God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1384: came back!

Ye Que's reflection body is the same as the deity, but with half the strength.

Of course, he doesn't care.

All he cares about is getting back.

Nanling deep mountains.

The sky is dark, the earth is shaking, lightning and thunder, violent wind and rain.

Many doomsday-like visions descended in an instant.

Many ferocious beasts crawled on the ground, they panicked, and they all felt an unspeakable power.

Suddenly, a violent thunderbolt fell from the sky.

A translucent man is slowly being reflected, and his body is gradually solidifying.

The coercion on his body was terrifying, and a ray of it revealed that it shattered the area and turned it into an absolute forbidden zone.

That is, the appearance of this ray, the sky of the entire human world was shattered.

Beyond the sky is not the starry sky, but the Creation Shield.

The sky of the human world is gone, and it will take some time for self-recovery.

"Creating a law...at least the coercion of a tenth-order making method!"

Zaofa, a female of the Fayi human race, once followed Di Xiwei to the Six Realms, but was trapped here because of the shield of good fortune that blocked the Six Realms.

At this moment, she raised her head, and there was horror in her voice.

"This time, there is really a remarkable person in reincarnation, but I don't know which era this person is from the ancient god!"

Di Xiwei turned around abruptly, the cold beauty in black, bulging forward and backward, extremely beautiful and extremely cold.

She took a step, her wings spread out, and the power of a hundred laws bloomed on it.

"You want to make a move?"

The woman made a law hesitantly said.

She is only a first-order spell-maker, and she could have defended the Dao for Di Xiwei in the Divine Spirit Realm.

But for some reason, Di Xiwei's realm broke through inexplicably.

Just now, it suddenly broke through to the first level of law-making.

Of course, the Dharma God with one hundred laws is not an ordinary dharma.

"With my current strength, I should barely be able to compete with the tenth-order method! I will assist Xue Lingluo and kill this person!"

Di Xiwei opened the door of space and went to Nanling.

As soon as she passed by, she saw Xue Lingluo arriving.

"This guy is still in the six realms of reincarnation, and he hasn't come out completely!"

The girl is also smart, she sensed the fear of the other party, and made a move without saying a word.

She pressed it with one palm, and suddenly, the power of the six realms plus the power of the six realms of reincarnation blessed her.

Rumble! !

That palm brought absolute suppression, turned into a hundred-meter giant palm, and pressed on Ye Que's body.

Ye Que's body of reflection hadn't finished condensing yet, he was still waiting patiently, unexpectedly Xue Lingluo came, but before he could speak, the girl slapped her and called out, she's so tough.

"Fuck! Girl, it's me! It's me! I'm Ye Que!"

Ye Que yelled.

The girl has no realm, but she has the power of the six realms of reincarnation, and she is also the master of the six realms. She is very powerful. Ye Que will probably be cold after this slap.

"I just sacrificed a lifespan of 100 million years, so just call me back... Damn! Bastard! Take it back!"

Ye Que is going crazy.

How about saying that the girl misses Ye Que very much.

When the girl heard Ye Que's voice, countless memories flooded her mind.

"Brother Ye Que?"

With a subconscious thought, she withdrew that palm.

"Huh! It's okay, it's okay!"

Ye Que heaved a sigh of relief.

However, the mutation happened again.

"Ling Luo, what are you doing? This reincarnated creature is bewitching you! This guy knows that you have absolute control, so he used this method! Kill him quickly, or the Six Realms will be in danger when he comes out Already!"

This is really Ye Que's own daughter-in-law.

As soon as Di Xiwei came out, she slapped her. Ye Que failed to dodge hastily and got a big slap on the face.


Xue Lingluo was flustered, but fortunately, her reaction skills were extraordinary.

She quickly gathered the strongest force, and slapped Ye Que again.

Ye Que never imagined that his biggest enemies in the Six Realms would be his own girl and his daughter-in-law...

"Stop it! Bastards, I'm your man! Have you forgotten that I saved you in the dark memory? Have you forgotten the matter of cultivating the Dao with your body, and becoming a Yin-Yang three-step realm in one step? I I also know that you have a mole on the inside of your leg, and your chest..."

Ye Que said whatever he wanted, he really said all kinds of private and secret things.

At first, Di Xiwei was shocked.

Dark memories, sow the truth with one's body.

This is really not something that reincarnated creatures can know.

Especially the dark memories, only Ye Que and she know about them.

"Is it really Ye Que?"

Di Xiwei murmured.

As soon as she hesitated, she heard something more private. Suddenly, her face turned red.

"It's really you!"

Di Xiwei was surprised, happy, annoyed and ashamed.


The girl withdrew her hand.

She was afraid that the person in front of her was really Ye Que, so she was always paying attention.

Hearing Di Xiwei's words at this moment, she immediately withdrew her hand.

At this moment, Ye Que's reflecting body solidified, revealing his real body.

He wiped the sweat off his face, his legs were still weak, pointed at Di Xiwei and said, "You you you you... just wait for me and see how I will deal with you later!"

How exciting.

After spending 100 million years of life, it was almost for nothing.

"And you...stinky girl, you, you, you..."

Ye Que landed on the mountain, holding on to the stone, a little shocked.

"Don't blame her, she is doing her duty, if you want to blame, blame me!"

Di Xiwei's eyes were red, she went up to support Ye Que, tears fell down one after another.

The outside is so chaotic, and sometimes there are taboo forces invading. She misses and worries, and she is almost sick of lovesickness.

Ye Que hugged her, and many emotions swept through his body, and another sense of familiarity surged in his heart, which fascinated him and almost made him fall.

And this is something that he has always forgotten, but as long as he touches it, as long as he sees it with his own eyes, it will surge out uncontrollably.

"It's good to be back, it's not your fault."

Ye Que became more and more determined to save them.

"Brother Ye Que! I really miss you so much!"

Xue girl turned into the form of an ordinary person, still in the pure white dress, with a thin figure.

She walked towards Ye Que, her eyes were red, and she wanted to seek comfort.

Ye Que lost his mind for a while, recalling the girl in Qingfeng Town Xuefu.

At that time, the Xue family was slaughtered, she was coming out of the hole, and he was just a little turtle the size of a palm, who happened to meet her.

That was the first encounter of fate.

Since then, we met again and again, got to know each other, got acquainted and depended on each other...

"Hi~ What do you want to think about?"

Ye Quake was duplicity, his voice was a little hoarse, but his body was very honest, he reached out and gently stroked the girl's face.

The three of them are still emotional, but the female Zaofa who has been left alone is not so emotional.

She looked at Ye Que, felt the coercion of the tenth-level art-making faintly revealed on Ye Que, and said in shock: "Ye...Ye Que, you already have the tenth-level art-making?"

Back then, Ye Que was only in the Divine Spirit Realm.

How come I haven't seen you for more than ten years? Why did this guy become a tenth-order method?

Ye Que froze for a moment.

He is a first-order method of making, and now he is the body of reflection, only half of the strength of the deity.

But the other party said that he is a tenth-order method...

This shows that even with half of his current strength, he can compete with the tenth-order creation methods in the universe.

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