was wrong... Give me another chance! I was really wrong! I didn't know she was your wife, I was wrong!"

The old man with the scar kowtowed viciously, punching a hole in his head, and blood flowed out.

However, today's ancient **** has a rock-like heart.

No one cares except the ones you love.

He does not belong to the life of light, nor does he belong to darkness.

But when he is angry, he can also go into darkness.

At this moment, the way he looked at the scarred old man was like a dark creature looking at a foreign ant, not a life at all.

"Or you go and kill the true **** of the Shenzhan family, if you can't do it, I will kill you myself!"

Ye Gushen's anger burned one billion and eighty million miles, and the sky was burned red. This is the anger of the true god, and no one can stop it.

The old man with the scar was full of snot and tears, and could only hold the ten weapons bestowed by Ye Zhenshen, and tremblingly became the vanguard and death squad of the true god.

Hey, thinking about it this way, I feel inexplicably proud.

"True God, I'm too lonely by myself, why don't I call the other people from the Bloody Clothes Sect, so that I can have a companion, do you think it's okay?"

Even if the scarred old man dies, he will be backed. Of course, he is still a little lucky, thinking that if there are more people, the chance of his survival will be higher.

This guy is also a vicious guy, if the Blood Clothes Sect knew about this, they would probably have to grit their teeth and burn their incense in gratitude.


True God is not going to let go of any garbage from the Bloody Clothes Gate.

Tian Luoyi is from his hometown and has been bullied, but he doesn't allow it.

The ancient **** lost a lot of things, so he attached great importance to the things and people in his hometown.

At this time, Tian Luoyi had already woken up.

Looking at the ancient **** in front of her, she was stunned, with mixed feelings in her heart, and gradually, tears welled up in her eyes.

Even after 20,000 years of suffering, she became a strong person, but at this moment, she still couldn't help showing her girlish heart.

When the girl back then, when she first saw Ye Que, she was innocent and curious.

Today's girl, when she saw Ye Que again, things were different, but the memories left in her heart couldn't stop surging up.

"You... you finally woke up."

Tian Luoyi choked up crying, crying with tears.

Too many grievances poured out uncontrollably.

He was hunted down, his hometown was invaded by darkness, his road was cut off, and he was struggling to survive on Fuyun Island.

These things, usually think about, at most are feelings.

When she saw Ye Zhenshen, she couldn't bear it anymore, and cried loudly in Ye Zhenshen's arms.

Floating Cloud Island.

The people from Blood Clothes Sect are searching for the tree hole left by Tian Luoyi.

"This guy was hunted down, there must be a lot of good things in it, let's search hard!"

"Hahaha, the island is full of trash, I really hope they are hunted down like Tianjue, and we can get the most treasures!"

The people from Blood Clothes Sect sneered, and sneered at Tian Luoyi and the others.

But suddenly, the sky turned red and the island was reduced to a sea of ​​flames.

Everyone panicked.

The person from the Bloodcloth Gate raised his head: "What's going on?"

"Brother, I'll give you a creation-level weapon, let's go to the family of gods together!"

The scarred old man carried two creation-level spears on his back, held a dragon-slaying knife in his hand, was wearing a dragon-slaying armor, and had a paralysis ring on his finger.

With tears in his eyes, he smiled excitedly and said, "With these weapons, let's stop messing around in the Bloody Clothes Sect. Let's go to the Shenzhan Family and wipe them all out!"

During this battle, the peers all called experts when they saw each other.

"Are you sick, aren't you?"

The rest of the Blood Clothes Sect cursed.

Also at this moment, Ye Zhenshen appeared with a mighty and mighty fury.

Three seconds later.

Everyone in the Blood Clothes Sect, each holding a creation-level weapon, was crying and excitedly smiling: "Let's go, let's wipe out the entire Shenzhan Family!"

Then, a shocking scene appeared.

People from the Blood Clothes Sect are no longer idle robbers.

They turned into gods of war, holding creation-level weapons, and rushed to the boundless continent in the deepest part of Fuyun Island.

That is the void continent.

There, there are three great true gods and sixteen true gods.

Ye Zhenshen stood on the top of the void, his anger burned for one billion eighty million miles, and the surrounding Fuyun Island was covered by a sea of ​​flames. Many lives were not harmed in the sea of ​​flames, but they also felt the anger of the true god.

They knelt down tremblingly, terrified and terrified.

Even these creations and living beings felt the anger of the true god.

The void continent in the distance, why not?

The three great true gods and the sixteen true gods opened their eyes in retreat, and they all looked out of the Void Continent.

"Foreign true gods, not guarding the continent where they are, come here, it's interesting."

A great true **** sat cross-legged in the secret room, staring at the true **** outside, with doubts and frivolity in his words.

As for why frivolous?

very simple.

The Void Continent does not connect to the road to the barren source, but it does not mean it is weak.

On the contrary, it is very strong and can suppress the true god.

This person has a lot of murderous intent, most of which are hostile, but in the eyes of Void Continent, such hostility is just a joke.

"Why did this true **** dare to suicidally come to my Void Continent?"

The other great true **** was surprised and asked the core question.

"Maybe it's for a treasure that is no less than a true **** level. In short, it hasn't been this lively for a long time. Let's take a look."

The third great true **** put away his cultivation, left the secret room, came to the high tower, and watched leisurely.

Not only them, the sixteen true gods are also discussing.

"Have you ever gone out and taken away the top treasure of this true god?"

"Yes, otherwise, a true god, how dare to come to my Void Continent with killing intent?"

"Dare to die, this treasure should be very precious, to be honest, I am greedy."

"I also want to get that treasure."

Many true gods are discussing, but they don't pay attention to the unyielding true god.

There is only one person who is already in fear.

Shen Zhan Yu returned to the Void Continent, and before returning to the world created by the Shen Zhan family, he was frightened by the scene in front of him and his whole body became cold.

He looked at the 3,000 floating islands outside the Void Continent, all of which were covered in flames. On the highest peak in the center of the sea of ​​flames, stood a true **** holding a blade of flames.

Suddenly, he could clearly see the face of the true god.

It was exactly the same as the man who couldn't move.

"He... is he really a true god?"

Shen Zhanyu said in horror, suddenly, he thought of something, turned his head stiffly, and looked at the girl in the hands of the peak creation.

The girl was covered in blood, she seemed to accept her fate and closed her eyes.

With a click, Shen Zhanyu's heart skipped a beat, feeling that he had caused a catastrophe.

The woman who provoked the true god, right now, the true **** is attacking, and something big will happen.

And all of this was caused by him.

Although, he didn't think that the other party could destroy the Shenzhan family, but if he brought a true god-level enemy to the Shenzhan family, he would definitely be punished.

"Young master, it is not suitable to stand here at this time. You have done nothing wrong. You just want to get a good incense and pure girl. I think the ancestor of the true **** will not blame you when he finds out!"

Peak Creation said respectfully.

"Right, right, right! Let's hurry back to the God of War Realm and hand over this girl. We don't know anything about the true god's attack!"

Shen Zhanyu was awakened, and immediately spoke.


Peak creation brought Saint Lolita, still pinching her neck, not afraid of Ye Zhenshen at all, nor did she take Ye Zhenshen seriously.

Just kidding, they also have a true god, and they are still in the base camp, will they be afraid of this true god?

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