God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1402: join them if you can't beat them

an hour later.

Ye Que was enraged by the ice baboon.

What the hell.

If he doesn't run Zhiyang Zhendian, these guys won't come to him, but he can't move an inch.

Turning to Yang Zhendian, this group of guys seemed to have been hungry and thirsty for hundreds of millions of years, Ye Que's body was chilly looking at it.

He was helpless and aggrieved.

Then something went wrong.

"I will hack you to death!"

Ye Que rotated to Yang Zhendian, glowing and glowing, attracting ice baboons to attack him.

With heavy wheels in his hand, he fought these ice baboons.

These ice baboons are very weird, they have no realm, but their strength has reached a high level of spell making. Fortunately, their strength varies, so Ye Que can fight neatly.

A round of horizontal criticism passed, and a group of ice baboons fell down.



chi chi chi—

All kinds of voices are endless.

The law is useless here, and the supernatural powers and secrets have also been weakened, but they are not useless, and they can be used slightly.

So the rules, secret techniques, bloodlines, etc. were all thrown out, and there was no brain output, and large areas of ice baboons fell down.

However, there were too many ice baboons in the second boundary mountain, almost endless, and he couldn't kill them all. Instead, he was stopped by the ice baboons, and he couldn't even fly out.

The main reason is that these guys can fly and will always find a way to surround him.

Fortunately, the crisis will not last forever.

These ice baboons are not omniscient and always have flaws.

Ye Que thought for a while and came up with a trick.

He took out a bottle, uncorked the bottle, and poured out a sea of ​​stars.

That's right, these star seas are the secretions of star sea worms.

Back then, Bing Yining strayed into Xinghai and was forced to fall into sleep. His dreams merged with his own, relying on Xinghai's ability.

A sea of ​​stars sprinkled down, submerging large areas of ice baboons.

Although the bottle is small, the space inside is infinite. The sea of ​​stars sprinkled by Ye Que is a million miles away. All the way to kill and fly, the road is full of stars.

These ice baboons didn't know what it was. After entering the sea of ​​stars, they still felt warm and soft, so they attracted their attention.

So they were fascinated and swam in the sea of ​​stars. After staying for a long time, the hypnotic effect of the sea of ​​stars came.

Therefore, not long after, all the ice baboons in the sea of ​​stars were forcibly hypnotized and fell into a dream.

"Finally get rid of you bastards!"

Ye Que wiped his sweat. Although some ice baboons were chasing and killing him, it was nothing to worry about.

This guy is also holding grudges, even if the other party is an ice baboon.

He wants to give these guys some serious information.

"Once you sleep, your dreams will become one, and become a ruthless piston machine for me!"

Ye Que took out the reminder liquid and reminder pills from his collection, crushed them all, and sprinkled them into the sea of ​​stars.

He wants these ice baboons, both male and female, to have a good fuck.

After finishing these, Ye Que left and went straight to the Third Realm Mountain.

And not long after he left, a weak space in the Second Boundary Mountain vibrated, followed by shattering, and several people broke in from the outside.

"Hey... where is this place?"

"We were hunting for treasure in the secret realm, and this place looks like a place to hide treasure!"

"Then we are developed!"

The creation methods and gods of the Longyuan, Huoyuan, Bloodyuan and Hongyuan tribes broke into the Second Boundary Mountain.

These guys used to go their separate ways.

Ever since they became enemies with Ye Que, the four clans have often walked together.

No, the treasure hunt is also together.

"Hey! Look, there are many sky-blue sand seas on this glacier continent. Isn't it a precious thing?"

"It's probably very precious! After all, this is a secret realm, let's go and collect it!"

"Old rules, half of each person!"

swipe swipe—

A group of people from the four clans flew in, and all of them reached the star sea, and then they were unlucky.

Before they had time to collect, they were hypnotized when they entered the star sea.

This deep sleep, its dreams are one with the ice baboons.

Coincidentally, the ice baboons were urged by Ye Que to do some kind of exercise in the dream.

So, as soon as these unlucky ones fell asleep, they were forced to join the chaos of the ice baboons.

The third boundary mountain.

Ye Que was a little confused.

Here is an ancient forest, without glaciers, but with another kind of danger.

He is now standing in a clearing in the ancient forest, surrounded by the ancient forest, which is dark and gloomy, no matter on the top of the tree or under the tree, pairs of **** eyes are staring at him.


Ye Que let the fission clone break into the ancient forest to test the opponent's strength.

But this time, something went wrong.

As soon as the fission clone entered the ancient forest, before it had time to do anything, people were gone, gone, gone.

? ? ?

Ye Que was really dumbfounded.

What are these **** eyes?

At any rate, he is also a powerhouse whose combat strength has reached the top ten ranks, and the fission clone will disappear after a bubble.

"It's not a creation, is it?"

Ye Que's face turned dark.

This is the third mountain.

There are four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.

Is this a place where people can break into?

The only good thing is that these dangerous guys in the ancient forest will not attack the open space.

But staring at him all the time, he also panicked.

"There is no turning back, you can only enter but not exit... Wait for me to think about how to crack it!"

Ye Que sat cross-legged on the open space and entered the sage mode.

"Based on the previous experience of breaking through the level, the difficulty is increasing layer by level. There are still so many levels in the future. The difficulty of breaking through the level of the third boundary mountain cannot reach the level of creation!"

"That is to say, in the face of the powerful creatures in the ancient forest, you can't fight, you can only outsmart them!"

Ye Que's eyes stared at a pair of blood-red eyes in the forest, and those eyes also stared at him.

The two sides looked at each other, and they saw the real fire.

A sense of sight of what you are looking at and where you are looking at.


The owner of the eyes let out a low growl in the darkness, and slowly approached the open space, gradually revealing his figure.

It's a dog, a magic dog, but it looks a little funny, like a Erha.

"When I stare at him for a while, I get irritated. This IQ is second to none. No wonder he looks like Erha!"

After Ye Que said it, he was very timid in his heart, for fear that the other party would rush up and bite him.

But after speaking, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

"Hey... I seem to have found a blind spot!"

Ye Que thought of the star sea worm.

Although the star sea worm is strong, its IQ is low.

Are these powerful creatures in the ancient forest also powerful but low in IQ?

"Wait for me to try!"

Ye Que fissioned into a clone again, and let him perform the nightmare technique to disguise himself as Erha Demon Dog.

"If you can't beat them, join them!"

Ye Que ordered the fission clone, disguised as Erha, and slowly entered the ancient forest.

Then, an amazing scene appeared.

The powerful creature in the ancient forest really didn't launch an offensive against the fission clone, but shook his head and walked towards him. After a while, his fission clone became brothers with him, not to mention how close it was.

"The third level's breakthrough skills, disguise, and then join them!"

Ye Que's eyes lit up, and he found the key point.

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