God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1472: It turns out that this is the real fortune star

The destruction of creatures possessing the laws of time and space with the hands of darkness is actually changing directions to prevent such creatures from entering the ancient path of time and space.

Explain that there are very important things in it.

Its criticality may lead to the failure of the dark invasion.

For this reason, those hands appeared many times, misleading Ye Que and others, diverting their attention from the ancient path of time and space, focusing on searching for the fortune star in other places.

But now, Ye Que has calmed down.

He has learned his lesson, and he will never guess again, but speak with facts.

Sit cross-legged, close your eyes, and your talent will transcend.

Revisiting the memory of "the future Xue Lingluo".

Everyone didn't bother, waiting for Ye Que to dig out more truths.

Back to the Six Realms.

Back to the world.

Return to the Sea of ​​Darkness.

At that time, Ye Que, Tugou and Jin Duande were planning how to destroy Beiming Xianzong.

Xue Lingluo from the future appeared in front of Ye Que for the first time in a black and purple robe. (See Chapter 556 for details)

She came from the future just to kill her past self, but was stopped by Ye Que at that time.

As for why he killed his past self?

There is only one reason, the past self would kill Ye Que.

In other words, Ye Que is dead in her future.

"I have a feeling that it's not far from the truth!"

Ye Que searched again for the memory related to "the future Xue Lingluo".

Back to the Six Realms.

Back to the world.

Return to the Eastern Wasteland of the world.

At that time, the gate of evil spirits was wide open, and countless evil spirits entered the human world, sweeping across the Eastern Desolation, and countless people died tragically in the Eastern Desolation.

The person who stopped this catastrophe was Ye Que.

He was killed among the evil spirits, and finally dragged until Leiyin Tathagata Buddha came to the world.

The Tathagata Buddha ended the catastrophe, and the ordinary monk with a mysterious identity also revealed his final identity after the Tathagata came into the world.

That monk is called Future Buddha. (see Chapter 778 for details)

Future Buddha said three paragraphs, which Ye Que remembered in his heart.

as follows-

Lord Xueye asked me to tell you something.

Don't worry, the benefactor, the words I passed on to you, God Lord Xueye voluntarily bears the consequences alone, don't worry.

Don't go to God Realm.

"That's right, both the Future Buddha and the Snow Leaf God Lord have negotiated with me, and then there was a big battle because of me!"

Ye Que's body became hot, and he felt that his doubts and thoughts were about to open up.

He settled down and continued to recall.

Back to the Six Realms.

Back to the world.

Return to Ye Tiandian in the northern part of the Eastern Wilderness.

At that time, the war between the God Realm and the Six Realms had just ended.

And the Lord of the Six Realms was also born in that war.

The deeds of Jin Duande kneeling to save his eldest brother and kneeling to save the Seven Realms were also spread from it.

Ye Que also obtained the Good Fortune True God System after that battle.

While recuperating in the Six Realms, Ye Que was also waiting for the opening of the God of Creation system, when a great battle broke out from the future powerhouse.

The two sides of the battle, one is the mysterious creator god, and the other is the Lord Xueye and the future Buddha. (See 874-876 for details, mainly Chapter 875)

Ye Que's concentration improved, and he carefully scanned the battle he had witnessed in his memory, not letting go of any corner.

The Lord Xueye and the future Buddha wanted to kill the Ten Thousand Demons and Sky Turtles.

Because the Ten Thousand Monsters and Heavenly Tortoise will put the curse into the Ruins Ring, making the Lord of the Six Realms a puppet of the God Realm, and using the Lord of the Six Realms' hands to strangle Ye Que.

The fact that Ye Que died can be changed by killing the Ten Thousand Demons and Turtles together.

The mysterious creator **** stopped this, and a war broke out between the two sides as a result, which shocked the ancient paths of time and space.


Just before the war started, they seemed to have said something. (It is best to read Chapter 875, otherwise you will be confused.)

Ye Que calmed down, his memory slowed down at this moment, and his talent was constantly analyzing, recalling and reshaping.

The picture back then became clearer.

At the beginning of the battle of the future, many ancient visions were set off.

Within the Six Realms, thunder and lightning, violent wind and rain.

The sentient beings blown by the strong wind cannot open their eyes.

God Lord Xueye was fluttering in the wind and rain, and struck out in an instant, killing all demons and tortoises.

The stick in her hand pressed directly against the Ten Thousand Demons and Turtles.

The mysterious creator god, intertwined by laws, appeared in the void, flicked the golden stick with one hand.

And he said something that Ye Que at the time couldn't understand and subconsciously ignored.

"It is your honor to become the spirit of the weapon of the true God of Creation, why do you want to bury your future?"

boom! !

Ye Que's mind exploded, as if he had been struck by lightning and thunder.

"The spirit of the weapon, she is the spirit of the weapon, she is the weapon spirit of the true **** weapon, and the weapon spirit of the fortune star!!"

Ye Que opened his eyes and said in shock.

He is sure of this guess.

Because, the good fortune heart (good fortune tree), good fortune sword, good fortune gate, good fortune tripod, good fortune shield, good fortune eye are all on his body.

He was 100% sure that these weapons had nothing to do with "the future Xue Lingluo".

With such exclusion, a conclusion can be drawn.

The Artifact Spirit of Fortune Star is "the future Xue Lingluo".


Ye Que slapped himself.

Damn, I just came back to my senses now, it was too late.

The people around looked at Ye Que in shock, and slapped himself, wondering if there was something wrong with this guy.

"No, she is from the future. If she changes the past, then the future will also change. Then the fact that she is the Creation Star Artifact Spirit will also change."

Ye Que muttered, his expression focused.

"Hey, that's not right! She hasn't been changed, she was just exiled, and finally entered the ancient path of time and space, which can well explain that she is still the spirit of Good Fortune Star!"

The Lord of the Six Realms has escaped from the Six Realms and cannot be annihilated. Even if he changes the past, he will not change himself, at most he will be punished.

In other words, the future Xue Lingluo has never changed after becoming the Creation Star Artifact Spirit.

"I didn't expect it to be you, girl!"

Ye Que murmured, the girl clinging to him is now particularly sensitive to certain words.

"Ah, what am I?"

The girl said in a panic.

"I'm not talking about you."

Ye Que sighed, and took out a box from Tiandi in his body.

This box was obtained by him from an infected dark void dragon.

It was like a Pandora's box, no matter what method he used, he couldn't open it.

The only thing he can know from the box is the future Xue Lingluo—he can see the future Xue Lingluo from the box.

"Now I finally understand why I can see you from the box! Because what is stored in the box is the Creation Star!"

"You are the Artifact Spirit of the Good Fortune Star. When I look at the Good Fortune Star, I can also see you!"

Ye Que had an inexplicable taste, he only felt mixed flavors surging in his body.

Life is such a drama.

After searching for so long, she almost said goodbye to Xue girl, and a great war broke out, and she even abandoned the Six Realms, even the Ancient God Universe.

It never occurred to him that the fortune star had always been on him.

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