God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1386: Third Pupil Art - Mirror Surface

The black creature roared, emitting endless violent emotions. Once it appeared, it would pollute everything.

The sky has turned black, it is not darkened, but polluted, and it is disintegrating little by little, unable to recover.

Di Xiwei's sea of ​​laws was also polluted by black creatures, gradually darkened, and almost lost contact with her real self.

"Although you have many laws, but the law pattern is not fully repaired, and the resistance is very weak."

Ye Que walked out, his blood was fully open, and the ten laws were like wings.

Although the number of his laws is not as many as Di Xiwei's, his aptitude is there. After all, he is the ancient **** of good fortune among the ancient gods, and the power of his attached laws is not weaker than Di Xiwei's.

For example.

Everyone is the same bottle, seemingly at the same level, but inside they are not the same.

Ye Que is the bottle, which is full of water and is very heavy.

And Di Xiwei is also a bottle, but there may only be half a bottle of water in it, not even half a bottle of water, it is very light.

Ranks are divided according to weight, regardless of whether they are all a bottle.

But Ye Que is very heavy and can be divided into high ranks.

Di Xiwei is very light and can only be divided into low ranks.

Even though she has many laws, her qualifications limit the power of the laws. Maybe ten laws are not as good as Ye Que's one law.

Besides, Ye Que's laws are very perverted, time, space, chaos, and destruction, these four top-level laws, can overwhelm dozens of laws.

"It's okay, my wife has a lot of laws, she looks bright, and she is a very powerful person at first glance!"

Ye Que has always loved his daughter-in-law, and what is bad can be said to be good. For him, this is the basic operation.

"Then don't shoot, let me destroy him!"

Di Xiwei also had arrogance, before she met Ye Que, she was also a ruthless person with a strong temper.

It's just that after meeting Ye Que, she became obedient in an instant, willing to shrink under Ye Que's dazzling light and be a little woman.

But that doesn't mean she's weak.

"You come!"

Ye Que watched the battle, his eyes scanned the Creation Shield, it was pitch black, and most of it changed to a deep black color.

This is the reason for the increasing infiltration of dark matter.

The Six Realms can't last long.

The dark taboo came too fast, and the five hundred years he estimated would be ahead of schedule.

Rumble! !

Di Xiwei held the dharma-making saber, and all dharmas turned into many visions and beasts, besieging the black creatures.

The two sides fought back and forth, and their combat strength was at the tenth level of the method, so it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

Ye Que glanced at it, and the pressure in his heart increased sharply.

It is impossible for him to be in the Six Realms all the time. If he is gone, this kind of black creature will come again, and the number will become larger and stronger, what should we do?

"Cosmic City!"

Ye Que's worried look jumped onto his face.

Thinking of the safety of the Six Realms, he thought of Universe City.

Cosmos City is not covered by the weapons of good fortune...

"I must find a way to understand the situation in Universe City!"

Ye Que stared at the battlefield, the vision of destruction was reborn, one after another, the laws hit the black creatures one after another, this is suppressing!

He wondered how to get out.

"By the way, I can use the power of the shield of good fortune!"

Ye Que almost forgot.

When he went to the starry sky from the six realms, he was thrown out by the shield of good fortune.

At that time, he was still wandering in the starry sky for three hundred years before meeting Blue Star.

"Before that, I need to finish understanding my data!"

Ye Que came in a hurry, and didn't read the last developed data - Pupil Technique 3.

At the first level of the method, the third pupil of the eye of creation will be activated.

Part of the mind is staring at the battlefield, and part of it is looking at the data.

as follows-

【Pupil Technique 1: Camouflage...】

[Pupil Technique 2: Folding...]

[Pupil Technique 3: Reflection (this pupil technique has the power of short-distance reflection, reflecting the consciousness of the deity to a certain distance, which can be used for scouting and treasure hunting)]

[Note: When this pupil technique is activated, the consciousness is reflected, without any power, and it is very likely to be attacked. Please pay attention to this point to the host! 】

"Conscious reflection."

Ye Que withdrew his thoughts from the data, and at this time, Di Xiwei had already killed the black creature.

"Xiwei, you go back to Ye Tiandian first, I have something important to attend to."

Ye Que went to No Man's Land.

Di Xiwei hesitated for a moment, then returned to Ye Tiandian.

Let's talk about Ye Que.

He came to the eastern wasteland of the world, and flew to a highest peak, which was shrouded in mist and looked like a fairyland on earth.

"Conscious reflection... Since it is the power of the Creation Eye, the level is the same as the Creation Shield, so it should be able to penetrate through the Creation Shield!"

Ye Que sat cross-legged on the mountain peak, adjusted his breath with luck, and suddenly shouted: "Open pupil technique 3: reflection!"

"Ding! Does the host turn on reflection?"

The system confirms again.


"Ding! When the reflection is turned on, it will consume a lot of soul power, please pay attention to the consumption of the host!"

"Ding! Reflex is turning on!"

"Ding! Please choose the place where the mirror reflects!"

Ye Que's eyes became the eyes of good fortune, and the platinum pupils looked at the good fortune shield, as if to see through it.

"I choose, Universe City!"


The Eye of Good Fortune released an invisible energy, rushing towards the Good Fortune Shield.

"Ding! Reflecting!"

"Ding! Penetrating the Creation Shield!"

"Ding! Penetration completed, reflection..."


Before Ye Que had time to be pleasantly surprised, his heart sank when he was shocked by everything outside, like falling into an ice cave, his whole body was icy cold.

In the process of reflection, the consciousness sees the true appearance of the starry sky.

The cosmic sea all over the universe has completely collapsed, and the black seawater polluted by dark matter is scattered all over the universe.

The entire starry sky has been completely dark, like pure ink, swallowing all light and color.

Not even dim light.

Not to mention those stars and nebulae, all were shattered by pollution, and even black holes were swallowed.

Everywhere in the starry sky, the darkness is complete, the darkness is pure, and the darkness makes people feel chills down the spine.

And in this darkness, there is the roar of a terrifying creature, its body is invisible, only its sound is heard, this is a dark and unknown horror, like a cold ghost.

"It's over!"

Ye Que's heart sank and sank.

The universe of the ancient gods was basically destroyed.

"wait for me!"

Ye Que's consciousness reflex speed accelerated, and he went straight to Universe City.


There was a roar that almost knocked his consciousness away.


This is definitely a creation-level taboo creature!

It melts into the darkness, staring at consciousness!

"Quick! Faster!"

Ye Que accelerated the consumption of soul power and increased the reflection speed by a level.


The speed of consciousness reflection becomes faster, gradually pulling away from the taboo creature, and finally throwing the taboo creature away.

Not long after, his consciousness saw a light in the darkness.

"The Light of Cosmic City!"

Ye Que was pleasantly surprised, but when his consciousness descended on Universe City, his mind crashed.


The defense of Cosmos City failed, and it became dilapidated and polluted by a large amount of pollutants.

There are broken creation-level weapons on the city wall, exuding the only afterglow. In the afterglow, there are also a large number of corpses fallen down, polluted by dark objects.

The cosmos city was dark and dead, with no living people, like a dead city.

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