God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1462: Great fishing

"This seat is the true **** of the Dou Zhan clan. I never regret what I said. Of course, I made a condition, and you have to come up with a condition. I see that you have a stick in your hand. If I win, give me the stick! "

Fighting Holy Ape was obviously joking, knowing that he won the bet, so he casually raised a condition.

Ye Que frowned.

His hitting stick is a big handful, all of which are placed in the body, all of which have witnessed history.

When he was in the human world, he had beaten the Holy Son of the Qingxian Temple, Yan Junzi, the number one idol of the Hell Heavenly Group, all the way to the mainland, and even defeated the inheritance disciple Jiang Haiyun.

"no problem!"

He has plenty of sticks.

"What about you? You only know how to watch dramas, only jokes, and only watch the excitement?"

Ye Que opened the map gun, catching the big guys around him making provocations.

This product is a real head iron, see a provocation.

The surrounding ancient gods were stunned.

It's a good time to watch the excitement, but they are inexplicably hated. More importantly, it's still a way of making them, so that's okay.

This ancient **** must be cured.

"It's quite arrogant, tell me, what do you want to bet with me?"

The great gods of a certain era are all peak creations, and they are still high-level ones.

"Just bet baby! As for how to bet, just follow what Senior Saint Ape said!"

Ye Que opened the map cannon to search for a lot of resources.

"Don't cry and beg me then!"

The great **** stroked his beard, looking determined to win.

"I will cry? Huh, wait a minute, I will make you cry!"

There is no one else for this guy, and he fired the map gun again, provoking him.

In the end, all the great gods around decided to make a bet with Ye Que, with the purpose of curing Ancient God Ye.

"I don't want your baby either. If you lose later, you will bow down and apologize, saying that I am an ancient god, and I shouldn't offend Senior Yunlan! Even for three days, no matter where you are, you have to keep saying !"

"Okay, deal!"

"You made a request, and I'll make one too. I want the top-notch creation-grade pill in your pocket. Hey, what is that thing?"

"Cross cloud pattern technique, a top-notch creation-level ultimate move, the ancient **** universe is not such a good treasure, it is the secret technique inherited from the sky pattern hall of Yunlan continent, as for this pill formula, it is also from the alchemy temple of Yunlan continent Inherit the pill formula!"

"Do you dare to gamble?"

"Come on, come on, someone even took out the Holy Law of Dou Zhan! Why didn't I dare!"

The scene of Ye Que's transactions with the ancient gods continued to unfold.

The conditions of the ancient great gods are extremely rich, such as the bright flowers of the ancient times, the sacred tree, etc., everything.

As for the conditions given by Ye Que, there are all kinds of conditions, such as kneeling and kowtowing, calling him grandpa, running around the universe without nakedness, playing chickens, chickens, etc., how strange it is.

This also shows that the original intention of these great gods is to ridicule and govern God Ye.

They thought from the bottom of their hearts that this was a winning bet.

Therefore, the treasures they took out were all their own top treasures, the top treasures of all ages.

"Okay, let's start! Remember, you can't use any means and weapons of the true **** level!"

The great gods were curious about what method Ye Gushen would use to dare to face the billions of dark and taboo creatures.

Some of those creatures have reached the tenth level of creation, and an eighth level of creation can't be wiped out, no matter how evil.


Dou Zhan Shengyuan didn't care about his safety, and continued to stir up the cosmic sea with his magic stick, killing darkness and taboos, looking at the deepest part of the cosmic sea from time to time.

The four great true gods entered the deepest part and were dealing with the weird altar.

"You are young and energetic, you can't suffer, and you still want to fight with us!"

"He's still a little tender. He's such a young man. If he dares to bet with old antiques like us, he won't cry without seeing the coffin!"

"We'll see how Ye Gushen ends up later, I'll just wait for him to call him grandpa!"

"I still want to come here to join in the fun, is this a place where he can join in the fun?"

A group of ancient gods were killing the dark taboos, and they were still teasing Ye Gushen, all of them were watching the show.

Only the old patriarch and Gu Yuan watched the play in silence.

These two are the people who have the deepest contact with Ye Que.

"I know this kid's temperament. Most of these old antiques from a long time ago will be cheated!"

Gu Yuan said in a low voice.

"Correct answer, this little guy is extraordinary!"

The old patriarch's face darkened when he thought of Ye Que's dark history back then.

And at this time.

With a wave of Ye Que's hand, nine fools flew out of his pockets.

Immediately, the star sea worms from the ancient era in the deeper part immediately turned their heads and looked at the nine fools.

All of them are made, and they are the top insect kings in a long time ago.

It is worth mentioning that star sea worms do not have creations, they rely on numbers to win, the highest state is the creation method, and the top creation method is the king of insects, as long as enough star sea worms are gathered, they can kill the peak creations.

What's more, it's these fierce insect kings from the ultra-ancient period.

chi chi chi—

This group of insect kings from the ultra-ancient period laughed mockingly, which was mocking the eighth-level gods who were beyond their control.

The nine naives were annoyed, but due to the suppression of the realm, and the fierceness of the super ancient star sea worms, they really didn't dare to resist.

"What are they? I'll call them Dad later!"

Ye Que didn't say anything, once the worm bag was released, a part of the Star Sea worm swarm that had been kept in Universe City was released instantly.

The scale is not large, only about 500 million.

"He won't use these star sea bugs to kill him? In terms of number, the dark creatures have reached one billion, and there are many creations!"

"The opponent has a lot of creations, even if he releases 400 billion, it's not enough for the opponent to eat!"

"Hahaha, so to say that a young man is still a young man is really whimsical!"

A group of old seniors laughed out loud, watching Ye Gushen make an embarrassment there.

chi chi chi—

The ultra-ancient insect king was laughing, even attracting that part of the star sea insect swarm.

"Cry later!"

Ye Que showed a classic Lao Yinbi smile, and he took a step forward.


The dark starry sky was dyed golden.

This is a golden starry sky with a scale hanging on top of it.

That is the scale that symbolizes absolute fairness.

Because they were too focused, all the ancient gods around looked over, their faces filled with teasing and theater-watching smiles.

Even Dou Zhan Sheng Yuan took a moment to look back.


Then their mentality exploded.

I saw Ye Que standing under the golden scales, with his blood vessels fully opened, his laws fully opened, his forbidden eyes fully opened, all kinds of natural scriptures running, Zhiyang Liuzi Jue, and Mo Yuan's prison-suppressing technique were all activated.

With a bang.

His aura exploded, and the coercion of the ninth-level method was revealed, which is the coercion with a combat power of 10127 ranks.

As for the Libra blood, what is absolutely fair is combat power, not realm.

Thus, a scene of evildoers appeared.

"All come in!"

Ye Que shouted.

buzz buzz —

As soon as the nine hanhans entered the absolutely fair golden starry sky, Rumble's strength skyrocketed, and their combat effectiveness all increased to 10127 ranks.

Everyone was suffocated and confused.


Ye Que shouted again.

The gang hesitated, wanting to go to the Xinghai insect swarm where the ultra-ancient insect kings were, but when they sensed the strength of the nine insect kings and raised them to rank 10127, they rushed in excitedly.

Then, a terrible scene happened.

500 million star sea worms, their combat power has collectively increased to 10127 stages.

This [biqusa.vip] moment.

Everyone was petrified, even Dou Zhan Sheng Yuan, who was in the Real God Realm, was stiff, and the stick in his hand could not be held firmly, and fell on the spot.

And those ultra-ancient bug kings couldn't laugh anymore, their small eyes were full of big question marks.

"As we all know, just making magic-grade star sea worms can pose a threat to peak creations..."

"Hehe, seniors, my 500 million are all top-level creations of the fifth level. Well, in conversion, each of the 500 million can suppress the tenth-level creations in the universe..."

"Look, the star sea worms here, can you kill a true **** for fun?"

Ye Que smiled innocently, um, really innocent, and there was also innocent doubt in those eyes, um, really innocent.

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