God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1481: The Empress Who Shocks the Past and the Present

In the starry sky of pure darkness, countless dark creatures are roaring. They hide in the darkness and wreak havoc in the darkness.

Thousands of races in the starry sky, all beings in the six realms, and ancient gods are burning with the afterglow of life.

That radiant light in the darkness is so heroic and so dazzling.

Even so, they are gradually being eroded by the darkness, dimming bit by bit.

When this dark taboo was about to swallow up the bright light and ruin the universe of the ancient gods, a dazzling white ray descended from an unknown and distant place, pierced through the barren continent, and forcibly connected to the universe of the ancient gods.

In the darkness, that ray of light penetrated the universe and fell into Xue Lingluo's body, dispelling all the darkness.

All the dark creatures were horrified, and they all backed away, gathering behind the primordial creature.

The darkness is no longer pure, and the brilliance of the stars is scattered all over the universe, just like the eternal light scattered in the starry sky when the universe first opened.


Empress Good Fortune is back!

All the races in the starry sky, the beings of the six realms, and the ancient gods all had emotional fluctuations. After holding back for too long and fighting for too long, they finally won the bet this time.

She is coming.

The previous pay is worth it!


Not only the Ancient God Universe was shocked, but the barren land was also shocked.

When the white radiance pierced through the barren land, the Nine Great True Gods confronted Mo Tian Great True God and were forced to stop.

"What's this?"

True God Shengyuan was amazed, the power in the light was covered by a force of teleportation and could not be perceived.

"It's that little **** named Ye, the ancient **** again!"

True God Longyuan's face was gloomy.

"He didn't die, it's really hard! The ancient gods are all extinct, why are you still struggling!"

True God Shanyuan said coldly, it was because of an ancient **** that the Huangyuan Continent fell into such a state, and somehow provoked a great true god, he had secretly hated Ye Que for a long time.

"Deal with him first."

The rest of the true gods have no feelings for Ye Que, they only care about the great true god.

They didn't say any more, and their attention was still on the Great True God Mo Tian.

After all, it is an inevitable fact that the universe of the ancient gods will become a tomb, and a small Ye Que can't afford to make a big wave.

This white light may be his last struggle.

However, some words, once spoken, can't be taken back even if you regret it.

After the True God Longyuan and the True God Shanyuan finished cursing, the bright white light fluctuated inexplicably.

Yes, the Empress has already heard the other party's scolding.

in the universe.

Ye Que was burning with platinum radiance, looking up at the coming white light.

"Ding! The Empress of Creation is coming!"

"Ding! The Empress of Good Fortune has arrived!"

With the end of the beep.

In the flames of the gods burning their lives, the empress opened her eyes.

It was a female emperor wearing an ancient feather robe, with ancient inscriptions engraved on the feather robe, flowing with many mysterious and infinite laws, blooming with the brilliance of the eternal years.

She resembles Xue Lingluo very much, or in other words, Xue Lingluo resembles the Empress very much.

The female emperor's beauty is unreal, but she also has the vicissitudes of life overlooking the vicissitudes of life, and the arrogance of the ancient emperor that no darkness is qualified to taint.

Emperor, in ancient times, was a title of respect.

Empress Good Fortune even raised the honorific title of Emperor to a level that astonishes the past and the present.

Roar! !

The Yuanxu creature roared, shattered the blockade of the universe with a slap, killed countless dark creatures, and went straight to attack the empress.

That slap was too big, half the size of the starry sky in the extreme south. It contained sticky dark matter that could penetrate the starry sky.

All beings panicked.

But the empress was indifferent, seeing the slap coming, she only stretched out a finger exuding holy brilliance, flicked it lightly, and shattered the slap.

This is not the case, Yuanxu creature lost one arm, and it also affected the whole body.

Even his whole body was shattered, and he was pushed back to the edge of the universe. Many of the dark true gods and dark great true gods behind him were injured.

"I'm a tortoise, I haven't even knelt down yet..."

Jin Duande was about to bend his knees to save the universe one by one, but it was too late.

"The most monstrous genius of the ancient gods, although he is not the oldest, he surpasses the ancients. He is worthy of the name, the eternal and eternal empress!"

There are true gods who are amazed and envious of the ancient gods.

This family is truly talented.

Empress Good Fortune is the pinnacle of this clan.

Those two true gods of the thirteen-star ancient **** clan sighed silently. In the ancient ancient times, they lived longer than the empress. They are all ancient elders, but their achievements are less than one-thousandth of the empress.

Thinking about it, they couldn't help looking at Ye Que, this is also an ancient **** that cannot be measured by common sense.

"Too...too strong."

Future girl flew to Ye Que's side, muttering in shock.

Before the creation star merged, she flew out, waiting to enter the six reincarnations.

The empress seemed to sense something, turned around, and scanned all living beings.

"Meet the Empress Creation!"

"Meet the Empress Creation!"

The ancient gods, true gods, and great true gods all knelt down on one knee and spoke in unison, shaking the universe with rumbling sounds.

The rest hurriedly knelt down to greet him.

"You should enter reincarnation."

The empress stretched out her hand and pointed at the future girl.

The future girl disappeared involuntarily and was entering the cycle of six realms.

"Brother Ye Que...you wait for me..."

Before the girl in the future could finish her words looking back, she entered the six realms of reincarnation.

But in the next moment, she reappeared from reincarnation.

"Ding! The empress is speeding up the cycle of six realms!"

"Ding! Reincarnated creatures appear again!"

"Ding! Xue Lingluo, who came from the future, received the gift of the empress, and through the medium of forever becoming the Star Artifact Spirit, she can completely appear in the contemporary time and space without the shackles of time and space and laws!"

"Ding! Fourteen-star ancient **** Gu Shitian wakes up!"

"Ding! Thirteen-star ancient **** Gu Haoyuan has awakened!"

"Ding! Ten-star ancient **** Gu Yuan wakes up!"

"Ding! Millions of ancient gods awaken!"

"Ding! The ancient gods are coming to the starry sky!"


The six realms erupted with golden light in the Ring of Return to the Ruins, instantly piercing into the dark starry sky.

At that moment, the dark starry sky was illuminated by golden light.

Countless ancient gods appeared in the starry sky, all burning with golden flames.

"Meet the Empress Creation!"

Millions of ancient gods, headed by the fourteen-star ancient **** Gu Shitian, assisted by the old patriarch Gu Haoyuan, all knelt down and saluted. The sound shook the universe and echoed in every corner of the starry sky.

Ye Que choked for breath: "Are you back again?"

"What, you don't want us to come back?"

Gu Fayue was also among the ancient gods, her eyes fixed on Ye Que, and she couldn't move her eyes away.

"Think! Think!"

The suffocation in Ye Que's chest dissipated instantly.

He cursed himself for being ignorant, he should have realized that this scene would happen long ago.

The ancient gods died as sacrifices to the star patterns, and they would inevitably enter the six realms of reincarnation and sleep, and finally show up in a certain distant future.

But the Six Paths of Reincarnation was created by the Empress Good Fortune, and when the Empress appeared, she would naturally be able to speed up the reincarnation easily, and the ancient gods would also speed up their awakening.

Suddenly, a pair of eyes that made him furious stared at him.

When he looked up, it was the Empress Good Fortune looking at him.

"Summoned and closed many times, are you playing tricks?"

The Empress Good Fortune really cares about this matter and she is looking for trouble.

Ye Que shook his head like a rattle, saying that he would not take the blame.


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