God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1388: Slash into the past, slay the taboo

Ye Que came in person, the three forbidden eyes were opened, the blood was opened, and the ten laws were opened.

He locks evil dragons and forbidden monsters with his forbidden eyes.

"At the beginning, you pestered me for so many years! Killed me thousands of times!"

"To this day, there are still people who almost killed me, we should have one!"

This is not what it used to be, Ye Que took a step forward, time forcibly froze this area, and the space million times froze, sealing this place.

Chaos is attached to this place to seal off the space and isolate everything from the outside world.

The law of destruction surrounds the body, and all those who come into contact will be disintegrated and destroyed.

The laws of wind, rain, thunder and lightning show the power of the law.

Here is the universe.

The law is no longer weight, but the power that the law should have.

The taboo ominous creature fled out in a flash, and it ran into a distorted ancient path of time and space.

"Want to go back?"

Ye Que's chaotic eyes looked directly at the ancient path of time and space.


His chaotic eyes were blocked, but he was not afraid, and still locked on the taboo ominous thing.

With a punch, millions of mysteries rose instantly, like dragons, gods and ghosts, crashing into the distorted ancient path of time and space.

The rumbling sound continued, but before he could enter, the distorted space-time ancient path disappeared.

Ye Que snorted coldly, peeped at the starry sky with his chaotic eyes, finally found the ancient space-time road, and then killed him.

In front of the space-time ancient road, there is a gate of chaos.


He released the secret technique, all of which fell on the gate of chaos in front of the ancient road of time and space.


The evil dragon also ran away.

It fled into the double void, and with the last big jump, fled into the twisted space-time ancient path.

The two were very cunning, avoided the gate of chaos, entered the ancient road from the side, and then went upstream to the past time and space.

Ye Que took a heavy step and stared at the gate of chaos coldly.

Back then, it was difficult for him to even get close.

Now, he can stand before the gate of chaos.

"Fleeing into the time and space of the past, I will be killed!"

Ye Que punched the gate of chaos, and its ten laws, like a dragon, bombarded the gate with him.

Boom boom boom!

Thirteen Tao-seeking jade stars, capable of destroying hundreds of millions of star fields, now all fell on the gate, shaking the gate violently, and there were faint cracks in the door.

Roar! !

The fission clone turned into a giant tortoise, rushed from a distance, turned into a meteorite bomb, and smashed the door with a bang.

not enough!

"No matter where you flee, I will kill you!"

Ye Que's chaotic eyes were bleeding. He forcibly looked at the past time and space, locking taboo monsters and giant dragons. This was against time and space, and would also be hindered by the dark taboo power of the past.

He is fearless and disregarding everything, and he has already murdered the two things.

Over the years, those two things have hurt him too many times, and now they want to hurt his people even more.

He cannot bear it, nor needs it.

No matter what the price is, they must be killed.

Otherwise, there will be endless troubles.

Rumble! !

Millions of secret techniques were thrown on the gate.

Seeking the jade stars are roaring.

The giant tortoise roared.

The law fully shows the power of the law, the wind, rain, thunder, lightning, time and space destroy chaos, shake the power of the universe, and pour it madly on the gate.

boom! !

Finally, under Ye Que's crazy offensive, the gate of chaos was smashed open.

At the moment it was smashed open, in a dark era in the past time and space, a pair of scarlet eyes opened from the darkness.

"Hiding ten thousand years ago? Here I come!"

Ye Que went against time and space, and every ray of lawful light was fighting against the rules of the ancient path of time and space.

He is swimming against the current and is not allowed.



Every inch of his body was being shattered, but recovered in Nirvana.

The river of time and space is roaring, trying to engulf him, and he uses the law to cross himself, isolating the strangulation of the river of time and space.

In the mist on both sides of the strait, there were faint and strange eyes staring at him. He was fearless, and his murderous intent bloomed in the sky.

The violent power of the Thirteen Star Ancient Gods was completely released, without the slightest compromise, and entered the past time and space purely with the aura of destroying everything.

His aggressiveness and arrogance showed that he was not easy to provoke, those strange eyes, no longer dared to make unnecessary movements.

"Brother Ye Que...don't go...don't go..."

In the mist on the shore, Future Xue Lingluo, who was exiled here, murmured weakly, and there was the sound of chains, it was Future Xue Lingluo moving.

Ye Que hesitated for a moment, but finally his will was firm, and he said in a deep voice: "If you don't kill them, they will become a disaster one day!"

He chose to move forward.

One step on the river surface, forced to go upstream.

It is impossible for him to stay in the universe of the ancient gods all the time. Before leaving, he wants to bury these two scourges.

"You're going to die...I don't want you to die...80 million years after your death...I'm so scared, I don't want to see this scene again..."

A voice of grief came from the mouth of the weak future Xue Lingluo.

Before the future changed, Ye Que died, and she was alone for 80 million years.

After finally changing the future, how could she just watch Ye Que die.

"This time, the tragedy will not happen again! I already have the ability to enter the ancient path of time and space, and I will come to save you next time!"

Ye Que rushed into the past time and space without looking back.

Come to the area ten thousand years ago.

Ye Que jumped into the river and came to the universe of the ancient gods thousands of years ago.

This place is peaceful, and this is still the era of star demon rule.

"come out!!"

Ye Que stood in the starry sky in the extreme south and shouted angrily, the power of the law-making shook the universe of the ancient gods.

As far as the universe is concerned, the power of his law-making has reached the level of tenth-order law-making.

His power is too terrifying.

The ten laws shattered the starry sky, and strange lights were blooming all over his body, and each ray could crush the star field.

Roar! !

The Shiyuan giant tortoise was roaring, and its sound spread to hundreds of millions of stars.


The Chaos Eye locks taboo monsters and giant dragons.

They are on the run, fleeing into the dark void.

Ye Que's three eyes were full of extinction light, and his body was like the body of the gods. With one step, he escaped into the dark void.

"In the land ruled by our Star Demon Clan, any alien race should die! There is a tenth-order method of making, **** it!"

A creation of the Star Demon Race was sent out, chasing and killing the dark void.

At this time, the God Realm was still huddled within the Creation Gate, indifferent to the outside world, and only the True King of the Dark Void noticed it.


Just as the True King of Dark Void was about to get up, his body shook suddenly, and he said in horror: "Time and space! Hmph! If you dare to move time and space, you will die a miserable death!" The conversation changed, and he said in a deep voice, "The order will be passed on, and all methods and above will be destroyed. Those who avoid space-time traveler!"

"Time travel..."

The creation of the Star Demon Clan turned around and left before finishing his words of horror.

Rumble! !

Ye Que held the heavy wheel in his hand and chopped off the tens of billions of dark star fields.

boom! !

The ancient road of time and space flew out of the chain of laws, trying to tie him away.

Dare to move past, this is not allowed by the ancient path of time and space.

"Go away!"

Ye Que yelled angrily, and with one blow of the magic sword of law, he cut off the chain, and stepped forward again, to the place where taboo monsters and giant dragons were located.

For him, this distance is not far.

"Bury it for me!"

Ye Que punched, and the law, blood, and secret techniques were all integrated into the fist.

That punch shook the universe.

The taboo monster stepped on the evil dragon, but it was not afraid, it just smiled coldly: "Dare you come in?"

The space-time in front of it is distorted again.

In the end, before that punch came, it went to a longer time and space.

Ye Que remained silent, striding forward to shake the starry sky, and finally returned to the ancient path of time and space. At this moment, even if the chains were on his body, he could not stop his determination to destroy the scourge.

He went upstream again, peeping at a more distant era with chaotic eyes, blood was flowing, and obstacles were growing.

Without fear, he forcibly rushed into the past.

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