God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1439: The Situation of the Ancient Gods Universe

The inspection task was quickly completed, and everyone returned to Mo Tianzong.

Holding the memory crystal in his hand, Luo Wujian walked away muttering.

Before Mo Buran left, he couldn't help but ask Ye Que: "Junior Brother Ye, you were only a thousand-odd before, even if you break through to the first level of law-making, your rank should not exceed two thousand at most, right?"

Ye Que remained silent, Mo Buran was nervous, this was the first time she took the initiative to talk to the opposite sex, and now she actually felt like she was afraid of being rejected by Ye Que.


The breath of Ye Que's sixth-order method was revealed.

"Junior Brother Ye has indeed obtained a remarkable inheritance and has become the sixth level of law-making, but this rank is too high..."

Mo Buran was distracted, and when he recovered, Ye Que had already left.

He went to the Temple of the True God and asked to see the True God.

The Temple of the True God is a forbidden place, not everyone can enter, except Ye Que, he is a special case, no one stops him.

"Great God, I took the first place, and I finished the tour."

Ye Que took out the Zhiyang Stove and placed it in front of the True God Hall.

"You won the first place unexpectedly, that's all, let's count it as you entered the road to the wilderness and won the top ten. As for the inspection mission, what do you think after watching it?"

Ye Que understood the intention of the Great True God.

This is to make him quit.

"must go!"

Ye Que said.

"Because of the special nature of the ancient **** universe, there have been characters like the true **** of good fortune. The intensity of the dark taboo's invasion of the ancient **** universe is unprecedented. There will be a true god-level dark monster."

"must go!"

"No one will help you! No one dares to help you, you can only return alone!"

"must go!"

"You have a great chance of becoming a true god."

"One person's true **** is too lonely, it doesn't matter."

"What if you never come back?"

"It's good to be buried in my hometown."

It's all quiet.


Zhiyang Furnace was covered by an invisible force and returned to the Temple of True God.

"Thank you, Great True God!"

Ye Que bowed his hands.

"When are you going?"

"Go after the renovation of Zhiyang Furnace!"

"Three days later, wait here!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Que nodded and left.

"The treasure of the Town Demon Palace, take this scroll of mountains and rivers, you deserve it."

The voice of the Great True God is long and vicissitudes, grand and majestic.

A gray-white picture scroll flew out of the hall.

Ye Que took it, and said in a deep voice: "If I can come back, I owe Mo Tianzong a great favor in this life!"

No one answered him.

he's gone.

Back to the cultivation cave.

Go through the process, the formation is opened, enter the world inside the body, and then continue to open the formation.

Then, he took out the scroll and spread it out.

Inside, the mountains, rivers and waterfalls are majestic and breathtaking.

Between the mountains and rivers, the ancient trees are dense and lush.

In the middle is a waterfall flying down, surrounded by purple smoke, as if seeing the other shore.

Ye Que looked at it, and was attracted by the charm of the painting. He only felt that there was an arrogance brewing in his chest, and his eyes gradually became blurred.

Suddenly, what I thought in my heart jumped onto the scroll.

On it, there are six worlds and a cosmic city, and within it, there is Di Xiwei standing on the top floor looking into the distance, with melancholy and yearning in her eyes, and Gu Fayue and Huang Youyao who are seriously injured and hiding in space nodes...


His mind shook for a moment, and his mind pulled back.

The picture scroll is still a picture scroll, and the mountains and rivers on it are lifelike.

"Can you see the universe of the ancient gods?"

Ye Que murmured, thinking that the picture scroll presented by the Great True God must have a deep meaning, and it might be used to help him.

Think carefully.

He began to study scrolls.

Drip blood, infuse primordial power, burn, and bless with soul art.

In the end, the soul power was injected, and the picture scroll responded.


The picture scroll is automatic without wind, suspended in the air, and a power from somewhere is released from the picture scroll, rushing to a distant place.

But after a while, the paintings in the scroll changed, becoming pitch black like ink, but if you look carefully, you can see that there are many terrifying giants swimming in it.

"It's the universe of the ancient gods!"

Ye Que was shocked, but quickly suppressed the shock and continued to watch.

The universe is pitch black, and there are many dark monsters shaking in it.

Gradually, the picture scroll moved, to the cosmic sea.

"The entrance of the true **** of good fortune to open up the road to wasteland is in the universe sea!"

This is what Ye Que learned from the Great True God some time ago.

The Cosmic Sea is the place where the True Creation God disappeared, and it is also the entrance to the Barren Road, but it has been blocked by darkness and taboos, no one can enter, and entering is a dead end.

It is also based on this that the universe of the ancient gods has not been watched.

On the other hand, each continent opens up small wasteland roads, that is, branch roads, in order to avoid the entrance and connect to the main road of the wasteland road from both sides.


There was a gap in the black cosmic sea, and there was a black light flickering in it.

Ye Que squinted his eyes and found a group of black humanoid creatures walking out of the black light, which looked like an army.

His heart shook.

Back then, the old patriarch was killed by one of the humanoid creatures.

This sentence is not rigorous, it should be the end of the same.

And now, a group of people came out!

This is not over yet, when a group of black humanoid creatures walked out of the opening, seven black evil dragons flew out.

These giant dragons are terrifying. When they came out, they crushed the black humanoid creatures as soon as they brushed their sides.

Ye Que was silent, his heart was heavy.

The dark taboo has really invaded in an all-round way, and its intrusion strength, as the Great True God said, is unprecedented.

At this moment, another opening opened in the depths of the cosmic sea, and three headless humanoid creatures wearing dark armor and holding a dark knife came out.

Ye Que couldn't feel the breath, but just looking at it with the naked eye through the picture scroll gave him the shadow of death in an instant.

He looked again, but disturbed the existence in the dark.

The depths of the cosmic sea in the universe of the ancient gods.

A headless humanoid creature wearing a dark armor and holding a dark knife, sensed something, pierced through time and space with a single knife, entered the misty, and tore apart the sky somewhere in the barren land.

boom! !

A black saber light emerged from the sky of Huangyuan Continent, and headed towards Moyuan Continent where Ye Que was.

The upper channel of the ancient gods universe is in the barren land.

If he wanted to cut Ye Que with that knife, he had to go through the Huangyuan Continent first.

"Dark taboo!"


The Nine Great True Gods were instantly shaken, and faced with a slash of unknown origin, they all shot, and then forcibly suppressed the slash.

Ye Que's body shook for a moment. The moment the black sword glow came to the barren land, the magic pill in his body almost rioted. The beasts around the Moyuan continent even forcibly invaded the mainland, but were wiped out by the Great True God.

He had a premonition of death coming, and he was under a lot of pressure.

"Do you still dare to go?"

The will of the Great True God is conveyed in the scroll.

He was really reluctant to let this genius go to die.

He looked at Ye Que as if he saw the true **** of creation back then, so he tried to persuade him to stay.

"I have to go! The dark taboo is about to end the universe of the ancient gods. This is the last chance to save the creatures of the universe! I must go!"

Ye Que was asking himself, not questioning others, nor blaming others, only blaming himself for being too weak.

"Hey, you and the True God of Creation really have exactly the same temperament."

The Great True God accepted his will and never dissuaded him.

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