God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1520: double form god

Seeing this, Wan Sen was silent for a moment, feeling that his heart had stopped beating, and an ominous sense of crisis swept over his body and filled every corner.

Yes, he was scared.

He remembered the scene where the other party forcibly broke through to the true **** amidst the siege of the three great sources of darkness, ten great dark true gods, twenty-five dark true gods, and countless dark creatures.

Even if the other party breaks through into a distorted and wrong life form of the true god, the anger and will to kill him and revenge has been imprinted in his heart.

The strongest thing about any life is not blood, talent, or innate ability.

It is derived from the spiritual power of being oppressed and still going against the sky.

The opponent's unyielding and will to destroy him are a kind of terrifying spiritual power. He is afraid of it just by looking at it, fearing that the opponent will kill him after he grows up.

But now, the opponent has begun to have the ability to threaten him.

Just the first true god, the causal knife of his great true **** was destroyed. Although it was only a part of his power, time was equal to all living beings.

Let the other party grow up, and the tragedy of death will tend to him.



Wan Sen vomited blood, and withdrew his gaze from the universe of the ancient gods.

The backlash that forcibly sent the Karma Knife into the universe of the ancient gods came.

His face was pale, he knelt on the ground and said unwillingly: "Damn it!"

Ye Gushen also withdrew his gaze, standing proudly in the universe, even though he was trapped here, he did not give up.

The 20,000 years of hard work and the tempering of his mentality have made him a strong existence in terms of ability and mentality.


With a wave of his hand, the Milky Way was surrounded by unyielding fire to prevent it from being attacked by Wan Sen, and then there was an accident.

Ye Gushen focused most of his soul's attention on the turtle-shaped body.

Roar! !

The giant tortoise roared angrily, and launched a second impact under the inspiration of the source of pure yang.


Good fortune promotes pure yang, and pure yang rejuvenates vitality.

The giant tortoise radiated pure golden light, which shook the universe, and the universe also reflected a golden glow, and billions of rays of light illuminated the starry sky.

Roar! !

The roar of the giant tortoise resounded through the universe.

The tortoise also has unyielding, although it is not the source, but the unyielding will is still obvious.

In those years, Gui also experienced being torn apart, stepped into the gate of **** several times, and was also drenched in blood by being hunted down.

It was not easy for the little tortoise at that time, and the master of creation at this time, and finally ushered in a transformation today.

boom! !

A roar broke the shackles.

The terrifying power of the true **** erupted from the giant tortoise's body.

It was only the second time that he hit the Realm of the True God.

Roar! !

The giant tortoise roared, the universe resonated, and all living beings shook.

The fifteen-star ancient **** watched his other form transform, and he was relieved and sighed.

Ye Gushen has gone through all kinds of hardships and hardships, all of which he deserves.

Even if there is a system, it is only an auxiliary.

He never reached out and got it.

Anyone who does not give up in the struggle will eventually get the result he wants.

Even if the result of hard work is poor, it is just a late bloomer.

Ye Gushen was even more so.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for succeeding in the second impact of the turtle form, which has broken through to the realm of true gods!"

"Ding! The data in the turtle form is all refreshed, and there is a big change!"

"Ding! Since the Era Lord system has just been released, the data of the ancient **** form and the turtle form cannot be displayed, please wait for the host!"

"Ding! The system retests the host's function... 1%... 2%..."

"Ding! The system is testing the cosmic function...1%...2%...3%..."

"Ding! The system has detected the broken power of the six paths of reincarnation. Do you want to fix it?"


Do not rush to look at the dual-form data, anyway, it has become a true god, and it is the same if you look at it early or late. The main thing is to restore the six reincarnations, which is the most important thing.

"I will not disappoint your sacrifice."

Ye Que sighed lightly.

"Ding! The Lord of the Era system is rooted in the host's body. If the host is too weak, the system will be affected to a certain extent!"

"Ding! The dual-form state of the host has all broken through to the true **** state. The time limit for the system to repair the six reincarnations is shortened, and it only takes five thousand years!"

"System prompt: During the repair process, the host cannot use other functions of the system!"

"It's only five thousand years, and it will pass in the blink of an eye!"

"Fix fix fix!"

Ye Que clenched his fists tightly, and the turtle form had fallen into his body. The power of the two forms of true gods merged into one, even if it was only the first true god, there was a terrifying aura erupting.

"Ding! In the process of repairing the broken Six Paths of Reincarnation..."

As the notification sounded, he put away the power of the true god, the universe also extinguished the flames, and everything returned to normal.

"For five thousand years, I can rest assured!"

He took a deep breath and returned to Ye Tiandian.

As soon as I got back, I heard milk crying.

He is not in Ye Tiandian, the child has no support, and it is easy to cry.

In addition, when breaking through, there are all kinds of sounds and lights, which are scarier than thunder.

A group of little wives all cried.

Usually at this time, a normal man will coax her well, and her heart will not work.

Only Ye Que was different.

"Hurry up and record it, rare black history!"

This guy waved his hand excitedly, the source of the universe, no, it is no longer the source of the universe, but the source of indomitability turned into a dark golden flame, recording their black history.

That's why this guy can do such weird things.

Instead of comforting and coaxing, I recorded it excitedly.

If Di Xiwei, Gu Fayue and the others wake up and look back at this scene, they will probably go crazy to the point of murder.

This guy is trying to die, playing handstand on the mountain of knives.

"Cough cough."

He also knew how to restrain himself, and when they were tired from crying, he walked out.

At that moment, he was like a **** of war dad, um, a good real **** character, transformed into a **** of war dad in a second.

"Go, let's take you to ride the Brain Axe."

With a wave of his hand, this guy took them to the wild prairie of the earth.

In the following time, he lived a leisurely life, but he did not let down his vigilance.

Wan Sen will never give up.

His chaotic eyes are always open, staring at the changes in the universe, and once there is an external cause and effect, he will fight back immediately.

Perhaps the six realms of reincarnation are gradually being repaired, and the power of reincarnation is increasing, so that more and more souls are falling into the earth one after another.

Acquaintances are coming.

Hun Xingyue, Bing Yining, Lan Hu and other old friends are here.

Ten years have passed.

Also at this time, Maid Xue and the others fell into eternal sleep.

They entered the state due to the restoration of the six samsaras, and they were not normal samsaras, but were attracted to the earth.

Now that the six realms of reincarnation are being perfected, they will also be affected.

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