God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1404: cut causal line

The 10,000-meter-high golden lion is scary enough in size, not to mention its aura. It is at the level of creation.

With Ye Que's current strength, he still doesn't have the ability to compete with elementary creations.

He backed away, trying to escape.

But in the end he didn't do it because he thought of another clever plan.

"There are karmic scars in your body! And they are torturing you all the time!"

Ye Que's final reincarnation eye saw a huge black crack on the head of the golden lion.

In the crack, there is a line that connects the weight of the earth.

That is the scar of cause and effect, the thread in the scar, connecting the person who caused the scar of cause and effect.

In addition, the eyes of Chaos also saw that the whole body of the golden lion was bleeding with blood, which was the color of pain.


The giant claws of the golden lion, suspended in the air, paused.

"Can you see the scars on my body?"

The golden lion was so shocked that he couldn't even see it, he could only feel the causal injury on his head.

"Not only can I see, but I can also judge what the injury is and who did it!"

Ye Que knew that the opportunity had come, so he put his hands behind his back and forced himself to rise.

The Golden Lion hesitated for a moment, seeing Ye Que's expression, hesitating, as if he was making some kind of decision.

"That injury contains the power of darkness and taboo."

Ye Que added more information.

The golden lion shook his body, and his expression became firm: "If you can help me get rid of the scars of cause and effect, I can let you safely enter the sixth realm, and give you a technique to pass through the sixth realm!"

Ye Que frowned, and said, "Are you sure?"

"I guarantee it with my life! If I break the contract, the law will disappear, the body will wither, and the soul will be ashes!"

The golden lion swears that there is a force descending from somewhere.

The higher the realm, the more afraid of the causal oath.

The golden lion in the realm of creation has been taken care of by the oath of karma.

From Ye Que's final reincarnation, it can be seen that the other party is really restricted. Once he breaks the contract, he will really die and can't die anymore.

"Okay! Then I'll help you!"

Ye Que flew to a distant mountain lake, and went deep into it. Not long after, a black bell was wrapped by him with laws, and he picked it up.

The causal line on the golden lion's head is connected to the black bell.

"The one who hurt me was a dark thing hundreds of millions of years ago, but it has been killed by me, but I never thought that it still has remnants."

The golden lion couldn't perceive the existence of the bell, and his expression was terrified and mixed with excitement.

He vaguely guessed that the injury on his body might be caused by the black bell.

"The dark object hurt you. Although it died in the end, the scar of cause and effect has not disappeared. It means that the cause and effect of hurting you still exists. It is inside the bell!"

Ye Que threw the black bell to the golden lion.


The golden lion breathed out hot golden flames, and burned the black bell.

With the disappearance of the bell, the causal line on the golden lion's head cracked, and the causal scars began to heal, and the pain of blood on his body was rapidly diminishing.

"It really is it!"

The golden lion said in surprise.

"The line of cause and effect is broken, and the scars of cause and effect will heal automatically! I've solved your trouble!"

Ye Que stretched out his hand and pinched it, and the meaning became obvious.

"Go, go to the sixth realm! After you get the inheritance of Zhiyang True God, everything in Zhiyang Nine Realms Mountain will be under your control!"

The golden lion sent out a divine thought, Ye Que inspected it and received it, and took a closer look, it contained the skills to break through the sixth realm.

"Thank you!"

Ye Que clasped his fists and said.

"You're welcome! Maybe after a while, you will become my master! Good luck!"

The golden lion lay on the ground, dormant again.

But this time, he was enjoying it, not numb the pain.

"Get the inheritance, and also get the Zhiyang Nine Realms Mountain... I must get it, this will give me a lot of bargaining chips!"

Ye Que murmured, his expression became more determined.

Next, he went to the Sixth Realm.

The Sixth Realm is a continent shrouded in white mist, with no life, only countless labyrinths made of special metals.

"According to the skills given by the golden lion, the sky is forbidden here, and you can only walk on land!"

"But you need to pass through many mazes, and you have to endure the intrusion of maze illusions. The final destination is the entrance to the seventh world!"

Ye Que had skills, but he was still not careless. If what the golden lion gave was a fake, then he would be finished.

He tried a test flight and couldn't fly.

So Ye Que walked into the white mist, opened the three forbidden eyes, and could see about ten meters.

Surrounded by special white walls, which cannot be broken through, he can only **** and move among various winding white walls.

"Go from here!"

Ye Que has the route map of the maze given by the golden lion, so he won't be blindsided, just follow the route.

Roar! !

A monster of creation attacked in a certain corner of the maze.

Ye Que opened the Eye of Final Reincarnation, saw that it was just an illusion, and did not panic.

There are many obstacles in the maze, which he needs to deal with by himself.

Such as illusions and prohibition formations are the most.

They often stand in the way, or confuse, or lead others into the wrong path.

Ye Que has a solution.

The illusion is broken directly with the reincarnation eye.

For the prohibition formation and the like, use the talent to analyze it transcendentally, and then crack it.

Other than that, he encountered few other obstacles, except that he occasionally encountered a few spell-level monsters.

The difficulty of this level lies in breaking through the maze, so the levels of monsters set are not strong.

Boom boom boom! !

Ye Que teamed up to fission the avatars, play with death, and wipe out those magic-level monsters.

Finally, he spent a day and finally got out of the maze.

"If there is no road map, reincarnation eye and talent transcendence, I might still be at the front end of the maze!"

Ye Que breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that he had friendship with the Golden Lion, otherwise, he would not have been able to go so smoothly.

After a while, he didn't stop, and went directly to the seventh realm to pass the seventh level.

The seventh level, the realm of flames.

This is the land of fire.

The earth is magma, the sky is burning with fire, and the space between heaven and earth is distorted by high temperature.

"It's the seventh level, and the difficulty can't be as simple as it seems! There may be something wrong with these flames!"

Ye Que was vigilant.

In the glacier continent of the first and second realms, he felt the power of some kind of true **** contained in the ice.

The realm of flames in the seventh realm probably also has this kind of power, and it is even more domineering.

He pondered for a long time, and out of caution, he summoned the fission clone and let the clone test the waters.

call out-

The avatar flew to the highest mountain in the depths, with fire overhead and magma underground along the way.

Nothing happened at first, but as it got deeper, the clone's body began to burn.

"Use the law!"

Ye Que ordered.

The avatar releases the law, but unexpectedly, the law is burning.

With the blood, the blood is also burning.

Not only that, any power released by the avatar, whether it is a secret technique or a soul technique, will be burned.

"Everything is combustible! And not extinguishable! Besides, what danger is there?"

Ye Que watched the avatar burn and finally fell into the underground magma, his face became a little more solemn.

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