The vain soul of the void clan passed on to a useless son-in-law.

This good-for-nothing son-in-law suffered all kinds of indifference and humiliation during his lifetime. Today, he broke a bowl, was kicked out of the house, and died suddenly due to rage.

It was also because of his death that Wu Wuming got a chance to be reborn.

"Now that you're here, let's start living again. Ashes return to ashes. I don't want to experience the darkness of those years. From now on, I will live in seclusion on this planet."

He said so, but the life of cheating must be arranged.

Usually when this kind of strong man's soul piercing scene comes out, soon someone will insult him and look down on him, and then he will slap him in the face coldly and arrogantly, and conquer the opponent by the way.

But at this time, he won't be happy for too long, he will be looked down upon by his mother-in-law again, scolding him and beating him, which is to attract hatred and accumulate a wave of anger.

When it reaches a certain peak, that's when he pretends to slap his face,

"Everyone who looks down on me will be arranged."

When this guy was thinking about it, someone suddenly called the back of his head, and he turned around and said angrily, "Bold! If I hadn't lost all my cultivation, you..."

With a plop, the guy fell to his knees on the ground.

"Ye y y y y y y y..."

Wu Wuming stuttered, seeing Ye Gushen appearing, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak clearly.

"Stop yelling, grandpa, grandpa, grandpa, what are you thinking?"

It was Ye Gushen who came, and Mou was a little shocked when he saw that this guy's soul contained divine fluctuations.

The opponent didn't even save reincarnation, and directly passed through the soul.

This can only show that without the six reincarnations, one of the incomplete reincarnations becomes chaotic.

For example, after the soul came to the earth, there was a scene of soul penetration, which is one of the manifestations of chaotic reincarnation.

"Ye Gushen, have you also been reborn?"

Nothingness returned to God.

Ye Gushen hugged his future wife, that is, the two children, and told about the soul coming to the earth.

Wu Wuming was inexplicably shocked, watching Ye Gushen holding the two babies.

And the two babies drank milk that no creature could afford, and their bodies exuded a pure white radiance.

In Wuming's mind, four words couldn't help but emerge—God of War Daddy!

I want to return to thinking, but some things still have to be faced.

"I don't want to experience darkness, I want to live a happy life on earth."

Wu Wuming was frightened, scared, and even more open-minded.

"Don't make too much trouble, it's up to you."

Ye Que didn't force it, he left to see how Jin Duande was doing.

Jin Duande has obtained cosmic-level luck, and he is in the golden age of aura recovery. Not surprisingly, in the past five years, he should have become the strongest on earth.

But after going there, he realized that he was very wrong.

Jin Duande is a good-for-nothing guy. He traveled across the ocean and went to the next island country to open an action company. His status has not improved, and he is still an ordinary person.

This guy is too good-for-nothing, the cosmic-level luck is just useless by him.

Ye Que's face turned dark, no matter how much he ignored him, he couldn't help this kind of natural bastard.

"I regret it sooner or later."

He really left this time, and began to travel around the earth, occasionally swimming in the starry sky.

The two girls also gradually grew up.

During this period, other souls gradually appeared and fell to the earth.

At this time, Ye Gushen would go to investigate, but none of them were important to him.

And the soul wear with memory that reminded him never appeared again.

After all, this kind of situation is rare, and most [Doudo novels] are reincarnations.

For reincarnators, he will mark them, and let Wuming take care of them.

"Yeah, yip."

The two girls are getting cuter and more chubby, and they like to cling to him.

Ye Gushen also followed them, anyway, you are my wife, sooner or later you will be mine too.

When he thought about it, he thought that the girl has become a perfect body again, this is the first time...

Cough cough, don't think too much.

This is a small episode.

Time also passed in this waiting.

It's ten years in a flash.

The girl is also ten years old, she looks pink and jade-carved,

But the person Ye Que was waiting for didn't come.

And there was an ominous premonition in his heart.

Because since five years ago, there has never been a foreign soul on the earth.

So far on the earth, except for the girl, there have only been four souls from the six realms and the starry sky.

At this moment, he was sitting on the throne deep in Ye Tiandian, with worry in his eyes, and the ominous premonition in his heart was getting stronger and stronger.

What the **** is going wrong?

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind.

"The stronger a person is, the harder it is to come to Earth?"

Thinking of this, he shook his head again.

The girl is very strong, and Jin Duande has also mixed into the creation.

This should not be the reason.

"Brother Ye, it's time for us to take a shower."

Two pink and jade-carved girls ran over with dangling short legs and climbed up his trousers.

"My sister's fragrance is getting less and less."

"My sister is wrong, it's because there are more and more stinky smells."

The two little girls clung to him, and they were even more serious.

At this time, Ye Que will silently record it, and show it to them when they can remember it.

This is a proper black history.

Suddenly, his body trembled: "More and more... less and less..."

There was light in his eyes, and he whispered: "The power of reincarnation is getting weaker and weaker!"


This should be the reason.

Since five years ago, the earth has never visited the soul again.

It must be that the power of reincarnation is disappearing.

The broken Six Realms of Samsara cannot exist forever, its incomplete power is disappearing.

This is not a good sign.

Once the power of the six realms of reincarnation dissipates, other souls may never come to Earth again, and may even disappear with the power of reincarnation.

Ye Que was silent, thought for a while, and came to the starry sky with two girls in his arms.

Looking at the empty universe, his sense of crisis was heavy again.

Xiwei, Youyao, and Fayue haven't come yet. Could it be that they will never come?

Suddenly, a familiar and murderous aura appeared in him.

His expression changed, and he said coldly: "The power of darkness and taboo, is it you?"


looked down.

It was a dark and taboo breath, emanating from the girl.

On the tender white skin of the two girls, black spots appeared, which is the power of darkness.

"Ye...Brother Ye..."

They are weak, the breath of life is diminishing, and the breath of darkness is increasing.

This is a sign of infection.

Ye Que immediately rotated to the Yang Liuzi Jue, burst into golden light, and penetrated into the bodies of the two girls.

Immediately, the dark spots on the girl's body decreased.

"I should have thought a long time ago that you all died in the dark taboo, and your soul was infected long ago. By the way, there is also the earth."

Ye Que turned around sharply, the golden light was about to erupt, but at the last moment, he restrained himself.

There are many souls in the universe, and they all contain darkness, but he cannot see them.

If the golden light is released in a large area, it will destroy the soul unintentionally.

This is one size fits all and not feasible.

He couldn't help it, so he accelerated back to the earth to treat those reincarnated people.

But, he came late.

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