God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1479: endless darkness

The two sides of the ancient road of time and space are often filled with fog, and there are often sounds of chains shaking inside.

That's where very ancient creatures are held.

It's like the future girl who made a mistake and was imprisoned here.

It's just that she's new here.

Rumble! !

Many old monsters broke free from the chains and walked out of the mist, exuding terrifying power one by one, and some of them were not inferior to true gods.

Those who can live to the present are all awesome characters.

Those who are not awesome characters have become mummies.

"How dare you!"

The humanoid roared and slapped Ye Que.

Ye Que was torn to pieces on the spot, he was not afraid, Nirvana and said: "Let's see who will be targeted first! Darkness and me, I think these old monsters will definitely destroy the darkness first!"

He was right.

Darkness is the chief of all evils, the chief culprit that has ruined countless universes and continents, and it is also the natural enemy and fear that originates from countless lives.

No matter how evil a person is, in the face of darkness, he will definitely try his best to get rid of it.

"You come from the deepest part of the ancient time-space path, and see how many old monsters know you and want to **** you!"

Ye Que grinned sinisterly, and the laughing humanoid creature was terrified.

The arrogance and arrogance of being the true dark **** before is gone at this moment.

"Give me the weapon of good fortune!"

The humanoid's character set collapsed, mainly because he panicked, and he wanted to hurry away with his weapon.

"If there is one, grab it yourself!"

Ye Que laughed.

He was smashed to pieces again, and even captured by the Dark God.

His current combat power is infinitely close to that of a true god, if he can't fight, can he still not run?

Even if he couldn't run and struggled desperately, the true **** couldn't control him in a short time.

He was really struggling violently, the Star God Grave was activated, and the Hyperspace Star God Slash was also activated. Although the power was a bit weaker, the main reason was that the power of hyperchronism was almost dry.

But it's okay, just struggle.

The humanoid creature was caught for a long time, and it was difficult to control. When he wanted to concentrate and catch Ye Que, it was too late.

"There are often dark things that come out from the deepest place to harm one era after another. This seat is free, and I will take you first!"

"Everyone has an obligation to destroy the darkness!"

The old monsters came out, and some of them were not creatures from the universe of the ancient gods, but were thrown in by the Empress Creation. These were the most powerful, and there were two true gods in them.

Two true gods are enough.

They grabbed the humanoid and started hammering.

Many creation methods, etc., broke free from the chains and participated in the violent beating.

But there were also some people who did not participate in targeting humanoid creatures, but targeted Ye Que.

It was a mysterious creator **** with the power of a ninth-level creator.

"You have the aura of God Lord Xueye on your body!"

The creator god, with his hands behind his back, and ancient visions evolving around him, set him off as supreme.

He looked down at the Hyperspace Star God, his words were majestic and lofty.

"Brother Ye Que, when I went back to the past and wanted to kill the Ten Thousand Monsters and Turtles, it was this creature who stopped me. He is a creature from the God Realm, and he was imprisoned in the ancient path of time and space together with me!"

The future girl's voice sounded in the body of the Star God.

"You don't need to tell me, I remember it too!"

Ye Que got the key clue from this guy when he was looking for the Good Fortune Star.

"Tell me, where is the Lord Xueye? Tell me, and I will spare you!"

This Creator God should treat Ye Que as a person of the same kind who broke free from the shackles together.

Therefore, speaking contains the tone of condescension and grace.

"I don't have time to BB with you!"

Ye Que slapped him across the face.

"Huh? Are you sure you want to fight against me...Ah!!"

This ninth-level Creator God was in a state of compulsion, almost finished talking, stuttered by Ye Que's slap, and finally screamed, and disappeared.

In Ye Que's state, dare to say such a thing, isn't this a mouse licking cat B, just looking for excitement!

A group of people fought around the humanoid creature, and Ye Que was not idle.

"While they are fighting, it's time for Empress Good Fortune to come!"

Finally free, he immediately took out the weapon of good fortune.

"Girl, let's..."

"Ding! The Chaos Dimensional Star God has exhausted the power of the Dimensional Space, and it will automatically decompose!"

"Ding! The Chaos Dimensional Star God has exhausted the power of the Dimensional Space, and it will automatically decompose!"

This time it's easier, it automatically disintegrates.

Ye Que came out, and the fortune star also landed beside him.

"It's almost ready to merge! Wait a minute, Fortune Star seems to have lost too much power."

As soon as Ye Que thought of this incident, something happened to the beaten humanoid creature.

"My lord, I still haven't been able to complete the task. Give me the reward of death, and then implement the last and safest plan!"

The humanoid creature started to burn itself. It was the source of power burning, and strands of sticky dark matter spread out from the burning, flowing into the space-time river, instantly polluting the upstream and downstream of the river.

All spacetime is polluted.

Many old monsters were fighting vigorously when they were suddenly glued to the sticky dark matter.

This is a true god, a dark object released at the cost of burning source power and burning life, and its degree of infection is very high.

Regardless of the creation of the law, or the true god, after being contaminated, it is impossible to eliminate the dark things.

The True God was fine, after struggling for dozens of breaths, he turned into a dark True God without wisdom.

Not to mention the creation of magic, it can instantly become a dark creature.

Roar! !

The entire space-time ancient road is trembling, and the roar of dark creatures is spreading.

"Stain the ancient road with my black blood and weaken the empress' suppression, everyone, come out!"

The humanoid creature exploded after burning.

The True God of Darkness blew himself up, and his dark power swept through the ancient paths of time and space.

In the dark, the suppression of a certain space-time ancient path disappeared.



In the deepest part of the ancient path of time and space, there are ten dark true gods and five dark true gods descending.

In an instant, the ancient passage of time and space became the most terrifying dark passage.

A true **** and a great true **** came.

They have come here through countless years, with vicissitudes and endless darkness.

The girl's face turned pale in an instant, and her eyes also turned gray.


Ye Que put away his weapon, pulled the girl and rushed towards the gate of chaos behind him.

Rumble! !

A number of dark creatures broke through the gate of chaos, carrying dark objects, and poured in from outside the gate.

This is the safest plan for dark creatures.

Once cast, it means darkness will win.

Ye Que's breath was suffocated.

There are ten true dark gods and five great dark gods at the back, and there are also dark true gods and dark great true gods at the gate, and even the aura of primordial creatures came in.


Endless darkness surrounded them.

Ye Que's face also turned gray.

This is a desperate situation with ten deaths and no life.

"There has never been any creature that can resist darkness! Everything should be over!"

The Great True God of Darkness opened his mouth, and the magic sound lingered, echoing the meaning of despair.

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