God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1441: don't run away

"From the first level of the method to the eighth level of the method, the lifespan should have increased a lot, right?"

Ye Qicang opened the data of the final reincarnation eye.

[The current lifespan of the host: 100 million years]

"One hundred million years is too much. Going back this time, the outcome will be decided in less than a year. It's useless to keep it. Let's use it first!"

Ye Que silently activated the ability of the final reincarnation eye.

In the end, the reincarnation eye has two pupil techniques.

One, dependent origination and extinction.

Second, take a look at reincarnation circuit.

Among them, one glance at the reincarnation circuit has two abilities.

One, look at reincarnation, sacrifice 50 million years of life, start a glance at reincarnation, and peek at the reincarnation creatures in the six realms of reincarnation.

Second, the reincarnation circuit, sacrificing a life span of 100 million years, can open the reincarnation circuit, and the body of reflection will come to the world where the six realms of reincarnation are located.

"There is no need for Yingying, I will go in person, I decided to activate the reincarnation circuit!"

Ye Que muttered in his heart.

"Ding! One Eye of Samsara has two abilities, One Eye of Samsara and Samsara!"

"Ding! Which ability does the host need to activate?"

Ye Que said in a deep voice, "Start a glance of reincarnation!"

"Ding! Please confirm again, the host, whether to sacrifice 50 million years of life and activate a glance of reincarnation!"

Ye Que clenched his fists tightly, and continued to say in a deep voice, "I'm sure, launch a glance of reincarnation!"

"Ding! The 50 million years of life sacrifice is over!"

"Ding! One look at reincarnation!"

"Ding! The countdown to disable this ability: 20 seconds!"


Ye Que's eyes were covered by the final reincarnation eyes.

In the eyes, there is a scarlet golden light, and there is a kind of power in it, which is connected to the six reincarnations.

With a swipe, his eyes looked at the six circles of reincarnation.

On the third day, come.

Ye Que pushed open the door and looked towards the sky.

The sky in the mainland is very blue, like a mirror, as usual, leisurely and beautiful.

Without saying a word, he went straight to the Temple of the True God, but was told to wait another five hours.

Ye Que went back again, using the scroll to check the universe of the ancient gods, the taboo creatures hadn't moved yet, still surrounding the altar.

On the altar, an arm appeared. It is estimated that after a while, this terrifying monster will be summoned.

"Universal City and the Six Realms have not changed."

This is the most important point.

"There are still five hours to go to Luo Wujian's wedding."

Ye Que went straight to the Mo Tiantai of Mo Tianzong according to the content on the sticker.

Mo Tiantai, the public martial arts training place for Mo Tianzong disciples.

When he arrived, many wine tables were set up inside, and there were people coming and going, so it was very lively.

Although Luo Wujian looks ordinary, he is still one of the true disciples, and his realm has reached the top three.

Identity is not easy.

When a wedding is held, most of the disciples of the sect will go to congratulate them.

This is a rare exchange meeting, full of lively atmosphere.

"Yo, Brother Ming, I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, what did you do?"

"Isn't this retreating? I heard that Luo Wujian is holding a wedding for Senior Brother Luo, so I hurried here."

"Hahaha, it's a day of great joy, it's a dark surge that sweeps away the bad luck!"

"So everyone is here, the surge of darkness is really annoying, we must not get drunk today!"

"Have you heard about Brother Ye?"

"Well, those low-level people all regard Brother Ye as a true god...but most of the major sects, including the true **** sect, don't think so, and they all know the basics."

"It's said that Senior Brother Ye can't stand shoulder to shoulder with the three great geniuses such as Mo Ding, and he doesn't dare to enter the road to the barren source. He is a joke. Regarding this...cough cough, I quite agree."

"Shh, Brother Ye is here."

Ye Que came, as if he didn't fit in, many people were chatting lively, but when they saw him coming, they shut up, and the atmosphere became cold and delicate.

With a blank expression on his face, he found a corner and sat down, poured himself wine, and drank it himself.

Perhaps because of the recent turmoil that has intensified, many people looked at him with strange eyes, which brought alienation.

As if the word "joke" could infect others, he sat in a corner and no one dared to approach him.

He didn't care either, and drank wine alone, waiting for the completion of the transformation of Zhiyang Furnace.

Four hours later.


People from other sects also came.

People from the top ten creation sects, Yuntian Palace and Tianluo Palace, all came.

They are disciples, and all of them are geniuses with heads and faces.

"Is Ye Que here?"

When Yun Tianqiong from Yuntian Palace came, he ignored many gazes and scanned the crowd with his eyes.

Tianlongqi nodded, which also meant the same thing.

"Looking for Ye Que? That's weird, that's not a person of the same level."

"Yeah, that's just a joke, how can He De be remembered by Yun Tianqiong and Tianlong Qi."

The geniuses of the top ten creation sects discussed in a low voice.

"At this."

Someone from Mo Tianzong gave way and went straight to where Ye Que was.

Yun Tianqiong walked over, saw Ye Que drinking, and said calmly, "Is there any extra space?"


Ye Que glanced at Yuntianqiong, Tianlongqi, and the genius of the foreign sect who followed.

There were also people around watching this scene with mocking eyes.

Yun Tianqiong sat down, poured himself a drink, and said lightly: "Why don't you go to the road to Huangyuan?"

Tianlong Qi also looked at Ye Que.

The doubts of the two geniuses are also the doubts of others.

It's just that this question still amused many people.

"No time, no interest."

Ye Que said lightly.

Tianlongqi heard the words, smiled and said: "The road to the barren source determines a person's height and vision. It is basically the goal of all disciples. Only those who enter can be called geniuses, and those who reach the top ten can be called geniuses." Call it a top talent!"

"We have made it the biggest goal of our cultivation path. As other disciples, we should do the same, and you, Ye Que, should do the same!"

When Yun Tianqiong said this, he paused for a moment, looked straight at Ye Que, and said, "You don't need to find excuses to escape, go in! Face it calmly so that you won't be questioned and ridiculed. I will challenge you, challenge you with all my strength, Give you the greatest respect, even if you are bound to lose!"

"My Tianlongqi also has the same meaning. I enjoy the flattery of low-level people. This shouldn't happen to a genius. If you go in, even if you must lose, I will go all out to deal with you!"

Tianlong Qi looked at the wine glass and said.

"Ye Que should be content with this. To be favored by such a person, if it were me, I would definitely agree to it! This is a great honor!"

"Yeah, being persuaded by these two characters is already a supreme honor!"

The people around were discussing hotly, with envy in their eyes.

"Everyone's goal is the road to the wilderness?"

Ye Que shook his head and smiled.

These sect disciples who are backed by the great sect and don't have to worry about anything can basically take the road to the barren source to compete for the ranking as a goal.

However, he is excluded.

"why are you laughing?"

Yun Tianqiong frowned.


The sound of gongs and drums sounded, and it was the bridegroom officer who took the bride over.

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