God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1542: Void Continent

Day Roy.

She used to be the pinnacle of law-making, and now she has the third level of creation.

Twenty thousand years have passed, and she has also become stronger.

It's just that she can appear here, which shows that this period of ten thousand years is not as easy as imagined.

Saint Lolita suddenly calmed down, and seemed to have learned that the identity of the creature was Tian Luoyi, and the other party should have informed her through sound transmission.

They left, and under the leadership of Tian Luoyi, they went to Fuyun Island.

Under Tian Luoyi's explanation, Saint Lolita and Ye Gushen also knew where this place was.

Here is an island shrouded in clouds and mist.

The center of the island is a continent called the Void Continent. It is not near the road to the wild source, nor is it connected to the road to the wild source. It is located in the horizontal depth of the middle half.

And the area of ​​the Void Continent is very large, as large as the universe of two ancient gods.

There are strong people in it like a cloud, and there are three great true gods alone.

"However, we are not qualified to enter the Void Continent. We can only survive on the Fuyun Island around the mainland."

Tian Luoyi came to his practice place, which was a huge tree hole surrounded by many powerful formations to protect it.

After she entered, she took off her disguise, and that picturesque face appeared in front of Saint Lolita.

St. Lolita burst into tears, hugged Tian Luoyi and began to cry.

Cry as long as you cry, return the ancient **** Heiye.

"This liar Ye is too inhuman. He bullied me like a god. Sister Luo Yi, let's beat him up while he's unconscious."

Saint Lori wiped her tears, what she said was sad.

Ye Gushen was shot while lying down, and he heard the whole process, which was obviously what Saint Lolita said.

Talk about how pitiful he is, and how he has dragged himself down.

But, when the girl said these words, most of them were not serious, but she was a little cautious, especially for the little princess with a lively personality.

The little girl didn't mean to blame her when she said that, she just asked Tian Luoyi for comfort.

According to Ye Gushen's understanding of her, it is estimated that when he wakes up, Saint Lori will have to cry again, saying that in order to save him, she ran around behind his back and paid too much.

Then he comforted her well, and Saint Lolita would cry even louder, and finally laughed through her tears.

Just thinking about it, I think this girl is very funny.

But if you think about it carefully, you can taste another kind of sigh and bitterness.

Only she can be so lively after such a miserable fate.

The beautiful scene made Ye Gushen a little fascinated.

Tian Luoyi squatted on the ground, looking at Ye Gushen who was sitting on his stomach by Saint Lolita.

"If I hadn't seen him, I wouldn't have believed that I would have met you."

Tian Luoyi was surprised.

"Of course, Liar Ye is very powerful, a true god-level humanoid weapon, very easy to use!"

Saint Lolita jerked twice, making Ye Gushen's heart twitch.

If you give me the skin, I won't be able to move, otherwise I will clean up you **** the spot.

"True God? Over the past 20,000 years, many things have happened, right?"

Tian Luoyi's face changed slightly.

The smile on Saint Lori's face disappeared, as if recalling the past.

But the little princess has also grown up, and has learned to pretend to be brave, and doesn't want to tell such sad things to her good friends in her hometown.

She smiled and said: "It's nothing, anyway, Ye Da Liar is very powerful, he has become a true god!"

Tian Luoyi frowned.

The young girl's bravado was too immature, she could see it: "The past two thousand years must have been very hard."

St. Loli held her breath, but shook her head silently.

"For 20,000 years, I have been hiding in hiding, but I also know something. The road to the barren source has been cut off, and the inside has been invaded by darkness, right?"

Tian Luoyi's eyes stared at the girl.

The girl lowered her head, playing with the hem of her clothes with her hands.

"It was cut off by the ancient god, right?"

Tian Luoyi's words made the little princess cry out suddenly.

"Fake, it's not at all, it was cut off by Wan Sen, and he also attracted the darkness..."

When Saint Lori said this, she realized that Tian Luoyi was talking nonsense.

She stared at Luo Tianyi, and Luo Tianyi was also looking at her, and the two of them suddenly felt extremely sad and lonely.

One was crying, and the other was full of tears.

The two told each other about their experiences.

Not long after Tian Luoyi entered the barren source road, the road was cut off, and they couldn't go back.

Just when everyone was at a loss, the Wan Family of Chaosen Continent sent a large number of strong men to capture them alive.

They refused to give in, and so began the great exodus.

In the process, they learned that the road was cut off, and the darkness invaded their hometown. In addition, Wan Jia was captured alive. They guessed that it was related to Wan Jia.

Realizing this, everyone protested fiercely.

Thus, casualties occurred.

"We all know our end, especially Xue Aili and I, and those girls from Moyuan Continent, so we all choose to resist, commit suicide and fall into darkness."

Tian Luoyi stared at Ye Gushen's resolute face, with an uncontrollable sadness in his voice.

"I escaped here by chance. I disguised myself as a man and managed to survive on Fuyun Island. Ai Li fell into the darkness and became a dark creature in a desperate situation. The others either died, escaped by chance, or fell into the darkness."

She wiped away her tears, this was the second time she shed tears after she shed tears for Xue Aili's actions 20,000 years ago.

"The male cultivators who were arrested were all arrested to let us escape. I don't know what is going on now."

Tian Luoyi sighed.

"Don't worry, liar Ye is very clever. My brother and others are still alive."

At first, St. Loli thought Liar Ye was really going to destroy Chaosen Continent, but it wasn't until later that she realized that it was Liar Ye who saved Chaosen Continent.

"It's good to be alive."

Tian Luoyi sighed lightly.

Suddenly, she noticed something, and when she turned around, she was wearing a black robe, and her body was disguised as a man.

Saint Lori is clever, but she also makes herself extremely ugly.

"Those people are here, don't talk later, I will deal with it!"

Tian Luoyi said in a hoarse voice.

"Although Liar Ye is not awake, he is very powerful. He is a true god, very resistant to beating, and can be used as a weapon."

Saint Lori is full of confidence.

She has a lot of courage.

Who gave it?

Of course it is Ye Da liar.

"The true **** who can't wake up...Although I don't know what happened, but you hide him as soon as possible. There are three great true gods in the Void Continent, and there are 16 other true gods. If you find a true **** here, you will definitely be the first to attack him!"

When a true **** meets a true god, if one is the fish on the board, the other will definitely be swayed.

Ye Gushen couldn't wake up, if the true **** here knew about it, there would be a big problem.

Sheng Loli also thought about it, her face changed slightly, and she hurriedly hid Ye Gushen in a small space in the tree hole with her arms in her arms.

"Heavenly, it's time to pay the temporary residence fee!"

Tianjue is Tianluoyi's disguised name.

Tian Luoyi's face was gloomy, and he said coldly: "Didn't you hand it over the day before yesterday?"

"The floating island can take in those of you who are wandering outside, or even infected by the darkness but still have a sliver of reason. You need to face the huge pressure of the void continent! This time it will be taken separately!"

A group of people in scarlet robes came.

"Hehe, I have lived here for more than 10,000 years. You don't need to treat me as a fool, right? The Void Continent doesn't take me in at all. They will come here every thousand years to wipe out the life on Fuyun Island. What kind of pressure do you need? ?”

Tian Luoyi was furious.

Everyone is just trying to survive, but you are still playing with the temporary residence fee. I am afraid that the Void Continent does not know about this at all, and even if they know, it has nothing to do with them.

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