God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1434: Roast Dragon Meat

"Aren't there thousands of creations?"

Ye Que was full of confidence, but he also had doubts.

Zhi Yangning explained for him.

Most of the creations are puppets, their power comes from the eighth realm, and they will perish by themselves when they leave the eighth realm.

Now, the Eighth Realm is gone, and the puppets will naturally disappear as well.

"However, there are more than 80 creations, which is not bad."

Ye Que ordered all the creations to return to the first realm to recharge their batteries.

When he returns to the universe of the ancient gods, these creations will be a great help.

Next, Ye Que started to practice.

First, put his mark on Zhiyang Sword and Zhiyang Furnace.

Second, practice Zhiyang Liuzijue and Moyuan Suppressing Prison Technique to seal the magic pill in the body to death.

Several months passed.

During this period, great changes took place on both continents.

First, the Town Demon Palace was destroyed by Mo Tianzong.

Second, the Mingtianmen moved to the Huangyuan Continent and became the Ninth True God of the Huangyuan Continent.

Thirdly, there are only three true **** sects left in Moyuan Continent, Mo Tianzong, Yuntian Palace, and Tianluo Palace. The three major forces are headed by Mo Tianzong.

Fourth, the road to the barren source opened, and many geniuses poured in again, striving for the most important top ten, with the purpose of obtaining the qualification to enter the main road ten years later.

None of these had much to do with Ye Que, but they had some influence.

When he left the customs, the suzerain immediately sent someone to find him.

"What is it?"

Ye Que was full of confidence.

This guy is full of bullshit.

The eye of creation, the heart of creation, the sword of Zhiyang, and the furnace of Zhiyang hide the first realm of Zhiyang of eighty-three creations.

Look, that standing posture faintly forced Fan Shengteng.

After some inheritance, he has undergone a great transformation, and he has become a super hanging wall among the hanging walls.

"Brother Zhenchuan, the suzerain sent me to find you because I have something to tell you."

"The first thing is that the road to Huangyuan has been opened, and the high-level sect hopes that you will enter the road to Huangyuan and win the top ten!"

"The second thing is that the sect has issued a special task, which needs to be handed over to the senior brother!"

The person who came was a god, and he replied respectfully to Ye Que.

"That's it... okay, you go back first!"

Ye Que said lightly.

Suddenly, there was the smell of barbecue in the distance.

"What's so delicious?"

Ye Que flew over after smelling it.

Looking over, it was a group of disciples who were too idle to barbecue.

"Hey, hey, my brother-in-law, my brother-in-law!"

Mo Tianchen was just like his father, one called Ye Que his son-in-law, and the other called Ye Que his brother-in-law.

Well, enough sand sculptures, enough flavors!

"Don't shout! It's as if I took advantage of your sister!"

Ye Que leaned over and looked at the barbecue. It was delicious, but he didn't have much appetite.

"Just eat this, you might as well eat the dragon meat I saved!"

Ye Que ate it when he was practicing.

There is essence in the dragon meat, but the essence is lost very quickly. He ate the dragon meat for a day, and the magic pattern rose to 65% and stopped moving.

The reason is simple, the essence is lost.

However, meat cannot be wasted.

After all, it is the meat of a true god-level giant dragon, so the quality of the meat must be high-quality.

As he spoke, he took out the dragon meat and grilled it.

Something went wrong with this roast.

True God Longyuan, who was far away in the barren land, noticed it.

This true **** may be the saddest one.

When he returned to the wasteland, he found that his home was gone, all wiped out by Ye Que, and he was the only old widow left.

That would make him angry, wishing he could swallow Ye Que alive.

Now that I finally recovered, I found that the dragon meat was roasted...

In an instant, the coercion of Longyuan True God came over, and a giant dragon evolved in the air.

"Little brat! I will definitely kill you, you don't have many days to live!"

True God Longyuan roared.


Having said that, Ye Que was really excited.

Ye Que held Zhiyang Sword and slashed upwards, cursing: "Who wouldn't say cruel words? Come and chop me if you have the guts!"

He cut empty.

That's just phantom.

True God Longyuan is not stupid enough to dare to really do it.

The Great True God Mo Tian was healing his wounds, but he couldn't bear it to the point where others came in.

True God Longyuan was so enraged by Ye Que that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, and the majesty of the True God was completely useless in front of Ye Que.


Ye Que had beaten him violently, and even tore him apart, so there was no majesty in him at all.

"Come here, let's eat the barbecue! This is the meat of the dragon from Longyuan, it's delicious!"

Ye Que swaggered and grilled the meat.

Many people are hungry.

This is really god-level dragon meat, which is very attractive.

"Hey, I'll ask my sister to come and have a taste."

Mo Tianchen will come.

"Let everyone come, I still have this!"

Ye Que made a pile of all kinds of dragon meat, at least five hundred tons.

When he gave the order, the people of Mo Tianzong went crazy and came here in a swarm.

"Ahem... the old man heard that there is dragon meat here, so I came here to taste it."

Some old guys don't care about their status anymore, their mouths are greedy, and their hearts are even more greedy.

True god-level dragon meat, even creatures can't resist the temptation.

"Thank you, Junior Brother Ye, for the invitation!"

Several inheritance female disciples smiled at Ye Que and wanted to join the barbecue army regardless of their image.

"I'll wait for you first."

The first disciple Mo Ding also came.

This guy can't hold back his old face. The meaning of this sentence is obvious. I came here because I want to make an agreement with you on the road to the wilderness.

Actually, he just wanted to eat dragon meat.

Ye Que didn't tell the truth, but his eyes had teased Mo Ding countless times: "Don't keep standing, sit and eat!"

After he finished speaking, he looked up at True God Longyuan who was almost blown out of anger, waved his hands and shouted: "Hey, who is that, do you want some dragon meat? It's delicious!"

This shit—

It has to be said that this guy is invincible if he is cheap.

Telling people to come down and eat their own meat, isn't that just asking for smoke?

The faces of the people around were dark, I didn't expect Ye Gushen to have such a temperament.

This means not knowing him. If someone knew him, he probably wouldn't think so.

Back then, this guy had done so many immoral things that people couldn't help but hit him with a sap.

Roar! !

True God Longyuan roared, not destructive, but loud.

"Call me a hammer!"

Ye Que gnawed on the dragon's meat, and pointed at the giant dragon in the sky to fight back.

"Come on, I still have dragon heart, gentian and other treasures here, and I'll roast them!"

Ye Que chuckled.

"Hmm, nice scent!"

Even high-level officials came, and many big shots wanted to join in the fun.

"Son-in-law, you are indeed my son-in-law!"

The master of Shenzang Hall also came, laughed loudly, picked up a piece of dragon meat bluntly, and ate it.

God-level dragon meat, everyone likes it.

After a while, most of the people from the sect came.

The news about Ye Que's roasting of the god-level dragon meat was soon known by all parties, especially the people from Yuntian Palace and Tianluo Palace.

For a time, all parties shook.

This ancient **** is going against the sky.

He actually ate a true god-level leader.

Each of the true gods is a rare existence, but what Ye Que did today is too shocking and makes many people envious.

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