God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1429: Beaten youth

Roar! !

The dragon roared in pain, its tail shook violently, shaking the ground, and the situation changed color.

"be honest!"

The rest of Ye Que's laws flew out from the blood of the body, condensed into a dragon-slaying knife, and slashed at the whole body of the dragon.

It's just this kind of evildoer, who can use the law in the God King Realm, which is unique.

Of course, the enemy is not ordinary.

The true **** is the true god, he was cut into eight pieces, and he can still use the dragon source in his body to recover from his injuries.

But the more this happened, the more excited Ye Que became.

Long Yuan can't die, he can keep cutting down.

"If you can't be killed, it will also make you remember the unforgettable pain and the youthful years of being beaten!"

Ye Que suppressed Longyuan loudly.


Ye Que slayed the dragon, but he was still a true god. If it gets out, the entire universe will be shaken, and life on the mainland will definitely be horrified.

This scene can already be recorded in history.

This guy grabbed the dragon's tendon and pulled it back, viciously, pulling again and again, whirring, the dragon's tendon was pulled out by him, and the blood splashed all over the ground.

"Gentian is good, take it back and cook it, maybe it can improve your strength!"

Ye Que was not satisfied, and wanted to take other parts.

At this moment, his whole body is covered with blood, the blood of a giant dragon, very ferocious.

After he pulled out the dragon tendons, he would put them into his body.

"Wait, this is part of the true god, you can't hold it back, it will kill you when you leave this golden world!"

True God Mo Tian had already flown out of the golden world, and he was really taken aback at first.

He had no idea that this kid's method was so monstrous that he could suppress the true **** to the **** king.

However, he was relieved when he thought that the true God of Creation was also an outrageous evildoer.

At this point, he waited for a long time before he recovered.

"Give it to me, and I'll suppress it for you. When you go back, I'll refine it into a weapon for you!"

The words of the Great True God Mo Tian were also very cold.

Just kidding, this group of true gods hunted him down, he didn't settle the score with the other party, it was all settled.

Forging a dragon tendon is considered interest.

"Thank you, Great True God!"

Ye Que respected the Great True God Mo Tian.

The other party almost died because of him before.

But at that time, he was just creating the law.

He stepped on the dragon's head and threw the dragon's tendons out of the golden world.

As soon as the dragon's tendons came out of the golden world, the suppression of the scales disappeared, and the power of the true **** burst out instantly, turning into a blood dragon, and the roaring sound waves could destroy half of the universe.

Ye Que was startled, thanks to the reminder from the Great True God, otherwise he would be killed by the dragon tendon.


No matter how powerful the dragon's tendon is, it can't stand up to a slap from the real **** Mo Tian.

Long Jin is honest.

Rumble! !

Except for the true **** of the Town Demon Palace, who was severely beaten by the fission clone, nine true gods escaped from the golden world, and they instantly recovered the true **** state.

"Destroy this weird world!"

The nine true gods were angry, and they emitted countless rays of light from the source of the true gods, which was a power that could destroy the universe.

Rumble! !

The light fell to the golden world.

Ye Que ignored it.

Within the range covered by the Libra blood, any power, no matter how strong or weak, as long as it enters the range, its power will become the same level of combat power as Ye Que.

The power of the true gods outside the bloodline of Libra is indeed at the level of the true gods, but when entering the range of the bloodline of Libra, the power is suppressed to the level of the **** king.

"How can it be!"

The Nine Great Gods were horrified.

What kind of ability is this, isn't it too heaven-defying?

"I'll come back to clean you up later!"

Ye Que turned his head and glanced coldly at the nine true gods. The true **** Shengyuan, who hadn't intervened in the distance from the beginning, took a breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, sighed, and left silently.

"The true **** of good fortune... is really extraordinary."

True God Shengyuan didn't know whether he was talking about good fortune or Ye Que, shook his head, and slipped away silently.

Looking at Ye Que again, well, this guy is the only one who dares to anger and threaten the Nine True Gods in the realm of law-making.

This is an unprecedented event, and if it is spread out, it will shock the world.

On the other side, the Great True God Mo Tian looked at the Nine Great True Gods, and did not make a move, but recovered from his injuries on the side.

He is outside the golden world, although he is the strength of the Great True God, but his injuries are very serious, it is difficult to fight against the Nine Great True Gods, and he needs to give priority to recovering from his injuries.

Roar! !

The dragon screamed.

Ye Que was not satisfied with the dragon tendons, so he took the time-space wheel and wanted to dig out the gentian, dragon kidney, dragon meat, etc.

This is so cruel.

An active giant dragon can't die, and Ye Que can only poach its internal organs bit by bit.

Ye Que also felt strange, digging out the gentian dragon kidney, more than half of the blood flowed out, why didn't the opponent's momentum drop? Is it still full of vitality?

"You only temporarily suppressed his strength. The true **** is still the true god. With the source of the true god, he is almost immortal. It is unrealistic for you to want to kill him at the level of the **** king."

While the Great True God Mo Tian was healing his wounds, he was also observing this weird world.

Then, he found out.

This golden world only temporarily changed everyone's strength to the same level as Ye Que's, not a drop in realm.

The true **** is still invincible, even if the combat power is suppressed to the state of the **** king, the power in the body is still the power of the true god, not a **** king can kill, even a creation cannot kill it.

Ye Que sighed, but he didn't have much regret.

True God is true God.

If he could be slaughtered by his mere blood, it would disappoint him, although he really wanted to kill Longyuan True God.

"However, I can help you kill him! If you hurt him so much, he will be seriously injured. At that time, I will take action and imprison him in the cauldron of source fire. He will be refined for 100,000 years. If he doesn't die, he will die!"

Mo Tian's words were cold and mixed with killing intent.

Revenge came.

If you dare to chase and kill the Great True God, you will end up like this.

The dragon wailed, most of the anger disappeared, and fear filled the whole body.

He looked outside, the nine true gods who were thinking of countermeasures.

"That's easy! I want the longan too!"

Ye Que smiled coldly, the law turned into a dagger, and he really wanted to dig out the longan.

At this moment, the notification sound came.

"Ding! Because the host's bloodline of Libra is targeting the true god, it has exceeded the ability of the bloodline! Because of the blessing of the power of the true **** of good fortune, the true **** can be suppressed!"

"Ding! The true **** has its source, the host's Libra bloodline cannot completely kill the true god, only the same realm or a higher realm can be refined!"

"Ding! All true gods who enter the blood of Libra will break through the influence of the blood of Libra after being affected for five minutes!"

"Ding! Four minutes have passed since True God Longyuan entered the range of Libra's bloodline, and there is only one minute left for the influence of Libra's bloodline!"

The system detected it and issued a prompt.

"Then my speed will be faster, the true **** is the true god, I can't hold back this, it makes me yearn even more!"

Ye Que's multi-path method is a knife, he really cut off the dragon's head of Longyuan True God, and also dug away all the longan's eyes, dragon's horns and dragon's teeth.

Is this Paodingjieniu?

True God Longyuan mourned, most of the good things in his body were poached by Ye Que.

"You have to kill me and kill the true **** of the Demon Town Palace! No matter how many times he is resurrected, beat me to death!"

Ye Que urged the fission clone on the side, there was not much time left, he had to hurry up and get seriously injured, and leave it to the great **** Mo Tian to clean up.

The True God of Zhenmo Temple destroyed Zhiyang Jiujie Mountain, ruined his good deed of saving Ningning, and even snatched his Zhiyang True God Sword, how could he let it go.

Today, he was being taken care of by his fission avatar, and he was really beaten to death by the fission avatar. The degree of misery of the true **** of Zhenmo Temple is no less than that of Longyuan true god.

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